Epic 7 Garden Foresight Can't Take Eastern Exit?
"At first, Stanley assumed he'd broken the map, until he heard this narration and realized it was part of the game's design all along."
Some games keep a tight rein on the player's capacities. Others never realise in time the full scope of the Combinatorial Explosion and break like a fragile twig the first time a creative player gets a grip on them. Only a brave few dare try and respond wittily and internally-consistently to absolutely everything a player could try.
This is where you go out of your way to get around the limitations of the game, somehow break it, or find other inconsistencies, but once you get there, you find that the dev team has already thought of that possibility. This is where you're not supposed to be, or any place it would take an unreasonable effort to reach. It can also be trying out a vast number of tricks and item combinations and find that each one is accounted for in the game code.
Take note: It's not just about specific reactions where they could've just put a generic one, situations you stumble into randomly, or Easter Eggs found in far away places. It takes thought and effort to find out that the dev team really is one step ahead for this trope to come into effect, when they think about details and events they wouldn't have been expected to.
See also Easter Egg, Crazy-Prepared, Artificial Brilliance, and Genius Programming. Compare The Producer Thinks of Everything, where the creators of a TV show seem to have planned out very, very far ahead, Unexpectedly Realistic Gameplay, when the developers think about this, but the player doesn't and No Fair Cheating, where the dev team installs ways to punish people for trying to achieve goals unfairly (can overlap if they think of the clever cheats too). Contrast with Creator's Apathy.
Examples for specific titles:
- Ancient Domains of Mystery
- Animal Crossing
- Baldur's Gate
- Batman: Arkham Series
- The Binding of Isaac
- Call of Duty
- Copy Kitty
- Deltarune
- Detroit: Become Human
- Deus Ex
- Dishonored
- Dishonored 2
- The Elder Scrolls
- Fallout
- Final Fantasy
- Fire Emblem
- Grand Theft Auto
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
- The Legend of Zelda
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Mass Effect
- Metal Gear
- Mortal Kombat
- NetHack, which is the former Trope Namer.
- Pokémon
- Persona 5
- Red Dead Redemption
- Scribblenauts
- Secret of Evermore
- Six Ages
- The Stanley Parable
- Undertale
Other game examples (by genre)
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Adventure Games
- Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator:
- Using the "Touch" icon everywhere will, in the final case, sometimes bring up a message chastising you for acting like Hercrabbiness. Hercrabbiness is a YouTuber who in her Let's Play of the series enjoyed using it on everything and everyone she could try.
- The final case also brings up a different message for trying to use it on a priest, which is "Shouldn't that be the other way around?"
- At one point in case 5, the player will have a blowfish that has not been prepared properly (read: Very poisonous) in their inventory. Sure enough, there is an actual response to the player telling Ben to eat the poisonous blowfish.
- Using the "Touch" icon everywhere will, in the final case, sometimes bring up a message chastising you for acting like Hercrabbiness. Hercrabbiness is a YouTuber who in her Let's Play of the series enjoyed using it on everything and everyone she could try.
- The Interactive Fiction game Counterfeit Monkey is set in a world in which people are capable of removing any letter from any object's word/term to change it into an entirely different object (e.g. removing the letter 'l' from 'pearl' to change it into a pear), a concept that naturally makes for tons of potential letter-wrangling and object transformations, and it pulls it off beautifully. To list just a handful of examples of the game's staggeringly expansive implementation:
- The crowd at the fair will normally cheer if you solve the word-balance puzzle by changing the apple or pear to something heavier or lighter (e.g. changing the apple to an ale), but they will gasp in disgust instead if you do so by transforming the pear into an (obviously severed) ear.
- It is fully possible to make a cock ring. Attempting to wear it prompts a snarky response from the (male) character currently sharing your (female) body. Showing it to the professor who wants you to change a naughty term to an innocent one causes him to have a hilarious reaction.
"Waterstone sees what you've made of the cock, and clutches desperately at his hair as though he's going to tear it out in tufts. His eyes bulge and water. I've never seen the man so close to apoplexy. I think that was exactly the wrong thing, somehow."
- In fact, the game has various amusing responses to you doing... suggestive things with naughty-sounding items. Putting gel on the (chicken) cock/(church) member/(donkey) ass will cause Alex to awkwardly cut short his typical description of "you rub an amount of gel on the [object]", and trying to get the bartender to paddle any one of these objects into their homonyms will cause her to smirk and refuse to do so.
- If you buy the Britishizing goggles and examine the power cord you get much later on in the game with them on, the cord's prongs will be described differently than if you had examined them without the goggles on.
- If you get the crazy idea of shooting the anagramming gun at its own reflection, it turns into an anagramming gnu. Then the gnu sees its own reflection and changes back into a gun to prevent Unintentionally Unwinnable, and you're even rewarded with an achievement!
- If you still have the rock at the end of the game, you can bypass the kayak puzzle entirely by changing the rock to a roc and getting a free ride across the ocean on its back.
- The Curse of Monkey Island:
- The clock in Puerto Pollo is powered by the clock of the computer running the game. It even plays a bit of LeChuck's theme on the hour.
- There's a series of small signs on Plunder Island set up by the Naturalists' Society. One of these is next to a thorn bush in a patch of quicksand. It identifies the bush as a "Papapishu Bush" and explains that "papapishu" is a native word meaning "ouch". After reading the sign, Guybrush will say "papapishu" instead of "ouch" for the rest of the game. If he doesn't read the sign, he says "ouch" as usual.
- When Guybrush meets Palido Domingo on the beach, he can ask him how long he's been sunbathing. Palido will say he's been sunbathing since the month three months before the date set in the computer. If the game is played in January, he adds "By the way, Happy New Year".
- When making the hangover cure in the endgame, you can tear up your tofu mask and sprinkle it on top. It has no effect, but it changes the item graphic.
- There's a few Easter Eggs that can be found by repeatedly doing things that most people would stop doing when nothing happened initially.
- If the player tries to walk into the lagoon on Blood Island, the game won't let them. If the player persists, Guybrush will eventually walk into the water and find his The Secret of Monkey Island self drowned and tied to the Idol of Many Hands.
- If the player reenters the crypt where Stan has set up his insurance business, all they will get is a greeting from Stan. If the player enters enough times, Maggie from The Dig will appear on the spider's web in the corner, and a spider will appear and drag her off.
- On Skull Island, Guybrush relies on LaFoot to winch him down to King Andre's cave. LaFoot always loses his grip and drops him until Guybrush uses an umbrella to float to King Andre's cave. If the player lets LaFoot drop Guybrush enough times, Guybrush will finish his business with King Andre and take care of one last thing before returning to Blood Island: climbing back up the mountain and throwing LaFoot off.
- Day of the Tentacle:
- In the final sequence, you can attempt to go up to the attic and close the door, but Bernard will say that Purple Tentacle might lock it and trap them up there. There is no reason to go up there in the first place, so it's surprising that there's a specific line to deal with such a situation.
- One puzzle has Hoagie slipping something into the suggestion box for the Constitution. Another puzzle (which has you tricking the founding fathers into starting a fire and later making them evacuate) takes place in the same room. How far along you are in that puzzle affects the first one:
- If Hoagie drops the item in the suggestion box before the fire is started or after it's put out, he suggests they check the box. George Washington says he has an idea to which John Hancock asks "Does it have to do with starting a fire?"
- If Hoagie drops the item in the box after the fire is started, he again suggests they check the box. George Washington again says he has an idea. This time, John Hancock asks if they're going to torment Betsy Ross again.
- If you try to get Hoagie to drop the item in the box during the evacuation, he refuses since no one's watching.
- Laverne starts the game with a scalpel in her inventory, but she doesn't need to use it. (Bernard does.) The first time she's taken to Dr. Tentacle, she asks if he's going to use his scalpel. After he says he's not, she asks if he wants to use hers...unless she's already given it to Bernard or Hoagie in which case she says nothing.
- Edna & Harvey: The Breakout: You can use everything with everything and even talk to inanimate objects (besides Harvey), which will give you unique responses. The only way to do something that doesn't result in a custom response is finding a bug that allows you to do something that wasn't meant to be possible. The default responses aren't even voiced because they weren't meant to be triggered.
- Farnham Fables:
- In general, almost every possible interaction will yield a unique response.
- The hidden "Nudie Mode" allows you to turn clothing invisible when you mouse over it. Obviously, you can see almost any character naked, but this also works on things like background elements and inventory items.
- In Episode 1:
- The fox will run to the south after smelling Gloria's clothes. The princes can either go to the south, or take the long way around the forest; doing the latter will result in the fox being confused as to why you'd do that.
- Once Gloria is reunited with Rachael, whichever prince is currently holding the skirt will be the one to hand it back to her. Normally, this will be Philip, since you have to give him the skirt so he can make the fox track Gloria, but if you give it to another prince first, they will give Rachael the skirt, with a unique sprite and dialogue for each one.
- In Gabriel Knight:
- Climbing the ladder at the bookstore will prompt Grace to threaten to quit the job as she guesses that Gabriel was trying to look over her shirt. During the last act, Grace has been abducted. If Gabriel tries to climb the ladder, he'll say that it's no longer fun without Grace.
- Showing the real vévé pattern to Dr. John will cause him to express his shock on how you got your hands on this, but he will then quickly regain his composture and deny that the vévé is real.
- George of The Jungle The Search for The Secret, based on the George of the Jungle series has a saving system that prevents the player from entering a profane or otherwise inappropriate name by refusing to accept such a name.
- God of War (PS4):
- Atreus has a large number of unique lines depending on what a player does, even some off-the-wall behavior. For instance, if the player has Kratos attack while there are no enemies present (for example, if you're trying out new moves), Atreus may ask "Are you... exercising?"
- Early on in the story, Kratos has to throw his axe into the Lake of Nine in a cut-scene right after a boat-ride from the Witch's cave. Normally, when entering a boat, Kratos never recalls the axe, but when he enters the boat this time, he will recall the axe if he does not have it.
- Normally, Mimir is present whenever Kratos and Atreus fight the Valkyries. However, since you can enter Muspelheim before reviving Mimir (Albiet vastly under equipped), it's possible to fight the Valkyrie Gondul before reviving Mimir, and if so, there's different dialogue between the two. Kratos also gives his own responses to Atreus' complaints as they move up the mountain.
- During your second trip to Helheim you will see Baldur standing near a low wall. Try throwing your axe or a boulder at him and the cursor will disappear, preventing you from damaging him. It's pretty much impossible to ambush him just in case you were trying to see how clever you are.
- In the post-game, if the players visit Freya's cabin, they'll have dialog about what she'll be up to now, Given you killed her son Baldur it's not hard to guess why.
- In the Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy text adventure, it is necessary to the plot at one point to "enjoy Vogon poetry". Earlier, you can "enjoy mud" (it's nice and squishy!), but if you try enjoying Ford, you are sternly told that this isn't that type of game. Additional fun can be had by inputting random words into the Guide — it has entries on some very unlikely things. Also, the game will often refer you to a footnote (Like SEE FOOTNOTE 9), and when you type "footnote 9", it tells you something. If you keep on going through the footnotes (Trying footnote 10, 11, 12, etc.), eventually you get a string of "There is no footnote (number)", until you finally get "It's fun reading all the footnotes, isn't it?"
- King's Quest VI has Alexander Breaking the Fourth Wall to yell at the player if they made him fall repeatedly during one sequence (if he wasn't killed by said fall).
- Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards, being the first Sierra game to be publicly playtested, included a wide variety of possible inputs to any situation, often with comedic responses: During playtesting, the developers would take note of various phrases used by players in certain situations, and think of new ways for the game to react to it. For a particularly amusing example, typing the command "masturbate" at any time would result in the prompt "The whole idea was to stop doing that, Larry!"
- In Lost Pig, there is a topic-based conversation mechanism for interacting with the gnome, who is the only non-player character (apart from the pig). You can choose to ask the gnome about himself, the area he lives in, the player character Grunk, Grunk's mission, most of the game's items and scenery, any strange words he mentions, his philosophies, and a lot more. It can actually take up most of your game time trying to find as many topics to talk to the gnome about as you can. There is a toggle-able menu that suggests topics for you to talk to the gnome about based on what you have seen already and what he has mentioned, but even going through the whole Dialogue Tree created by this doesn't go through all the options. There are several Easter Eggs that can be found by introducing topics that wouldn't normally come up in the story, such as telling the gnome about adventure games.
- Maniac Mansion has some early examples:
- There's a publisher in the game you can send things to and get a contract from. However, the only two things you can send him which will advance the game: the manuscript after it's been edited by Wendy and Green Tentacle's demo tape. If you send him the manuscript unedited or edited by someone other than Wendy, there's a specific cutscene for that. There's also cutscenes if you send the cassette tape with the old record, Syd or Razor playing, or the tentacle mating call on it.
- Furthermore, if Syd or Razor gets a contract for their playing, you can show it to Green Tentacle. He kills you in response.
- If you have Wendy edit the Meteor's manuscript, you can send it to the publisher to get it a contract and present the contract to the Meteor to get a different ending where the Meteor ends up getting interviewed on a talk show. You can also use Bernard to contact the Meteor Police and have it arrested. What happens if you do both? The interview still happens, but gets interrupted by the Meteor Police coming to arrest him.
- Metroid:
- Metroid II: Return of Samus:
- In most sections, you won't be able to traverse the hazardous liquid that prevents you from progressing before killing all of the Metroids in the area without dying a horrible death. At one point near the end, though, you would have enough armor and energy tanks to attempt it normally... if the dev team hadn't added a set of spikes blocking that part of the tunnel. The spikes go away after you destroy the Omega Metroids in the previous section, as does the liquid.
- Further, the various beam items respawn after you collect them, so unless you somehow screw with this aspect, you can never get an Unintentionally Unwinnable by overwriting your Ice Beam permanently, as you will always be able to collect an Ice Beam at the end.
- If the player attempts to enter the Queen Metroid's room before killing all the Metroid larvae, the Queen Metroid does not appear (although she can be heard roaring in the background), and a cluster of crystals blocks the entrance to the egg's chamber. Fortunately, while Samus is barred from returning to the previous room or progressing forward, a hole in the floor allows her to exit the nest and return to the room with the broken Chozo Statue. The Queen Metroid only appears (and the crystals automatically disappear) after all of the larvae are exterminated. Additionally, the hole in the floor is still open during the boss battle (in case the player doesn't have enough missiles or energy and needs to make an emergency exit to restock), but is covered up when the battle ends to ensure that the player can only progress forward and is no longer able to backtrack.
- Super Metroid:
- It's possible to "beat" Ridley on the Ceres Space Station at the beginning of the game. If you deal enough damage without taking too much yourself, he'll briefly drop the capsule with the last Metroid, only to grab it again and fly off.
- The fight with Draygon can be made much simpler if you shoot out one of the cannons on the walls, exposing electric wiring inside, letting Draygon capture you, and then using the Grappling Beam to connect to the wires, channeling the electrical circuit through Samus and shocking Draygon to death.
- You can turn off upgrades in the menu, and there are distinct beam animations for every possible combination of activated beam weapons, which amounts to 26 different beam animations (given that the Spazer and Plasma Beams are unable to be enabled at the same time without hacks).
- If by some chance you are able to sequence break all the way through the searing hot caves of Upper Norfair without the Varia Suit and survive, arriving at Lower Norfair will result in a very rude awakening: almost every single room is as hot as the worst parts of Upper Norfair. It's virtually impossible to get anywhere through it without a tool assisted run.
- During the second half of the final battle, if you stop blasting Mother Brain for a moment, you'll notice that she attacks much more frequently (bordering on Beam Spam) and moves much faster than in the first half. This doesn't make the battle any more difficult - it just serves to show that Mother Brain realizes the gravity of her current situation.
- Metroid Fusion:
- It's possible to leave Sector 4 without collecting the Diffusion Missiles by doing an incredibly difficult series of Shinesparks. Doing so will award Samus with a secret cutscene where the AI and the mysterious Federation official commend her on her skillful use of the Shinespark before telling her to "get back on task" and wondering how many players will see the message.
- On your first trip to Sector 6, Samus has to contend with blue X Parasites that have adapted to Sector 5's sub-zero temperatures. Being that Samus is now part-Metroid, these freezing X do a lot of damage to her when they intentionally suicide bomb Samus as an attack. After getting the Varia Suit, which protects Samus from extreme temperatures, the blue X become just more healing: however, the X don't immediately know that and will continue to throw themselves Samus until physically seeing it's no longer harming her, after which they'll start to run. You can even continue to avoid the blue X like they're a hazard and they'll still try to attack her all the way to the end of the game.
- In Metroid: Zero Mission, steps are taken to make sure the player can continue ahead even after performing ridiculously complex Sequence Breaking. For instance, if the player gets the Screw Attack early, the Ripper that must be frozen so that you can stand on it during the Kiri Guru boss fight cannot be killed by the attack, unlike other Rippers. And it's even possible to beat the game with only 15% (or as low as 8%) of all the items, thanks to several hidden routes that allow you to proceed forward.
- Metroid Prime: During the escape sequence at the end of the prologue, there is a cutscene that ultimately ends in Samus losing all her powerups. It's possible to skip this cutscene by clipping out of bounds and taking a shorter path that doesn't even see the room... but when you land on Tallon IV, you'll find that Samus lost her gear anyway. Humorously, there is no similar check for the sequel's equivalent moment, which can cause some Unintentionally Unwinnable if mishandled, but can make the beginning of the game easier if worked with properly.
- Metroid Dread was designed with speedrunners in mind, with developers accounting for players fighting certain bosses with equipment obtained before the "intended" time. The pinnacle of this is the prerendered video for accessing the final area; this is a unique transition with its own video unseen for any other transitions yet the developers included three separate versions of it to account for Samus having only the Varia Suit or even just the Power Suit even though reaching that point of the game without the Gravity Suit is impossible without using unintended glitches. This proved prescient: speedrunners pulled off such runs within weeks of the game's release.
- Metroid II: Return of Samus:
- At the start of Metroidvania game Ghost 1.0, you're prompted to enter your name and advised to "choose wisely, as it can't be changed later". If you type "wisely", the game responds "Ha-ha, very funny" and quits to desktop. If you enter "changed later", the game reminds you that your name can't be "changed later" and tells you to "type another name". If you type "another name", the game expresses its annoyance and quits to desktop again. Each of these also nets you an achievement.
- Minecraft: Story Mode:
- At the first crafting table, you're given a couple of items and asked to create a sword. However, due to the particular set of ingredients given to you, you can create a lever instead. Doing this nets you an achievement and a bemused reaction from Petra, who tells you to try again. The lever comes back three episodes later, when you actually use it to open a secret passage.
- When you're asked to choose between Olivia and Axel's plans at the end of the first episode, they start listing reasons why you should go with their choice. If you stand around long enough, they eventually fall silent and just wait for your decision, but if you wait even longer...
Axel: Uh... goggles.
Olivia: What?
Axel: I'm running out of things to say. - In one puzzle, Jesse has to craft something that can be used to hit a pressure plate at the opposite end of a room. The most obvious solution is to create a bow and arrow, but creating a fishing rod will also solve the problem (you end up using the hook to activate the plate).
- Ōkami: being a game based around using your Celestial Brush to interact with and create objects, there are many extra things you can use the brush for other than the set skills the game teaches you. For example, you can use your brush on any NPC you wish. Summoning bombs or slashing them will send them flying, but drawing a circle around them can make them react happily and rush to pet you. Drawing circles on the residents of Kamui Village uniquely turns them into wolves.
- One particularly funny usage of the brush that exemplifies Developer Foresight can be found after defeating Orochi during the festival in Kamiki Village. Several villagers are sat round a barrel of Thunder Sake, and it is possible to get each of them drunk or even electrocute them with it.
- The entire point of the interactive fiction Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle. Just start with the title alone, and try flying, swimming, or some infamous IF buzzwords, really, anything, and see the results. PUTPBAA is a combination of two earlier games with a similar concept: the author's own Pick Up the Phone Booth and Die, and Aisle. The latter game takes place in the middle of a grocery store, and only lasts a single turn. The player can use this window of time to perform such psychotic actions as climbing the grocery shelves, or stripping naked.
- Quest for Glory: The series had a ton of these, especially amusing for players who think of particularly creative ways to get themselves killed.
- If you play as a thief, you start out with a lock pick in your inventory. If you type "pick nose", the hero will stick the lock pick up his nose and die, and you will get a game over. However, if your lock-picking skill is high enough, you will get a message that says, "Success! Your nose is now open!". Later games have the game reply "Success!" with the same sound effect the player hears when picking a lock. This also increases your lock picking skill.
- In the second game, you can actually cross the Impassable Desert by yourself and reach the city of Raseir instead of waiting for the caravan to cross as part of the group. It doesn't actually do anything for you because the city guards won't let you in, but if you have enough supplies and know where to go, it can be done.
- Entering the EOF initiation test with a lighted lamp will disqualify you because you didn't obey the EOF's orders.
- Throwing mud at Ad Avis will not work and he'll mock you for it,
- Extremely common in Rabi-Ribi. The game has achievements for doing things like fighting Lilith before gaining the help of any bosses, beating the game without collecting any items except the bunny amulets and consumables, and in the later case, some parts of the game world change to accommodate your lack of movement options, like new springs and breakable walls.
- Rise of the Tomb Raider: in the geothermal valley there is a well. Since it doesn't look too much deep, and there is water on the bottom, the developers realized that players would obviously jump inside, only to find that Lara can't jump out anyway; thus they added climbable rock inside the well to allow her to use her pick-axes.
- Sam & Max Hit the Road has it that you can try to pick up something that can't be picked up and Sam will tell you this. If you repeatedly try to pick up the object, he will get more and more upset and eventually Max will comment. However, that's not the Foresight part. The Foresight comes into play if you try to do this during the point of the game where Sam and Max are separated (when Conroy and Lee-Harvey throw Max into the Mini-Golf course) and Sam has a new set of lines.
- Episode 3 of Tales of Monkey Island (Lair of the Leviathan): If you for some reason decide to help De Cava collect 100,000 grubs in order to build a new Cochlea for the manatee (A task which would take around 9 months of non-stop playing without modifying the save file); not not only will you receive unique dialogue from him when you collect 50,000 and 99,999. But the entire chapter of the game that has you recovering the old one will be skipped (with you still capturing De Cavas crew somehow, despite never even meeting them now).
- The original Tomb Raider for PS1 made very sure a lot of the weapons were hard to miss:
- There are many places where if you miss a weapon, you'll find it at one of that weapon's ammo pickups in a later stage, and in increasingly obvious places (going from hidden secrets to being in plain view. Even if you miss every single time, you get one final opportunity to do so in Natla's Mines where each member of the Quirky Miniboss Squad is carrying one of the three findable weapons and are set up in a way where it's practically impossible to get past without fighting them. If you don't have a full inventory after this stage, you are deliberately avoiding picking up weapons.
- That said, it is actually possible to get through Natla's Mines without reclaiming any of your weapons, even the starting pistols. If you do, to ensure the game isn't Unintentionally Unwinnable you'll just start the next level with the pistols in your inventory. There'll also be a free Uzi pickup practically right in front of you, meaning you'd have to be one stubborn donkey to miss these ones.
- In The Sword Of Etheria, the tutorial asks you to perform a knockback attack, however it fails to tell you that the attack requires you to have stunned the enemy for it to work until after it is attempted. The dialogue changes if the player succeeded in their attempt, acknowledging their success and then explaining the technique in case the player stumbled on the correct answer.
- A rather dark example occurs in Wandersong. If you try to Sequence Break the game by playing the first three songs when you aren't supposed to know them, it triggers a "special ending" where Audrey murders the Nightmare King, and the Bard and Miriam observe the world ending. Then the game cuts to black.
- Zork:
- The game responds to commands such as "win" and "die", and characters react to the phrase "Hello, Sailor".
- In Zork II, at one point you come across a room containing naught but a giant bucket. If you should type "kick bucket" while trying to Get Ye Flask, the parser helpfully replies, "Kick the bucket? OK, if you insist. *** You have died ***"
- "Eat", 'Eat what?', "Eat Self", "auto-cannibalism is not the answer."
- "Count Blessings" results in "Well, you're playing Zork, for one..."
Card Battle
- Hearthstone:
- The Paladin-exclusive Noble Sacrifice triggers when an enemy attacks and summons a 2/1 minion which redirects the attack to itself. As the name implies, the Noble Sacrifice is not expected to survive this, but it is possible by various methods, such as blocking the original attack, buffing the Sacrifice to tank it, or just resurrecting him afterwards. Appropriately, his attack line sounds pleasantly surprised that he's alive at all.
- Doomsayer is a 0/7 that destroys itself and all minions at the start of your next turn, and is summoned with a dramatic "THE END IS COMING!". If you manage to attack with it note Either Silencing it to prevent the effect or giving it Rush/Charge, then giving it an attack boost, he'll proclaim "Did I miss it?"
- Adventure mode bosses have several minions that are unobtainable to players, but can be controlled through cards like Mind Control. These unique minions also have attack quotes, with many of them sounding quite disdainful/surprised that they are being used by the player.
- The "sorry" emote was removed from the emote list (due to people using it sarcastically) however even after that every new hero released has still had a "Sorry" line recorded. Why? Because there's one joke card that randomizes your emote selection and that can generate the old "Sorry" emotes.
- Shadowverse:
Fighting Games
- From Blaz Blue Chrono Phantasma onwards, the Mirror Match theme — Blood Pain II — will also play for Jin vs. Hakumen matches. By this point in the series, this is more of a Late-Arrival Spoiler.
- Dragon Ball FighterZ
- Typically, when Android 18 uses her Accel Dance super, Android 17 joins her. If she is on the same team as Krillin, however, her husband will join her instead.
- Beerus's level-3 super has two different animations. Typically, it consists of Beerus flicking his opponent on the forehead, like when he first fought with Goku on King Kai's planet. If the attack does enough damage to KO Goku Black or Fused Zamasu, however, the animation is changed to Beerus erasing Black and/or Zamasu from existence as he does Present Zamasu in Dragon Ball Super.
- If Gotenks is on the same team as Piccolo when using his Charging Buu-Buu Volleyball attack, Piccolo will join in.
- If Adult Gohan is not on the same team as Gotenks, his Ultimate Kamehameha super will change into the Brothers Kamehameha, which he fires with Goten by his side note Goten can't join in if Gotenks is on the same team, since he's fused. Additionally, if Super Saiyan Goku note And only Super Saiyan Goku, no other version of Goku will work is on Gohan's team while Gotenks isn't, Goku will join in and turn it into the Family Kamehameha.
- Depending on the combination of team compositions and stage selection, extra cutscenes may play before a battle begins or after a battle ends that pays tribute to key events in the series. For example, if Goku and Frieza are the lead characters on their respective teams when starting a fight on Planet Namek, a cutscene will open of Frieza murdering Krillin, triggering Goku's transformation into a Super Saiyan. If the stage is transformed into its destroyed version as a result of a Destructive Finish, and Goku wins against Frieza in the end, another cutscene will play of Goku flying away, Frieza launching one final attack on Goku, and Goku countering and killing Frieza.
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: DUAL Ultimates are powerful combo attacks with which your hero uses one of a given character's strongest moves in tandem with that character (for example, the Kamehameha with Goku). Android 16's is Hell's Flash — and 16 has to detach his hands to use it. However, when your hero uses it, they mimic the initial pose... but fire the earth-shattering blast from their open palms instead. The same happens if they use Eis Shenron's Ice Cannon, which is ordinarily fired from his left arm shifted into an Arm Cannon.
- In Fist of the North Star: Twin Blue Stars of Judgment, Kenshiro's "Hokuto Zankai Ken" super imposes a time limit on his victim, in which they lose the round via classic Hokuto pressure point hitting when said timer runs out. However, when done on Souther, nothing will happen to him at all when the timer runs out and he even laughs about it, reflecting his dextrocardia immunity to Hokuto Shinken.
- The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy:
- Every playable character has a different quote for when the final boss fight begins.
- Should the player choose to play through story mode while wearing an alternate costume, Mandy will be wearing one of her own alternate costumes during the part where the player has to control her and make her beat up Billy during the end credits.
- The console versions of Guilty Gear XX Accent Core up to Plus R include a bonus "GG Generations" option which changes the game's mechanics slightly to resemble previous games. "GG" mode changes how Instant Kills work so that they can be repeatedly used and escaped from via onscreen button prompts. If the victim misses the inputs they eat an immediate unfailing Instant Kill. Yet Order-Sol's Instant Kill "Dragon Install Sekkai" is a long and complicated button combination, and the actual IK portion only triggers if the victim's health is low enough, so how did the dev team work around this? When Order-Sol's in "GG" mode, performing a successful IK here triggers his EX form's IK, "All Guns Blazing."
- May's Instant Kill in Xrd (where she blasts her opponent into the sky with one of the Mayship's cannons) gives May unique dialogue when she uses it on Johnny, the owner of the Mayship. Also, Dizzy's Instant Kill (where she diverts an incredibly powerful Kamehame Hadoken before Necro can vaporize her opponent with it, and her opponent surrenders after seeing the ensuing mushroom cloud in the background) gets absolutely no reaction from Bedman (who's in a coma throughout all his fights), and Elphelt using her Instant Kill (where she fires a special bullet at her opponent that makes them fall in love with her) has dialogue from a Mirror Match Elphelt lampshading how she's being seduced by herself.
- Xrd in general has a surprising amount of this. Each character has a different reaction to Dizzy's IK, for example. Certain character combinations will trigger special dialogue under certain conditions as well - Sin's IK has special lines that only ever trigger when facing Dizzy, Sol, or Ky. Faust's dialogue is noticeably more hostile whenever facing Zato. Elphelt has a special winquote that only triggers when defeating Sin.
- In Marvel vs. Capcom 3, the Kattelox Island stage normally has Tron Bonne in the background next Tiesel Bonne, cheering on the fighting. If Tron Bonne is one of the fighters, though, she will disappear from the background and Tiesel will cheer her on instead. One step further: If two Trons fight each other, Tiesel will appear confused and stare at the two of them trying to work out what's going on. If Tron is defeated, Tiesel will hunch over and look depressed for the rest of the match.
- In Slap City, each character has their own win quotes after a Vs. match depending on who you beat. This also applies to many of the alt skins (as they are different characters using the same moveset). There is also unique dialogue for winning a team match and a 4v4 match. They even have lines for the scenario in which a person in a vanilla character skin set beats someone using an alt skin set of the same character.
- Princess Remedy and Frallan canonically used to date in their own series and can marry in the first game. As a nod to that, If Princess Remedy and Frallan are in the same match, and one grabs the other, they can press the taunt button to do a special "throw" (it's them kissing). Also, if specifically both of them are on the same team and win a match, there's not only unique dialogue, but a unique victory animation, neither of which plays if Remedy teams up with Frallan's alt character, Nuna.
- In Street Fighter 4, the Small Airfield stage has Balrog ("Boxer") appear in the door of one of the planes. If Balrog is one of the fighters, Vega ("Claw") will appear instead. If both Balrog and Vega are fighting, M. Bison ("Dictator") will appear instead. This is also also a reference to how these three characters had their names swapped around between the Japanese and English version note Respectively, Boxer, Claw, and Dictator are known as Mike Bison, Balrog, and Vega in Japan, hence the use of nicknames.
- Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U has the Spirit Train from The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks as a stage, with Link operating it. But if either Link or Toon Link is selected to fight, then Alfonzo will be driving the train. Similarly, the Dream Land 64 stage still has the "King Dedede sometimes floats by in the background" element that it had in both the original Super Smash Bros. and Melee, but unlike those two games, Dedede is playable now, and if he's selected to fight, that background element simply won't appear.
- In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Assist Trophies and Poké Ball Pokémon will not spawn from their respective items if they already have a presence on the stage. Alucard will not spawn on stages with reflections or mirrors due to him being a half-vampire.
- Also in Ultimate, Palutena's Guidance for Cloud mentions how his Finishing Touch attack deals high knockback despite only doing 1% damage. However, if the current match is a Stamina match (where knockback matters much less), Pit will remark that he doesn't need to worry about that.
- Palutena's Guidance in general will have differences depending on if Pit's opponent is using a male or female variation, or if the alternate costume is someone different like Alph or the Koopalings. Similarly, Snake can't make a CODEC call about Ike in his Radiant Dawn visage; it has to be the Path of Radiance version which featured in Brawl.
- In the obscure 90's fighting game War Gods, Pagan's "Medusa's Head" fatality involves her pulling out the gorgon's head, which turns the opponent into stone then blasts them to pieces. But if her opponent is Tak, who's already a Living Statue, the "turning into stone" part won't work on him and he'll taunt the head instead. Medusa still blasts him to pieces.
First-Person Shooter
- Area 51 (FPS): In one level, you start off near a gas station. If you shoot the sign for it, one of your teammates will remark "I don't like those prices, either".
- The first time the Luteces appear in BioShock Infinite after Booker has a weapon, he can try to shoot them. Doing so results in them remaining unharmed and saying "You missed." Continuing to shoot them results in an Overly Long Gag of them saying "Missed. Missed Again. Four out of five? And a miss. We can do this all day."
- If you hang around the Luteces after they've finished their first speech, they'll eventually tell you that it's pointless to wait around for them to leave, but they'll disappear as soon as you're not looking.
- The training tutorial in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive takes place inside an enclosed target practice room, and opens with an announcer asking you to empty your gun into the target in front of you. He will acknowledge your actions if you decide to instead empty your gun into everything but the target.
- Additionally, when the training surprises you with flashbang training (by dropping one in front of you), the game reacts if you react appropriately.
- Half-Life:
- In Half-Life 1, immediately after the resonance cascade but before you are granted any weapons, you have to talk to a scientist and have him use a retinal scanner to open a door for you. It is possible, of course, to kill this scientist, just like all the others, but it takes some doing
— you have to wait for a different scientist to eventually resuscitate a downed guard, then slowly push that guard back to his doom so he'll drop a pistol for you to shoot the retinal-scanner scientist. The instant that scientist dies, the door automatically opens.
- In Half-Life 2, there's one spot where you have to activate a gate by plugging two car batteries into a contraption. One is right next to it, and the other is, predictably, inside a car. Said car is extremely heavy to prevent you from punting it off the cliff with the gravity gun like you can with the others, and if you decide to stone-cold pick up the battery and fling it into the ocean... it respawns. Additionally, in the first chapter of the game, the player must move a crate to an open window to climb out and progress. If the player inexplicably throws all ten-or-so crates out the window, the crates will respawn.
- In Episode 1, the player does not have a weapon for a portion of the game. There is a room you fall into with a gate, with a lock you must shoot off with a gun. This is to ensure the player finds a weapon in that room before continuing. However, if the player, for some reason, wastes every round of ammunition in that room without shooting off the lock, the lock will simply fall off and the gate will open, allowing the player to progress anyway.
- Half-Life: Alyx: There are various items you can find that you can wear as hats or masks. Most are what you'd expect, such as construction hard hats or respirators, but the game also lets you wear more unorthodox things like traffic cones. But what really pushes it into this trope is that, if you walk under a Barnacle while wearing something on your head, the hat will get grabbed and sucked up instead of you.
- In Half-Life 1, immediately after the resonance cascade but before you are granted any weapons, you have to talk to a scientist and have him use a retinal scanner to open a door for you. It is possible, of course, to kill this scientist, just like all the others, but it takes some doing
- In Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, remember the second part of the Normandy level, where you call in a P-47 Thunderbolt to bomb out German artillery pieces? Well, you can call that same aircraft in later to destroy a German half-track hampering your way. The reason he doesn't help you to destroy the Tiger I tank encountered later in the same level is due to the pilot telling Powell that he has to make it back to base due to low ammo.
- The Nameless Mod:
- It has this all over the place, mostly because as a mod for an almost twenty-year-old game, they know all the exploits in the engine. For example: climbing over a fence before you can unlock it will result in an NPC on the other side asking how you got there, and listing some of the possible methods, such as grenade climbing (sticking a grenade to the wall, jumping on it, sticking another to the wall, jumping, removing the first, and repeating).
- There is an area that you will only be given password information needed to enter if you ally with one faction. If you remember the password and use it to enter while aligned with the other faction, you will receive special messages commenting on your entry and giving a little information about the area.
- Not only that, if you break the game's plot by doing something like killing a plot-important NPC (who are normally protected by armies of goons and robot turrets), the game will actually call you out on it (in the form of a large talking logo of the modder group, no less), and ask you why you felt it was a good idea to try to break the game, with answers ranging from in-game justified reasons to "It seemed like fun". The logo will then kill you for breaking the game.
- Prey (2017): The game will almost always acknowledge if you skip steps in quests or do things in different orders than expected. For example, if you head to Psychotronics before inspecting the elevator, January will wonder how you knew the elevator was broken, then give you the instructions they'd normally give there.
- If you look at Morgan's feet during the intro helicopter ride, you see they're tapping their feet to the background music.
- Morgan's bathroom at the start of the game will have the toilet seat up or down depending on which gender you're playing as. That's attention to detail.
- You can kill just about every character anytime you meet them and the plot will change accordingly, such as saving December by killing January before the latter kills the former, something that the game never even hints is possible.
- The epilogue takes an incredible amount of choices into account and has Alex and his team discuss them in a manner that sounds completely natural, averting Mad Libs Dialogue. For instance, if you kill Alex in the simulation but nobody else, the operators will warn Alex he should be wary, since "Morgan" seems to have something against him and Alex will defend you, saying you had every reason to do so. They'll even remark on when you do some things, such as wondering why you saved Igwe only to kill him later, if you did so.
- Literally every single NPC on Talos-1 is a named character and accounted for. Every single one. You can use the terminals in each department's security booth to track who is where on the station; not only can this be used to track down specific people, but it updates in real time to account for NPCs changing locations.
- The Scavenger Hunt will change the chipset from being very useful to completely worthless depending if you put in the code before or after actually finding all of the numbers.
- Quake: in the first map of the third episode of the Scourge of Armagon expansion pack, at the beginning, you have to ride a trolley across an acid-filled chasm while fending off deadly explosive volleys from Vores, reach a tower, and fight your way up for a key. Or, you can sequence-break the whole thing by climbing the surrounding cliff, walking across an extremely thin ledge, and hop right on top of the tower. The game acknowledges this by triggering a message that reads "You're not supposed to be here!"
- The Quake example above is a throwback to Duke Nukem 3D, where various hard-to-access areas of the game have similar "You Aren't Supposed To Be Here" messages scrawled on the walls. Some of them you can only find by using the walk-through-walls cheat, as in the section with the helicopter at the end of Episode 3 Map 4 ('L.A. Rumble').
- For being a game created purely for multiplayer, the devs paid a hilarious amount of attention when it came to bots responding to player chat messages
in Quake III: Arena.
- Team Fortress 2:
- Like most Source Engine games, players have the ability to type "kill" into the developer console to instantly die, in case they get stuck somehow and need to respawn as a last resort. When a team wins a round, during the brief time before the next round starts, they gain 100% critical hits while the losing team loses access to their weapons, something that fans have come to call "humiliation". Lest players decide to suicide to deny their opponents a free kill, the "kill" command is disabled during this period. The Soldier's suicide-bomb taunt, however, is not; this was probably intentional.
- The Spy has an unlockable invisibility watch called the Dead Ringer, which instead of activating immediately, will cause him to feign his death when he is attacked, leaving behind a fake corpse as the real Spy vanishes into the shadows (mostly) unharmed. Because this is a video game, a real kill does a lot more than just ragdoll the Spy's player model — his weapon and an ammo box drop to the ground (which is what happens when anyone dies in this game), his name is grayed out in the scoreboard, a kill notification appears in the top right as if the Spy actually died, and the killer earns a point and, in certain circumstances, possibly also a Steam achievement for "killing" the Spy. All of this has been taken into account and all will trigger (or pretend to trigger) upon a fake kill, just in case the player is paying extra close attention.
- But there are still clues a savvy player can use to tell if a Spy has used the Dead Ringer. For example, when a player uses the DR, the ammo box that they drop doesn't actually provide any ammo, and has no sound effect when picked up. This is essentially the only flaw in the deception, asides from an overeager Spy dropping dead from Scratch Damage.
- The Sniper's "Skewer" taunt kill sees him pull an arrow from his quiver and stab his opponent with it, killing them instantly. If the Sniper has run out of ammo for his bow, however, he cannot use this taunt.
- Tower of Guns:
- If you are smart enough to climb out of the main area of the Battlements level and jump off the Tower while possessing the Long Fall perk, you find yourself in a small secret stage with developer Joe, who pretends to be surprised by your actions and warns you that leveling and player stats may behave oddly. After that, you have to start from the very first level.
- If you jump (or fly) too high in the Battlements, you get a warning message warning about possible "buggy collision detection at such heights". However, if you strive for ascension to the very top of the Tower (which is very unlikely, since it may require stacking 20 double jumps with increased jump height or obtaining an exceedingly rare gun with recoil so strong that it can serve as a jetpack), after climbing those humongous clockwork-like steampunk mechanisms, there is another message from the dev that congratulates you with "breaking the game", and a reward consisting of even more perks that are, well, quite useless if you are so good to have reached the top.
- Unreal Tournament 2004 has the Lightning Gun sniper weapon. It's hitscan and has no area damage, so it's theoretically impossible for players to kill themselves with it. However, just in case someone, somehow, does manage to do just that, the devs left in an appropriate suicide message: "<player's name> violated the laws of space-time and sniped himself".
- Aperture Hand Lab: In the start, the game has unique messages when you wait too long before exiting the elevator or moving to the platform. In the elevator, the announcer starts repeatedly urging you to exit the elevator before giving you the back-up exercise: "achieving excellence while standing in an elevator", and then, after you "complete" it, it gives you the next exercise: "achieving excellence by exiting the elevator". The game also has similar messages about approaching the platform as well. Also, the game acknowledges when you are Flipping the Bird to the personality cores.
- Death Stranding has a lot of this. Unsurprising, considering who made it:
- Play the game on your birthday and there will be a birthday cake in Sam's room, as well as a special message from Mads Mikkelsen giving you some extra Likes.
- Early on, you're informed that BTs respond poorly to human bodily fluids (blood, mucus, urine, etc.) and you later get anti-BT weapons that exploit this fact. You may remember that there's a urination mechanic in this game. It works on BTs; yes you can fight ghosts by pissing on them.
- While transporting, you can come across hot springs that you can use to bathe. If you do it while transporting human cargo, the person you're transporting will join you in the hot spring and later give you extra Likes.
- Sam's harmonica playing improves dynamically; at the start of the game he sucks, and he improves based on how much you have him practice.
- Trying to use the urinate mechanic on other people gets rightfully disgusted refusals from Sam. Trying to do it on Bridget's corpse makes Sam freak the hell out ("What the fuck is wrong with you?").
- The nature of the setting requires that Sam take out enemies non-lethally for safety reasons. Think you can get around that by knocking enemies unconscious into water so they'll drown? Wrong. They have auto-inflating life jacket collars that keep their heads above water, just like you.
- At one point, the Big Bad replaces one of your packages with a bomb, starting a quest where you have to find Fragile and get her help disposing of it... or you can just skip meeting Fragile and dispose of the bomb yourself by doing all the steps right away. Do it, and you get a special radio conversation between Sam and Die-Hardman lampshading your Sequence Breaking.
- Don't Escape 4: When you get to the Sidereal Plexus lab on Day 3, whilst trying to get in the roof will collapse, ordinarily leaving Barry and Cody both in danger. If you happen to get to that point in the game having not recruited Barry or Cody, the roof still collapses, but the game treats it much less dramatically (with the music that usually plays absent) since nobody is in danger.
- Event[0] had a notable amount of work put into programming the dialogue for Artificial Intelligence character Kaizen. Since the player's only method of interacting with the world is through interfacing with Kaizen, the game needs to be able to recognize a large amount of possible inputs and respond in a way consistent with his current in-game mood. This results in thousands of possible lines of dialogue, as well as a system to switch up some phrases to sound less pre-programmed and more like a natural conversation. This video
(warning: some spoilers) goes more in-depth.
- The Jackbox Party Pack: In Quiplash, certain responses to specific prompts will earn a specific response from Schmitty the host. For example, if you answer "The world's most boring video game" with "Quiplash", Schmitty will get quite testy (and vulgar). He also has specific responses for if someone tries to name themselves "fuck you" either once, twice, or three times in a row - the first time he'll make you change your name, the second he'll deduct $5000 before you even start, and the third he'll declare you the loser outright.
- In Job Simulator, there's a copy machine that duplicates whatever you put on it. For example, if you put a stapler on it, you get a fully functional stapler. So what happens when you physically put your face on it? You get a brain.
- You can also put money in the copy machine, which results in poorly-made counterfeit money with "nice try" written on the back.
- League of Legends:
- Items that have an effect that can be activated will also have a cooldown time associated with this effect. Selling the item while its effect is on cooldown and then buying it again immediately will return you the item back at the start of its cooldown period again. A similar trick ensures that the Keystone rune Unsealed Spellbook can't be used to do away with summoner spell cooldowns if you use the rune twice in quick succession — replacing a spell on cooldown for a new one will cause the new spell to still be on the same cooldown time as the old one was. Additionally, if you are waiting to respawn and buy Redemption, the only item that can be activated while dead, it will start on a cooldown equal to your respawn timer.
- Some champions have reaction quotes to buying certain items. Occasionally this includes items that are thematically fitting for the character but that would never actually be useful in gameplay, such as Karthus buying Athene's Unholy Grail (an item whose best perk is when you heal or shield an ally, which Karthus is incapable of doing note Summoner spell Heal aside).
- In every Mario Party game, if you somehow have the max amount of stars (which can basically only be achieved by hacking), the NPCs doling them out will tell you that you can't carry anymore.
- The Mario Party 8 Challenge minigame "Fruit Picker" requires the player to memorize five fruit symbols on a wheel, which then turns, and pick out one to three of the symbols. If the player pauses or presses the Wii's Home Menu button, the symbols disappear until they unpause to prevent players from cheating by writing the symbols down.
- The Super Mario Party minigame "Rhythm and Bruise" involves whacking plastic Monty Moles with a hammer in time to the music. If you play as Monty Mole, he'll be visibly sweating.
- Also in Super Mario Party, if you play as Bowser and land on a Bad Luck Space,
Kamek will cower and apologize profusely.
- Levels in Motocross Madness were square valleys delimited by sudden and very steep mountains, apparently impassable. If, however, you got enough speed and approached them at the proper angle, it was possible to — just barely — climb on top, and find a flat, featureless land. The curious player who would then ride off in the sunset, expecting to find a fall into the void, an invisible wall, or just an out-of-bounds crash, would then find that the devs had foreseen this, and planned accordingly. Cue a cannon sound, followed by the player and bike being launched back inside the level boundaries at ridiculous speed.
- The Mystery Case Files developers tend to think of everything a player might do, however odd or counter-intuitive. For example, in Escape From Ravenhearst, you can run every object accessible at the time through a scanning device, and see its X-ray image; if you're playing the Collector's Edition in which tokens must be gathered and energized, the tokens' scans show sparkles after charging, just like the tokens do.
- One remix stage in NES Remix has you play through a mirrored version of World 1-2 from Super Mario Bros as Luigi. The instructions are "Get to the Goal Pole!". If you beat the level by taking one of the warp pipes instead, it counts as a Miss.
- Ring Fit Adventure is an exercise game that requires some pretty intense workouts. But for those worried about bothering their neighbors and roommates, it also includes "Silent Mode", which substitutes the more vigorous exercises with quieter/softer ones.
- Even more clever — the infrared sensor on the right joycon is used to measure the player's heart rate after a workout.
- Town of Salem in fact has results for investigative actions that are, under normal circumstances, impossible. (Consigliere investigating fellow mafia members, this cannot happen.) It also has achievements for actions that are highly improbable but can only happen under a transporter or witch screwing with the targets, such as a framer framing themselves, a janitor cleaning their own dead body, or a killing role attacking themselves.
- WarioWare:
- In Orbulon's stage in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!, the life counter consists of four Alien Bunnies trying to get Orbulon to their spaceship. In the end, when Orbulon plans to take over the ship, an Alien Bunny replies "Shucks!" and drops Orbulon back onto the Oinker. The default amount is four. But, were you to lose a life and then clear the stage for the first time, then the Alien Bunny who pulls the switch is the one closest to it.
- In WarioWare Gold, the microgame hosts have special responses for different circumstances: clearing 15 microgames in a row with no mistakes, clearing a microgame at the last second, failing a microgame three times in a row, failing a microgame by not doing anything, etc..
- Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (1997):
- It's actually possible to try and use the time cuffs on people, usually for a funny comment, such as a Roman saying "I'm cleaning up — but not through thievery!" or Ann Tikwitee saying "Uh gee, I don't think there's a thief in my pocket, do you?"
- Using a battle axe on Rock Solid makes him say, "OUCH! Don't cut me down to size!" while he makes a surprised face.
- Giving a torch to Hatshepshut results in her saying, "CAREFUL! Or you'll singe my false beard!"
- You can actually try using items together or hand them to people, often getting you a response where they tell you something about that item. The only time wherein you don't get a response and it just puts it back are say, assembling pieces or where you would expect them to not need it.
- One case involves using a phonograph. Everyone you can actually speak to (sans the crook) will have a response, and you can actually play the recordings back to the people for their responses.
- In addition, some Dummied Out content suggests even further foresight from the writing team, as there are some deleted lines that result from actions that cannot occur in gameplay. For example, there is a line that can only result in attempting to use the time cuffs on Gutenburg — this cannot ever happen, as he cannot be interacted with once the Carmen note is assembled. There is also some humour in the dummied out content, such as how you could apparently use the torch on a mummy and be told, "Nope. This is a burial, not a cremation."
- Suppose you're feeling a little cheeky during Gutenberg's case and make the notice say "Thief on the goose", "Sheep on the loose", or "Sheep on the goose". Gutenberg does indeed respond to these rather than the normal "This is gibberish!" when you mess up.
Gutenberg: "Thief on the Noose?" No, that's after we catch him!
- In the video game version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, entering in one of the names of an actual million-dollar winner (such as John Carpenter or Dan Blonsky) or either part of host Regis Philbin's name will cause Regis to mock you and enter in a more disparaging name such as "Phony Cheats", "Fakey Fakerson", "Smarty Pants", "Imposter", or "Wannabe".
- Destiny:
- If you use the point emote to dramatically point at Crota during your battle with him, he notices and angrily points back.
- If you hide from Skolas instead of fighting during your battle with him in the Prison of Elders, he'll make various comments in Fallen language such as getting annoyed at you for hiding or thinking that you've run out of ammo.
- Headshots are massively effective on all enemies except Vex; since their brains/cores are in their torsos, they'll keep fighting even if you completely blow their heads off.
- Going into the legendary "Loot Cave," a cave in the Cosmodrome where, if players stood in the right spot, they could endlessly shoot Hive troops until they dropped legendary engrams, which could be decrypted by Master Rahool in the Tower. In later versions of the game, the cave leads to a pile of Hive bones that can be activated, triggering a voice that says "A million deaths is not enough for Master Rahool!"
- In the Iron Temple, you can attempt to climb Felwinter Peak by jumping up cliffs in order to find a hidden SIVA cluster. There's no incentive to do so, but you can climb all the way up to the summit of the mountain, well past the cluster; this area serves no real gameplay purpose, but it's all rendered anyways.
- Destiny 2:
- There's a remarkable amount of dialogue that changes based on whether or not you played the first game and/or transferred your Guardian to the second. If you didn't, your Guardian in the second game is explicitly shown to not be the Young Wolf from the first game, but a new Guardian who was only recently resurrected; your Ghost won't know what Warminds and Taken are, there's a lot more expository dialogue for the benefit of new players, certain characters like Lord Shaxx won't know you right away, and so on.
- In one adventure you lure some Red Legion mooks into an ambush by impersonating the Fallen and mocking their commander. The taunts your Ghost uses change depending on whether you've done the main campaign yet; either he insinuates that Dominus Ghaul is a Dirty Coward, or he makes fun of Ghaul for getting killed by the Guardians despite having taken the City.
- Doing enough public events (or doing the same public event enough times) on a planet will result in new starting dialogue between your Ghost and the planetary vendor, lampshading your grinding/farming.
- In the new Tower, there's a sign listing the number of days without accidents, followed by a random number. If you kill yourself by jumping off the Tower, the number resets to zero when you respawn.
- The Truth To Power lore book has an intentionally unavailable entry. If you hack or datamine the game to try and read it, all you get is a fourth-wall breaking message calling you out for cheating.
- One exotic Titan helmet is the Helm of Saint-14, which belonged to the aforementioned Posthumous Character. Saint-14 ends up being brought Back from the Dead in the Season Of The Dawn questline. If, afterwards, you wear the Helm around Saint-14 in the Tower, he has some snarky unique dialogue about it, like suggesting the two of you go confuse Zavala.
- Kingdom of Loathing:
- The game has special messages for certain things that can only be obtained through exploits, such as finding plurals for unique items (Ex. The plural for Emblem of Ak'gyxoth, an item rewarded to the very first person who summoned Ak'gyxoth, is literally "Emblems of Ak'gyxoth, you dirty exploiter"), or trying to do unclickable actions via HTTP links (Ex. Attempting to use a Comfy Sofa without owning one will result in you in falling to the floor and taking damage). Hot stuffing, an item that can only be crafted by using a JavaScript command, is listed in the Discoveries section under the "Dirty Exploits" category.
- At one point during the Sauceror's Nemesis Quest, they create a potion that turns them into a slime, allowing them to infiltrate the slime convention. You can't use skills and are treated as though you don't wear any equipment. So, totally useless. Now, there is a bonus dungeon inhabited by other slimes called the Slime Tube. It is a rather high-level zone, usually reserved for Aftercore. so, if you go into this tough area in that useless form, you get an Easter Egg.
- The Zombie Master class's playthrough focuses on attacking enemies and eating their brains. There is exactly one regular monster that will never drop a brain — a mummy (a type of zombie that had their brains taken out during preperation).
- During the Naughty Sorceress quest, you eventually come across a door that can be opened by any key, the contents of the door changing to reflect what key you used. Normally, you're supposed to use 6 keys that many would not have if they rushed through the game without exploring (e.g. many players had no idea the 8-bit realm existed and therefore never knew the existence of the digital key). That's not this trope. What is however, is if you decide to insert a balloon monkey... You literally get an easter egg balloon.
- A Chefstaff is a stick that does piddly squat physical damage, but grants immense bonuses to spell damage. If you attempt to club enemies with one, you'll discover they have five unique attack messages specially prepared for just such a case, three of which berate the player for not using an all powerful staff for its intended purpose. One of these five messages however, "You pretend your enemy is a pinata, sadly your beating doesn't dislodge any candy, but it does do X damage." will change into "You're holding a large stick. You're fighting a pinata. You let nature take it's course for X damage." if you actually are fighting the one pinata monster found in the game.
- RuneScape:
- A magic shop keeper gives out free Mind Runes and Air Runes every five minutes or so. Trying to sell the freebies back to him will net you a sarcastic "Thanks for returning the samples!".
- After "The Blood Pact", Xenia remarks that she'd like to see the necromancer's ceremonial mask. Reassembling the mask, putting it on, and talking to her with it results in her telling you that you look stupid.
- The prince/princess of Miscellania that you court will respond to various emote actions; the "Blow Kiss" emote is the only one required to court them, but they will react appropriately to dancing or threats.
- Another NPC who reacts to emotes is Sir Tiffy in Falador. Saluting to him is required for one of the Falador achievements, but you can give him the "Goblin Salute" from the cave goblin quests instead, and he'll remark on it.
- There are an awful lot of Continuity Nods to which quests you have or have not completed, in dialogue or in subsequent quests.
- At the beginning of "The Death of Chivalry", you have an encounter with Saradomin. He remembers your participation in the "Battle of Lumbridge" world event from 2013, and which side you were on. If you did not participate, he concludes you are one of the Godless and treats you with suspicion.
- If you complete "The Death of Chivalry" (a 6th Age quest) before "While Guthix Sleeps" (a 5th Age quest), you can use the Black Knight Captain armor from the former as a disguise to infiltrate a Black Knight base in the latter. This includes the Black Knight Captain cosmetic override.
- The "Crackling" perk from Invention has a 5% chance per rank of inflicting extra damage to your enemies. It doesn't work on higher-tier vampyres, because their only weakness is blisterwood, and blisterwood weapons can't be augmented with perks.
- There was a glitch where it was possible to enter the Draynor Bank Robbery cutscene and pick up the Blue partyhat that would drop. This partyhat actually has a different Item ID than the regular Blue partyhat and is untradeable. If the player attempted to equip it, it would disappear and a message in the chatbox would say, "Please send in a bug report and tell Jagex how you got that hat."
- Star Trek Online is starting to work its way there. More recent missions have had numerous failure conditions and alternate methods of accomplishing goals. In the Romulan series, for example, there are several Dialogue Trees, with new options opening up depending on the character's diplomacy level and several sections where a violent character could blast through without even talking at all. There are numerous points, even in the earlier missions, where a sufficiently sneaky character can approach enemy soldiers and eavesdrop on them to learn potentially useful information ahead of time, which they wouldn't have heard otherwise.
- World of Warcraft:
- Back in the days before the Cataclysm expansion pack was released, if you went through a demon-infested gorge, jumping in exactly the right places and using a since-patched glitch known as wall-walking (which was literally jumping up a normally untraversable wall or terrain in a very precise manner to trick the game into thinking you've grabbed a foothold), you could enter the then-uncompleted Mount Hyjal. When you got there, you found a zone that was actually fairly fleshed out, including the skeleton of Archimonde. The actual note that merits this entry: construction signs telling you that you weren't supposed to be here and better get out, and you would receive a debuff called "No Man's Land" that instantly teleported you out even if you somehow manage to enter it. There were even rumors that you would be automatically reported to a GM upon receiving the debuff, as the player would have had to deliberately and willingly break the rules of the game by using an exploit several times to get there.
- Also, when water walking didn't apply to mounted people and it was nigh impossible to get to it, an island to the south-east end of Kalimdor had a message in a bottle with, basically, "How did you get here?!"
- If you make a rude gesture at Mountaineer Pebblebitty (which you are likely to do, considering what she puts you through), she has an appropriate response ready.
- Most city guards will react to emotes, /rude them, they respond in kind, salute them, they salute back, etc. etc. Also, flex your muscles at them. They are not impressed.
- The Mists of Pandaria quest "Li Li's Day Off" requires you to take your NPC follower (a kid up for some sightseeing) to three predetermined places she wants to visit. However, you can take her around on a tour through the entire Valley of the Four Winds zone first, which, while not required by quest objectives, will make her comment something about every place you visit. She's very much a Little Miss Snarker, so taking the full tour with her is worthwhile at least once.
- The Dominance Offensive storyline for the Horde in patch 5.1 makes you constantly travel to various locations, mostly by asking the indigenous Tak-Tak to give you a kite ride. However, one piece of the long quest chain asks you to travel to Silvermoon City, which is on another continent, and to boot, about the farthest from Pandaria that you can get. The quest designers expect you to take the portal; if you speak to Tak-Tak instead, he says, "I ain't flyin' a kite to Silvermoon City! You crazy?" You get a similar retort Alliance-side if you ask to take a kite from the Alliance base in Krasarang to Darnassus (which is about the same distance away as Silvermoon is from the Horde base).
- Rogues who had completed a questline Wrathion gave them will be acknowledged by Wrathion when they talk to him in Mists of Pandaria.
- In the Well of Eternity dungeon, where you go back in time 10,000 years, players who looted the Warglaives of Azzinoth from Illidan will be noticed by his past self. "You seem prepared."
- Wielding the now-unobtainable Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian while fighting Shade of Aran in Karazhan will prompt him to yell "Where did you get that?! Did HE send you??". This is a reference to Atiesh's original wielder being Aran's son, with whom he had a... rather strained relationship.
- Archdruid Glaidalis in Darkheart Thicket has a unique voice line if there are any druids in the dungeon group. He even has different voice lines depending on the spec of the druids in the group.
- Many other NPCs act differently around various classes. If, for example, you do the Stormheim questline as a Fury Warrior, Helya will recognize you from the quest in which you get the Twinswords of the Valarjar from her.
- More for druids: their exclusive class area features dream portals that druids can use to teleport to several locations on Azeroth, many of them marked by a Great Tree that is important to green dragons. You may find that one of the portals is shut — a much, much earlier questline in Feralas deals with sealing that zone's dream portal to prevent Nightmare corruption from pouring through it. A druid who had completed that quest will find that their seal still stands, and they may break it if they want use of the portal.
- Vanilla raid boss Nefarian had a special ability to screw over each class (switching warrior stances, messing with shaman totems, etc) and an accompanying quote. Each time a new class has been added, he's been given a new quote to address them with.
- One mandatory questline for Legion's order hall campaign requires you to liberate Exodar from the Burning Legion attack. Your order champions will join you in the fight against Rakeesh... but if they are out on a mission, they won't join you. Fortunately Velen is powerful enough that you don't need their help.
- Warlocks get a unique interaction with this particular moment that stands out. Normally your champions will happily report to you and help you out and Velen will be thankful for the aid. A Warlock however, has the toadying demon Calydus and angry destruction warlock Rittsyn show up, with Ritssyn commenting that Calydus bugging him to come out to help you has him minutes away from killing the demon. This back and forth gets an exasperated "Well this is awkward." from Velen under his breath.
- At the start of Mists of Pandaria content, Horde players get a letter from General Nazgrim ordering them to report for duty. If the player completed the Vashj'ir storyline, the letter addresses them by name, recalls the time Nazgrim (then a Legionnaire) fought alongside the player against the naga, and is overall more friendly and personal in tone.
- One of the starting Death Knight quests requires you to kill a member of the Argent Dawn who belongs to your own race. The character will recognize you and say something about your past. What makes this a case of Developer's Foresight is that if you start a Worgen or Goblin Death Knight, two races that joined the Alliance/Horde after the events of Wrath of the Lich King, you'll belong to a different faction than the regular members of that race. Worgen Death Knights are former servants of Archmage Arugal as opposed to being residents of Gilneas City, and Goblin Death Knights originally belonged to the Steamweadle Cartel and don't fall in with Bilgewater until after joining the Horde.
- In Warhammer Online, the devs watched alpha testers get to some pretty strange places, and rather than fixing it, they either added kegs of dynamite to blow yourself up, so you can respawn where you are meant to, or by adding high-level boss characters you can fight if you can get an entire party to that spot.
Platform Games
- Banjo-Kazooie: One of the questions in Grunty's Furnace Fun has you match a character to their Voice Grunting, introduced by Grunty with the rhyme "Listen well and make your choice, which character has this dumb voice?" It's possible for the voice in question to be Grunty herself, and if this happens, she'll say "which character has this cool voice", not "dumb voice". She wouldn't insult herself, after all.
- Banjo-Tooie: Via the use of in-game cheat codes note which will disable the leaderboard and saving in the XBLA version, it is possible to progress to later levels earlier than intended. The game will not let the player enter a boss fight that they are unequipped for, usually resulting in a line of dialogue that hints at where to find their moves. note Also possible in Witchyworld without cheat codes, as it is possible to get the tickets for the Big Top before learning Airborne Egg Aiming.
- Those same in-game cheat codes will give Master Jiggywiggy unique dialogue if the player attempts to observe the Altar of Knowledge near the level, which usually results in him telling you how many more Jiggies you need, giving you the option to teleport back to his temple, or state he already opened the door for you.
Jiggywiggy: Oh! That's strange... it would appear that some other force has opened this door!
- In Grunty Industries, there is a seemingly-useless Shock Jump Pad in the Quality Control Room. The pad is in the part of the room where you collect the Jiggy, which you're intended to access while transformed into the washing machine. The designers probably added the pad in case you Leg Springed or glided over the barrier as Kazooie alone. However, as Bikdip on a Bus points out in his Let's Play of the game, if you performed a Leg Spring to get in, you could easily do another one to get out, so the pad actually is completely pointless.
- The first time you rescue a Jinjo, it will ask you to look out for the remaining members of its family. However, if the very first Jinjo you rescue is the sole white one, he will have unique dialogue, basically telling you to reunite the other Jinjo families.
- There is a Grip Grab ledge that leads from Jinjo Village to the Wooded Hollow. Many gamers doubt its use, but with Bottles' House being permanently locked after beating Tower of Tragedy, if one didn't activate any of the silos from the Wooded Hollow or beyond, they would be unable to access those areas without that.
- It is also possible to use a Beak Bust-related glitch to get onto the platform to the Plateau in the Wooded Hollow; presumably because of this, there is an invisible wall near the door to the Plateau. However, it is still possible to bypass the wall by glitching onto the area near the broken staircase.
- While the Wonderwing will prevent you from taking damage when you enter terrain populated by a Dragunda, he will still spit you out. This may seem like an attempt to Nerf the Wonderwing (which worked in the piranha water in Banjo-Kazooie), but it actually serves the purpose of preventing you from getting two Jiggies in Mayahem Temple without the Golden Goliath or Wading Boots (the Dragunda will spit you all the way back to land, as opposed to later ones where he just spits you back where you were standing).
- Those same in-game cheat codes will give Master Jiggywiggy unique dialogue if the player attempts to observe the Altar of Knowledge near the level, which usually results in him telling you how many more Jiggies you need, giving you the option to teleport back to his temple, or state he already opened the door for you.
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night has a late-game ability, the Invert Shard, that allows Miriam to flip the game world upside-down so that she can walk on the ceiling. Should the player happen to do this in one of a handful of game areas that have no ceiling, which would leave Miriam "falling" forever, Miriam will simply cast Invert again once she reaches the top of the screen, casting her back down to earth.
- Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow has a boss named Dmitrii, who is a Ditto Fighter — any attack Soma hits him with, he'll use in turn (though no matter the level of Soma's attack, Dmitrii always copies it at Level One). This includes nearly every attack in the game, including ones you can only possibly have in this fight on a New Game+. He can even copy Hell Fire, the attack you can only learn by completing the game on Hard. What's more, he's also able to copy the attacks used by the characters in Julius Mode.
- In Celeste, There are a few examples of this.
- Madeline can be given whatever name you'd like her to have. However, if you name her Alex, the name of Theo's sister, Alex's name will change to Maddie.
- The ending slightly changes depending on how many strawberries you've collected. If you complete the game with little to no strawberries, the pie Madeline makes at the end of the game is just an empty crust.
- The path to the secret strawberry in Chapter 9 requires you to jump into some spikes so you respawn at a certain point. Death automatically resets the Golden Strawberries (and you) to the start of the level, but if you're crazy enough to go for both the Golden Strawberry and the Moon Berry, the strawberry will temporarily detach from you so you can pick it up later.
- Iji: The ally who contacts you throughout the game is normally killed in a cutscene towards the end of the game. By placing a trip mine in the right place, it is possible to interrupt the cutscene and have the enemy who kills him blown up instead. But it doesn't glitch the game: in fact, your ally has dialog written for the entire rest of the game entirely in case of him not dying as a result of this trick.
- In Jak II: Renegade, there are barriers all over the city to prevent you from Sequence Breaking. However, if you let a zoomer glide through the field and try to hop on it halfway through the game will blow you up and report "Trespasser neutralized."
- Kirby Star Allies has some cutscenes with this; at the start of the game, reaching the Friend Heart introduction scene with an ability will cause the hat to remain on Kirby, but will not be shown when the cutscene is replayed. Beating Void Termina, on the other hand, will save the team you had and the ability you used when the final blow was dealt to the ending cutscene. This means the team you decided on and the ability you kept throughout the fight will differ; you can go with the usual normal Kirby and three allies or discard all or all but one or two allies during the final phase of the fight and the cutscene will change. For example, going to the final boss with Sword Kirby and discarding all allies except for Rick & Kine & Coo during the final phase will cause the ending cutscene to have Kirby keep the Sword ability and Rick will be shown. They even made a version of the final cutscene
that has no abilities or allies. Said ability and allies will also be saved in the credits.
- Minty Fresh Adventure!: Dialogue from an NPC, Game Over Screens, and ocassionally animations will change depending on what form you're in when they happen; For example, if you talk to Trixie after being turned into a tube of toothepaste by Poison Joke, she will refer to you as 'insignificant toothpaste', and there's an achievement for managing to die in both Toothpaste form and petrified by a cockatrice.
- If you buy the free news report from Trixie's airship, she will throw the desk she was leaning on out of the airship by the end of it. Returning to the ground floor, you can use this desk as a platform to get over the poison joke, making the platforming at this part slightly easier.
- Continuously knocking on Zecora's door at the very beginning will let Colgate frisk her for more and more information, until she finally gets annoyed and refuses to answer. This changes the dialogue at the very end, where she admits her decision to trick Colgate into helping the Ursas was mostly because she annoyed her.
- Saving Minty in the caves will add her to the crowd scene at the end, no matter what ending is otherwise acquired.
- The Missing: J.J Macfield and the Island of Memories: After you beat the game, should the player go for a second playthrough as J.J.'s pre-transition self in the Post-End Game Content, you'll find that voice actor Steve Wiley does all of the performance work, saying the very same lines of the story, making the very same "Emily!" calls, taking the very same breaths and grunts and groans and crying, and doing the very same screams of pain when taking damage to the limbs (some of them high-pitched), as her passing counterpart.
- In the first Bowser battles of New Super Mario Bros., you can abuse invincibility frames by running straight into Bowser, taking the hit and running through him to hit the requisite switch on the other side. If you attempt this in the final battle, you'll still take the hit, but Bowser will actually grab you and throw you back.
- In New Super Mario Bros. 2, the global coin counter maxes out at 9,999,999. You can only carry 30,000 coins per level, so even with exploitative methods to gather coins, getting to ten-million-minus-one will take an extremely long time. If you're crazy enough to go for it anyway, you get a special message
saying "The coin counter doesn't go any higher! You're THAT good," and a golden Raccoon Mario statue on the start screen. (An extreme Bragging Rights Reward; the prize for 1 million coins is the same, except the statue is regular Mario instead of the Raccoon version.)
- Before the final boss battle of New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, Peach will call out to the player from her locked tower. She calls out Mario or Luigi's name if you play as them, and a "Help me!" if you play as any other character...but if you play as Toadette while using the Peachette power-up, a question mark will appear over her head and she just says "What?"
- In New Super Mario Bros. 2, the global coin counter maxes out at 9,999,999. You can only carry 30,000 coins per level, so even with exploitative methods to gather coins, getting to ten-million-minus-one will take an extremely long time. If you're crazy enough to go for it anyway, you get a special message
- Nosferatu on the SNES, in its Game Over screen, shows a Fatal Family Photo of the protagonist Kyle and his kidnapped wife Erin and asks whether you want to continue or not. If you choose not to continue, under normal circumstances, the game shows a cutscene of the eponymous vampire as he's just about to actually bite Erin and turn her into a vampire before showing the Game Over text. The thing is, the game has two endings, and the bad one is triggered by dying and continuing a certain number of times. Once you've done that, the photo is altered slightly to show Erin with a more furrowed brow and vampire fangs as a hint that she's been turned - in turn, if you die and elect not continue after that point, the game skips straight to the game over text without the cutscene, since Erin has already been bitten offscreen.
- In Phoenotopia : Awakening, you're supposed to access the Cosette region by playing the royal song for the guard at the checkpoint; you learn the song after completing the castle dungeon and saving Prince Leo. However, if you collect 30 Moonstones, you can unlock the Franway to Cosette before this. If you warp to Cosette and try to leave backwards through the checkpoint, the guard is briefly baffled about where you came from, before deciding that you must be a local he's never met before and letting you pass freely anyway.
- Psychonauts:
- At one point, you have to go into the minds of a few people to assemble a disguise to trick the warden. A lazy or creative player might think that just jumping into the warden's mind would be quicker. The game will let you try it, but all you'll get is an amusing note explaining that the warden is protected against psychic interference. Similarly, if you try to jump into any of your fellow campers' heads, you'll get a notice saying that the mind-jumping device won't work on minors.
- In the normal course of gameplay, after saving the turtle Mr. Pokeylope, you carry him for about 30 seconds before losing him forever. If you decide to take Mr. Pokeylope to camp after saving him, every camper reacts to him in different ways, mostly involving how adorable he is. The PC version on Steam even made showing him to all the campers unlock an achievement.
- In fact, just about every NPC has unique dialogue for every item you can possibly present to them. This is especially notable with Boyd, whose mental world revolves almost entirely around held items (none of which you're ever told to show him, by the way).
- One particularly amusing example: Using the "Rose" item from Black Velvetopia on the dog painters will make them tell you to "Go find someone your own species."
- The Lungfish Call item makes a... rather "specific" sound. If you use it near Dr. Loboto, he tells Sheegor to "go outside if [she's] going to do that."
- Using cheats early in the game allows you to use late-game powers on characters that wouldn't usually be around when you'd actually obtain that power. If you do this, almost every character has dialogue that you wouldn't hear if you played through the game normally. For example, if you use cheats to get confusion at the start of the game (when it's normally the last power you get in the game), many characters have voice lines that are normally impossible to hear otherwise.
- Oleander exclaims "Mr. Bun, where are you going?" when Confusion is used on him.
- When attempting confusion on Sasha, he simply tells Raz that he is not so easily confused.
- Boyd temporarily snaps out of his paranoia and realizes that not only is there no conspiracy, but he also figures out the Milkman's true nature... too bad Confusion only lasts a few seconds.
- Humorously, the G-Men all briefly forget what they're doing before the confusion wears off and they remember that they have to be incognito.
- Some of the best responses to the Confusion attack show up in Fred's mind, which is cleared of its inhabitants by the time you're technically supposed to be able to get Confusion.
- Clairvoyance allows you to see through someone else's eyes, specifically permitting you to see the world as they do. Each and every single character in the entire game, including every single enemy type and random animal just hanging around, sees you differently. Seagulls see you as a cat, Censors (basic enemies) see you as a virus, your love interest sees you as a dashing prince, etc.
- Much like with the warden, if you just try to steal Gloria's award with invisibility or telekinesis instead of going into her mind, you get unique scenes where she thinks the thing is going off on its own and won't let it leave anyway.
- Each line of dialogue from every character is properly lip-synched in the character models, no matter how incidental.
- Near the end of the game, if you were to use the crow feather on the de-brained Sasha and Milla, they have different voice lines than using it on their normal, "brained" selves.
- Psychonauts 2:
- Like in the previous game, there are lots of different perspectives on Raz that can be found via Clairvoyance. Most notably, characters who go through Character Development when it comes to their perspective on him have their visuals change over time from something negative to something positive. Most notably, Norma goes from seeing him embarrassed in his underwear, to seeing him as The Mole (represented by a literal mole), to seeing him as a respectable Psychonaut.
- If you activate your camera in front of various people, they'll voice a reaction to it.
- The Memory Vaults in Psi King's Sensorium are specifically designed to be inaccessible until you get Mental Projection later on in Cassie's Collection - not even pyrokinesis will open them. This seems a bit odd, as this is the only mind where you can't obtain any memory vaults in your first run-through, but both of the vaults have spoilers for events that are revealed in between the two minds: one vault shows the Psi King's true identity as Helmut Fullbear of the Psychic Seven, while the other one shows Ford using the astralathe on himself.
- In one of the levels, Cruller's Correspondence, there's a segment where Raz has to write a name using a typewriter. Both the full name Lucrecia and their nickname Lucy count as success. Additionally, if the player instead tries to input a swear word or slur, the last letter will be censored with a "#". Ford will also call out the player for doing so.
Ford: Such language in a high-class establishment like this!
- During the Postgame, after Raz learns that the family "curse" about going into water was a load of bupkis, the Hand of Galochio is friendlier to him and doesn't pull him under, and he stops taking damage from water (though it does still function the same).
- After completing the game, the panel explaining the history of the Psychonauts is updated with The REAL events of the fight with Maligula, complete with the chapter about the Psychic Six changing to be one about the Psychic Seven.
- Not only do the devs of Rabi-Ribi know every Sequence Break in the game (and have even purposefully built a few in,) there's achievements for the majority of them, including finding and beating Ribbon before Cocoa (the first boss of the game,) finding Lilith (a late-game boss) before any other boss, reaching System Interior II before defeating Rumi, and beating the game without collecting anything but Ribbon and the Bunny Amulet.
- Rampage has a few levels featuring waterways and a different animation for if a monster falls into these waterways. The Foresight comes if the monster's damage meter runs out in the water and a different death animation plays.
- Skylanders:
- Jet-Vac uses a vacuum device to attack and fly. His flight capabilities are limited and indicated by a gauge based upon how much compressed air he has in his tanks. If you deplete some of it, and activate the secondary attack (which sucks enemies towards you), he refills it.
- Several skylanders put hats on in different ways. Some skylanders that already wear hats will actually swap them out with another one if you equip it.
- The first Boss Battle in Swap Force is a Bullfight Boss where you have to trick the boss into running into the wall at you and crash. To do this, the player must have their Skylander in the boss's sights, and the boss will follow you if you walk around. Two Skylanders (Stink Bomb and Stealth Elf) have abilities that let them turn invisible. If you are in the boss's sights and turn invisible, then the boss will not follow you around.
- In Spyro's Adventure, there are crystal walls that are normally invulnerable and require bombs to destroy... unless you are using Prism Break, whose expertise is altering crystals.
- Sly 2: Band of Thieves has the "Security Announcement" during the tutorial in Cairo, where Bentley will attempt to keep the guards calm and resume normal duties. Normally when you hear this, going down the stairs to the first Rope Walk part, you'll be heading away from Bentley but if you double back to him you'll see that the character model actually does the motions of speaking these lines.
- In Sonic 3 & Knuckles, the cutscene at the end of Mushroom Hill Zone Act 2 has Sonic (or whoever you're playing as) running after the Flying Battery, then jumping on it. It's possible to move Sonic to the left of the screen after hitting the Capsule before the end-of-level points tally shows up (and Sonic does his victory pose). If you do that, then Sonic will jump over the Capsule in the cutscene, rather than getting stuck or clipping straight through it.
- Super Mario 64:
- If Bowser ends up right by the sides of any of his boss arenas, he'll teeter on the edge briefly. This animation is otherwise unused.
- Super Mario 64 DS includes boss dialogue to characters who don't get to battle the boss (usually Yoshi), just in case you make it to the boss with that character. Goomboss is an early example. In addition, Eyerok's boss arena is slightly altered: the developers added a fire for Yoshi to eat in case one goes out of their way to get Yoshi to fight Eyerok.
- Super Mario Galaxy 2: The Sling Star on top of the tree in Fluffy Bluff Galaxy's first area will take you to a large cloud platform. From there you can see one of the later planets in the level out in the distance. And, if you use Cloud Mario's platforms then long jump and keep holding forward on the control stick, you can jump straight to it, skipping an entire landmass of the level. To reiterate: this shortcut requires you to think leaping into the void of space is a good idea.
- Super Mario Maker:
- If you enter a pipe or Warp Door, and the exit is blocked off in some way, you get a brief animation of Mario trying to get through the other side before returning to the entrance. If both sides are somehow blocked off, then Mario will lose a life when he tries to go through them.
- Similarly, if the way between the level's ending and the exit is blocked by something, Mario will push against the blockage for a second, then turn around and crouch down. The level still counts as completed, though.
- The fight with Brigadier Mollosque-Lanceur III in Super Mario Odyssey is unique in that it takes place in the main exploration area instead of in a dedicated boss arena. Because of this, you can still enter the 8-bit pipes in the northern region of the map, even though there's no need to. If you do, you'll get to hear a special 8-bit rendition
of Brigadier Mollosque-Lanceur III's boss theme that only plays during that particular fight.
- Is there a place that looks reachable in Super Mario Odyssey yet seems to be 'out of bounds'? The developers likely foresaw it, and stuck either a Power Moon or some free coins up there.
- Is there a place that looks reachable in Super Mario Odyssey yet seems to be 'out of bounds'? The developers likely foresaw it, and stuck either a Power Moon or some free coins up there.
- Yoshi's Island:
- It turns out Bumpties can steal Baby Mario if he's knocked off Yoshi's back next to one. The twist? This very, very rarely comes up in the game by default, so they programmed in behavior for an unlikely situation that's only likely through going out of your way to take damage and that's so obscure even Super Mario Wiki didn't know about it for years... From here.
- Similarly, all the bosses are just regular enemies grown to large size by Kamek's magic. One of them, Naval Piranha, can actually be killed before the boss battle if you very carefully edge close enough to see her but not close enough to trigger the cutscene. If you kill her first, Kamek flies in, panics, and retreats, and you avoid the entire battle. You can do the exact same thing in Yoshi's Woolly World to get similar dialogue, but in that game, Piranha Plants are not killed instantly when hit by yarn balls, so you'll still have to do the fight.
- It turns out Bumpties can steal Baby Mario if he's knocked off Yoshi's back next to one. The twist? This very, very rarely comes up in the game by default, so they programmed in behavior for an unlikely situation that's only likely through going out of your way to take damage and that's so obscure even Super Mario Wiki didn't know about it for years... From here.
Puzzle Games
- Puzzles from Baba Is You will often require solutions that look or sound like exploits. Common examples include item duplication, shoving two words onto a single space, and using items to shove other items through walls. Knowing the exact physics of each and every one of these is required reading.
- The Nazo Puyo spin-offs of Puyo Puyo utilizes all the mechanics involving the player's Puyo as much as possible and creating many different goals to take advantage of them all, even utilizing mechanics that are rarely or never used in a normal Puyo Puyo game. Examples including using the "ghost" 13th row, climbing up stacks by rotating, wedging in Puyo by exploiting the Puyo's "pivot", and toying with the properties of gravity with both Iron Puyo and Blocks.
- Pony Island:
- Retroactively invoked; some players had the gall to replay the stage at EXP Beach enough times to actually get 100 EXP in Adventure Mode, so a patch made it so you do get the Pony Wings, not to mention some unique dialogue, from doing this.
- Didn't get all the tickets on your first run? And now you know which one(s) you missed? No problem. After completing the game, the Start Menu is glitched to include a 'select chapter' option.
- In Portal Reloaded, puzzles are designed to be solvable in only one timeline, but clever or skillful players can manage to exit the puzzle chambers in the "wrong" timeline. The AI notices this, and provides a time portal to get you back on rails.
- In Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido, Skill Copy allows the player character to use the opponent's last-used skill. The in-game opponents use overpowered skills that the player character is not supposed to use. The designers have anticipated people would attempt to use Skill Copy to use these overpowered skills and have planned ahead in two ways:
- Some of them are outright ignored, such as all of the permanent effects and the final boss's unique skill, What's Mine Is Yours. In these cases, they don't count as skill usage for Skill Copy, meaning it will copy their last-used skill besides those.
- For the ones that Skill Copy can imitate, the AI will behave differently, holding off on using these skills except as a last resort, and they will always use that skill, then immediately use some other skill in an attempt to minimize the amount of time you can copy it.
- The Talos Principle: If you choose to scale the Tower, you will have to use some help from The Shepherd, who fills the role of the second player in the cooperative puzzles. Through some heavy puzzle and platforming skills, though, you can do the area without it - and it will earn you a developer's cameo near the top, as it has been anticipated.
Racing Games
- When Jak X: Combat Racing was ported to PlayStation 4, many fans assumed that the Daxter and Ratchet skins wouldn't be included, as they required either hooking up a handheld system that was a decade old whose digital store was shut down or porting over the least popular PS2 Ratchet & Clank title. But, not only do the Daxter skins unlock automatically, the Ratchet skin now unlocks via a save of the PlayStation 4 Ratchet & Clank game!
- Mario Kart 8: The game automatically ends any Time Trial once it reaches ten minutes, since by that point you're clearly not trying to actually race anymore.
- The Consuming Shadow:
- The risk of being Driven to Suicide by the growing madness of your situation is an actual gameplay mechanic. This manifests as attempting to shoot yourself. The Warrior Does Not Like Guns, however, and instead of shooting himself, will attempt to cut his own throat. However, if you have no more ammo left, the minigame to not shoot yourself will fail...except in the case of the Warrior, where he will still attempt to cut his own throat.
- Several of the achievements are earned for doing things that would rarely come naturally to the average player. For instance, the "Why The Hell Did I Bring This" achievement is rewarded for bringing the car muffler to Stonehenge, where it is of no use to the player and takes up equipment space that could be used for another, much more useful item. Its icon even shows the Scholar staring at the muffler in bemusement. Alternately, randomly casting magic is a bad idea in this game, as a failed spell will cause damage to your character's already limited and fragile sanity... except if you manage to discover a spell this way by blind luck, whereupon you get an achievement, "The Scientific Method."
- Dwarf Fortress
- If you piss off the humans or elves enough to start a war after letting their guild representatives wander through your fortress, they avoid any traps said representatives have seen.
- There was a report on the forums of a dwarf that got disemboweled and somehow managed to recover. Everywhere he walked, he'd trail a little "~~".
- If a standing unit loses the ability to stand (either from legs/nervous system injury or losing consciousness) and has another unit's weapon stuck inside them, they continue standing up because the game can actually tell the other guy is holding them upright.
- In Adventure Mode, kobolds that are within the player's field of view but in the dark show up as ", to represent their glowing eyes. If the kobold in question has lost an eye, it will show up as '.
- If you convict someone of a crime committed against them, the other dwarves will be "outraged at the bizarre conviction against all reason of the victim of a crime."
- When it comes to tear and wear, everything is accounted for when implemented. Even when the amount is so minimal it would never come up in normal play. Archcrystals
, probably the oldest fortress ever played, ran into this problem about four hundred years in note Very few forts even reach fifty when their centuries-old buckets started disintegrating from wear, followed by wooden workshops and beds.
- Elona has the Captured Super-Entity Ebon the Fire Giant. Not only does the game let you try to lockpick his chains to release him, the developers also coded in what happens after you let him loose, complete with What the Hell, Hero? shouts from soldiers trying (and likely failing) to stop the rampaging giant.
- Hades has a ton of situational dialogue that's only seen in very specific situations. A few examples...
- There's a special conversation if you have the Yarn of Ariadne on-hand when encountering its previous owner Theseus.
- Hypnos has unique dialogue for how you specifically die in each run, including standing in magma, getting caught by a trap, or even just dying unusually early.
- The final boss fight has a subtle dialogue change in case the player manages to escape the Underworld on their first attempt (which is very difficult but very possible
). Usually, Zagreus will say that Hades has "mustered your wretched forces to kill me over and over." In a first-attempt run, he instead says, "mustered a bunch of incompetent wretches to try to kill me."
- HyperRogue:
- The description of Demon Sharks says that they are demons from Hell that fell into the water. Sure enough, if a demon follows you across...
- Anything that creates fire will ignite the flammable materials in the Vineyard and the Dry Forest.
- Nuclear Throne:
- In update 25 of the game, Vlambeer added footstep sound effects, which changed based on what sort of surface players walked on. In update 27, getting the Extra Feet mutation gave you more footsteps. Y.V.'s B-Skin, where he floats, doesn't make any footstep noises.
- Rebel has a B-skin which gives her a winter coat. What happens when you reach the frozen city with her? She puts on the hood over her head.
- Whenever Robot levels up, the "select a mutation" screen is rewritten to say "install an update". If you're picking more than one mutation, it also says "Do not turn off Robot".
- The hidden underwater "Oasis" zone has every playable character and bandit in it encased in a bubble except for Robot and Fish, who obviously don't need it to breathe. (Y.V. only has one to keep his money dry.)
- The clock hands in Crown of Haste will change with your computer's clock.
- Getting YV to Level Ultra will change the "Generating..." text on the loading screen to "Verifying..."
- In YV's Crib, if you have YV use his airhorn, Yung Cuz will cheer. In addition, if you destroy the television, Yung Cuz will cry.
- Pausing the game as Chicken while in a decapitated state will also display her headless avatar on the Pause screen.
- Dying to the final boss gives you a special message: "You almost reached the Nuclear Throne".
- Dying to the final boss via collision damage gives you this mocking message: "You reached the Nuclear Throne"; subverted in that doesn't unlock character who is described to be unlocked by "reaching the Nuclear Throne" - have to actually sit on the Throne for that
- The Oasis actually keeps the elemental weapons in mind, with fire weapons fizzling out and lightning weapons hurting everything on screen — including you.
- Spelunky:
- In the unlikely circumstance that two trees in the Lush area are generated side-by-side at the same height, their tops will form one long canopy.
- If you pick up an item in the shop but figure the price tag is too steep, then you can always blow up the shop, right? If you touch the merchandise, walk out, and attempt the Ballistic Discount technique above, then you will be shot the moment you light the bomb instead of when you throw it into the shop.
- In the HD version, during the ending, when the character(s) are flung out of the volcano, they would normally faceplant into the sand; if any of/the player(s) have a parachute, it will deploy and they float gently down.
- In the HD version, you can sacrifice yourself to Kali if you happen to be stunned while on her altar
- Streets of Rogue's tutorial covers all its bases.
- Punch the door down instead of opening it like you're instructed to? The Resistance Leader responds in amazement.
- Kill the shopkeeper you're supposed to purchase a key from? His corpse will drop the key, and the Resistance Leader responds appropriately.
- Kill the friendly bouncer who serves as the tutorial's living punching bag instead of tranquilizing him? The leader's suitably annoyed.
- Try to tranquilize the leader instead? He's wearing protective thermal underwear, you see.
- Throw a rock at the leader after he just made you walk through an explosive tripwire? Admits he probably deserved that.
- Purposely throw all your rocks away such that you can't safely disarm the second explosive tripwire from a distance? He asks if you're trying to break the tutorial or something.
- Smart enough to step away from the generator that's clearly about to explode? He's disappointed that you're not a total schmuck.
Role-Playing Games
- Alpha Protocol's story progression runs on this. At first, it just seems like little things, like characters calling you out on wearing ridiculous sunglasses or if you're wearing cammies in a public place where it would be better to wear civvies and blend in. Your character sheet even comes into play. The simplest example being an instance where Mike decrypts some encoded files he's swiped on a mission, unless you haven't put any points into the tech skill. In that case Mike is computer-illiterate and his handler handles the files instead. Multiple playthroughs will reveal just how far-reaching your little decisions are; every choice has a consequence, even dialog options that seemingly do nothing but influence whether or not someone likes you, because different reputations with different NPCs always have different, tangible results. Many players assume that the game is somehow unfinished or that, at least, the writing is sloppy because they lost track of a character and never saw them again. In fact, the choices they made allowed the character in question to become a Karma Houdini, but different choices would've ended in that character being more important and getting an on-screen resolution (of which there are many possibilities, ranging from friendship to backup to Heel–Face Turn to execution.) The drawback to this complexity is that if you want to rig the game for a certain, preferred outcome, you're probably going to have to consult a FAQ.
- Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura has custom dialogue and journal entries for characters with low Intelligence. However, characters with low Intelligence can't get some quests, and some potential party members won't join them. In at least one case, they won't ever join you if you talk to them with low Intelligence, so you would have to know in advance or Save Scum to bump the character's Intelligence before talking to them. However, if you do manage to recruit them like that and then let the Intelligence booster wear off, the character won't talk to you regularly, but for quest-mandated conversations, you'll have the usual custom dialogue.
- Every quest and significant development in Arcanum are recorded in your journal. Low intelligence characters record their impressions in broken Hulk Speak. There are low intelligence journal entries for quests you can't undertake as a stupid character, just in case you boosted your intelligence with a potion specifically to access them.
- If you glitch yourself into the room to speak to Kamroh in Baten Kaitos Origins, he'll tell you that you shouldn't be able to do it in a fairly passive-aggressive way. This is particularly odd as other characters just give generic "no dialogue available" messages:
Kamroh: Is there a time when you can talk to me here? I feel like there isn't...
- Bloodborne: Performing gestures in front of the Plain Doll causes her to react in various ways: she applauds, bows, and tilts her head curiously depending on the gesture used. This carried over to Dark Souls III.
- Chrono Trigger was one of the first big RPGs to engage in this, and there's a surprising amount of unusual actions and details the developers accounted for:
- Items which exist over multiple time periods obey causality, relative to themselves. If you take an item from the past, it will be absent from all subsequent time periods, but you can also acquire two versions of that item by taking it from the future first, effectively creating a Temporal Paradox. The Black Omen functions identically; it disappears after you complete it, but only in periods further ahead, making it possible to explore the Omen three separate times and score three times the Charmed loot off Queen Zeal.
- Speaking of the Black Omen, the only time period where you can't take it on is the Bad Future; if you try, you get a special cutscene where Queen Zeal comes out to make fun of you, pointing out that the apocalypse has already happened by then and attacking the Omen in that period is pointless.
- It's entirely possible to skip huge portions of the plot and go straight to Lavos with the bare minimum of party members or equipment, long before you're ready and before the characters even know said Boss exists (New Game+ even lets you do it right at the Millennial Fair, when you don't have anyone in the party at all except Crono). Not only do you get a lot of unique dialogue from doing this, but if you actually manage to defeat Lavos that way, you'll get a secret ending explicitly lampshading what you've done. It's nearly impossible to do if you're playing normally, but they still acknowledged the possibility of people pulling it off through cheating, Min-Maxing, or sheer dumb luck.
- On a similar note, winning against the various Hopeless Boss Fights will cause slight changes to the plot and earn you unique dialogue you won't see otherwise. One of the secret endings is earned by beating Lavos in the first battle with him (and only in that specific battle; you get a separate for beating him at other times, as noted above), where he's at his most powerful and expressly designed to wipe out your party with ease.
- Famously, the quest to revive Crono is optional; there's absolutely no sane reason to not do it, but you're still free to play the rest of the game with your Player Character dead, and the plot and cutscenes all change to account for his death. Yet again, you get a unique ending for completing the game this way.
- Frog has a tech called Slurp Slash where he grabs enemies with his tongue, pulls them to himself, and slashes them. If you use it on stationary targets, Frog will instead pull himself towards them, with the ensuing damage being from him crashing into his enemy.
- In the Blackbird, your party is stripped of their gear after being taken prisoner. Until you get it back, you have to rely on magic and stealth to get through... unless you have Ayla in the party; she's been ripping stuff apart with her bare hands the whole game, so naturally all her "weapons" still work perfectly.
- Devil Survivor: The second battle against Kudlak requires NPC Mari to deal the finishing blow, if the player wants her to become a recruitable member. If the player managed to do the right events and get Kaido to appear in the battle, too, his AI is programmed so that he will always leave Kudlak with 1 HP left. This makes it much easier for Mari to defeat Kudlak.
- Devil Survivor 2: When fighting the Team Tokyo leaders on Day 7, Io Nitta will eventually boost the entire team and use their special power. If the player managed to defeat this character before this event plays, Io Nitta will get up and the event will occur regardless. This is done to prevent the player from accidentally losing out on a chance to unlock Lugh in the Demon Compendium.
- In the PSP adaptation of Digimon Adventure, during the labyrinth sequence in the Episode "Centarumon, The Guardian!", if you manage to clear the first puzzle without falling (by walking on the wrong tiles) even once, the first time Koushirou/Izzy is able to establish contact with you he will give you a hint as usual, only to be surprised that you managed to clear it on your own.
- Disco Elysium has a central mystery that can be approached in basically any order, with attendant dialogue changes to match.
- The Jam Mystery (a quest you can obtain almost as soon as starting the game) will change significantly depending on if the cops think Ruby is the murderer (which requires you to leave it right up until the latest point you can possibly do it), and whether or not they have seen the 'Odd-sole' footprints leading to the body.
- It's possible to force yourself into the Whirling-in-Rags secret passages with a very lucky roll before having spoken to Klaasje. Kim will still refer to Klaasje as a rape victim in his dialogue until you've found out the truth.
- You can check for fingerprints after having found the bullet and spoken to the Hardie Boys — the scene is rewritten so that the cops are aware that they are being tricked.
- The game will make fun of you if you somehow get a lucky roll to pry open certain containers without having a prybar equipped.
- If you dance in the church after the military tribunal, Kim will have an extra line of dialogue in which he asks you how the hell you are dancing on your broken leg.
- In Dokapon Kingdom, one of the random map events is that your character will be abducted by aliens. This causes them to disappear off the map until the start of their next turn, when they are returned with a change to their stats. If this happens to sync up with an end-of-week hairstyle contest (itself a very rare event), the game will comment that your character 'was not around'. This can lead to one person winning by default.
- Dragon Age: Origins:
- During the late-game "Rescue the Queen" quest, you set out to rescue Loghain's daughter, Anora, from a fortified estate. As you escape, you're besieged by Loghain's lieutenant, Ser Cauthrien, and a large posse of knights at the front door to the estate. The situation is presented as a Hopeless Boss Fight, as your only apparent options are to either surrender (which sends you and your party to Fort Drakon, and requires another companion to help bust you out) or attempt to take on the massive number of enemies (which usually results in you being overwhelmed and knocked out). However, it is possible (though very, very difficult) to win this fight. Doing so nets you a powerful greatsword (the Summer Sword) early and skips the later confrontation with Cauthrien at the Landsmeet. Anora even gets a unique line later on where she mourns Ser Cauthrien, who she knew.
- When you return to Ostagar, a site of a great (and lost) battle against the Darkspawn, you pursue the enemy warlock to a place where, in an early cutscene, an Ogre was slain by one of the heroes. Its corpse is still lying there, and the warlock animates it for you to fight as a very tough boss. Except that if you have a mage in your party, who specialises in Necromancy, you'll know that animated corpses are put to rest when the mage controlling them is killed. Hint: it works here. Kill the warlock, and the Ogre will crumble to dust.
- If you're creating a character with the Dwarven Commoner origin story and try to remove the facial brand that signifies that your character is casteless, the game will ask you to reconsider having one for roleplaying purposes. You don't have to have one, but in the game's universe, you do. Same goes for the Dalish Elf origin story, as their facial tattoos are given to them as a Rite of Passage into adulthood.
- Every single NPC that refer to you as a group, such as saying "what can I help you people with" or "I heard there were travelers on the road", have alternate lines if you have no party members with you. In these instances they instead refer to you as alone and sometimes even comment on your race. For example, after being warmly greeted by the dalish, a dalish player will then be asked why they are traveling without their clan.
- The Redcliffe questline has a few different options for how you deal with the possessed Connor, some of which can become closed off depending on how you play. If you sided with the templars earlier the option to bring circle mages becomes closed off. If you killed Jowan he can't bring up the plan to confront the demon in the fade, but you can still get the idea from another mage in your party or bring it up yourself if you are a mage. If you somehow closed off all of the above options (sided with templars, drove off Morrigan, killed Wynne and Jowan, are not a mage yourself) confronting the demon will never be brought up and Teagan will point out that there simply are no other options but to kill Connor.
- The questline "The Trial of Crows" has the Antivan Crows giving you a list of targets to assassinate. It is entirely possible for you to have killed the first one before beginning the quest. If that is the case, you have dialogue along the lines of angrily calling them out on asking you to kill a dead person. Your "handler" is visibly surprised, but recovers and then moves on.
- After the Redcliffe arc, Teagan will send you on a quest to find the Urn of Sacred Ashes, a legendary artifact that can cure Arl Eamon. However, it's also possible to complete this quest by yourself by following leads/stumbling onto the right NPCs despite having no motivation to do so. If so, then the moment you're sent on the quest you can tell Teagan that you've already found the urn. He'll understandably be baffled that you've somehow already located the fantasy equivalent of The Ark of the Covenant in your spare time. Some of the dialogue in the questline will also be slightly different, as you and your party members will not bring up why they need the urn since they don't know that Arl Eamon is sick.
- In Dragon Age II, one of Aveline's gifts is the Shield of the Knight Herself. You get different dialogue when you give it to her depending on what you did with her starting shield, which belonged to her husband right up until he died ten minutes in. If you put it in storage she'll complain about you passing it around, and if you sold it she'll mournfully comment about "utility over sentiment". If she for some reason still has the shield equipped — which by now should be outclassed by every other piece of equipment in the game — she'll note that she already has a shield and doesn't need a new one.
- Dragon Quest:
- Dragon Quest I:
- In the remakes, if you are carrying the princess with you to Charlock Castle and talk to the Dragonlord, he actually thanks you for saving him the trouble of having her transported there.
- The game will take the time to rib you if you decide to not rescue the Princess at all.
- Dragon Quest III: In the event Ortega defeats King Hydra due to cheating, he still dies
from wounds suffered before the battle, and the hero fights a resurrected King Hydra.
- Dragon Quest VII: Once the casino becomes available, it's remarkably easy to use Save Scumming to reload your way into an incredible gambling winning streak, with the tokens then traded in for gear that will outclass anything that will be found for several dungeons. Good thing that the casino first appears right before all of your skills and spells get locked away.
- In Dragon Quest VIII, after you meet Red, she'll send the party to retrieve a tear-shaped gem in order to get Princess Medea back. However, it's possible to go to the dungeon, clear it and obtain the tear before talking to Red (with no in-game indication that this is an option). If you do, a cutscene will play after you leave Red's shack where Yangus admits to Trode that he played up his response. Knowing Red as well as he does, Yangus knows if she found out that the party already got the tear, she'd just send them after something else.
- Dragon Quest XI:
- The Hero and Erik encounter a Black Dragon in the sewers of Heliodor Castle. At this point, the player is around level 6 and their attacks are likely to do no damage apart from critical hits so the player is expected to flee. In the unlikely scenario that a player either cheats or grinds long enough to actually beat the dragon this early, they'll get a slightly different cutscene where Erik is mildly impressed at their strength.
- If you equip the Luminary with a costume that would cover his hands, the Mark will still appear and glow in certain cutscenes.
- It's possible to do a few events out of order, such as getting Sylvando back before re-recruiting Rab. He will appear in the Angri-La cutscenes and will react to events, but will have no spoken dialogue. He does have some things to say if you talk/Party Talk with him.
- The post-game essentially drops the player back to a save-state made around the midpoint of the game, which means that the game not only remembers the equipment state of your characters but also whether or not you consumed any seeds or had any hard-to-obtain items equipped at the time.
- This save-state is created once, and only once — When speaking to Benedictus with 6 orbs. It is entirely possible to duplicate items this way, by equipping them right before this on everyone that's not your main character, talking to the person that triggers the save-state, and then unequipping them. When the save-state comes into play much later in the game, the items are duplicated. This is not terribly useful outside of a few accessories that are one shot otherwise, but it's good for farming ability seeds in preparation for the postgame's Difficulty Spike.
- This can be gamed in interesting ways via 11 S's chapter select system — you can take endgame gear back to before the save-state, put it on other characters, and then rush through the act to duplicate it. This is the easiest way to get multiple versions of the Infinity +1 Sword crafted weapons, such as the Hypernova Sword.
- Dragon Quest I:
- EarthBound:
- The game gives you a bike early on in the game, which is only usable when Ness is the only member of your party. In the Playable Epilogue, if you get the bike out of storage (because, guaranteed, that's where you put it), and go riding around in the swamp, a unique sound will play when you pedal through the marshes that can't be heard anywhere else in the game.
- The Deep Darkness swamp lacks any light source, making the whole area pitch black. You need the Hawk's Eye in order to see, but a persistent player or those who have a map guide can feel their way around in the dark. The way to the Tenda Village is blocked by an invisible wall that you can't get around, but it disappears once you use the Hawk's Eye.
- Similarly, there are eels in Deep Darkness that are found swimming around in the deep water. There's a couple of places where they can be coaxed out of the water and onto dry land, an act which is so difficult and time-consuming you need to be deliberately doing it for it to happen. If you do it, they actually do have fully-rendered eel sprites not seen anywhere else in the game.
- The game also has several NPCs that say things based on who is in your party. For example, Paula's friends and father react with relief and joy once they see that you have rescued her. If Paula is unconscious, the NPCs will instead wonder where she is and Paula's father will react with disappointment when he thinks he sensed Paula's presence and sees that she's not there.
- Speaking of NPCs there are two unique-looking characters, Jackie and Poo's Master, who can never be talked to from behind. If you manage to do this, either by hacking or by glitching through the wall, they actually have properly drawn sprites that can't otherwise be seen: Poo's Master turns around completely and you see his back, while Jackie looks over his shoulder at you.
- Normally you can't encounter the Clumsy Robot at all without having first freed the Runaway Five from their debt, and normally the battle ends once you've done enough damage and the band rushes in and help you defeat it. If, however, you face the Clumsy Robot without helping the Runaway Five, which barring a cheat code to walk through walls is impossible, the game actually has an alternate event where doing enough damage to it makes it spew black smoke instead, blinding the players and making them pass out. After being overcome by the smoke they wake up outside the building, leaving them with no option to go and help the Runaway Five if they want to get past it.
- Fable I: The Lost Chapters has a Demon Door which will only open if you trade it all of your Silver Keys, but if you somehow reach it without any Silver Keys (something so unlikely it pretty much has to be done deliberately), the Demon Door will open anyway, though it will ask how you managed to get so far without finding any.
- Golden Sun:
- In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, after lighting the Mars Lighthouse, the player controls Felix only, which means that the psynergy 'Mind Read' shouldn't be usable. With the help of ROMs and cheat codes, it can be given to Felix. Using Felix's newfound ability in Prox results in new information in the mind reading dialogue boxes the developers put Mind Read text in normally non-mindreadable characters. Not just text, which would just be there to prevent the game crashing over an impossible action, but plot hooks.
- Atop Jupiter Lighthouse prior to its lighting, Agatio and Karst also have Mind Read text, though Sheba isn't in the party at that time, either. Both are thinking that Felix has outlived his usefulness, foreshadowing the upcoming boss battle. Agatio's thought bubble contains a typo.
- It does this quite a bit. In Golden Sun, if you enter Altin Mines without the Force Psynergy needed to cause a path-opening rockslide, Garet will get frustrated and kick a wall, causing the rockslide. In fact, the Force Orb's absence in The Lost Age if a file from the first game is not imported implies that this is either the default scenario, or the developers knew that otherwise people would be asking how Isaac's team completed the first game in a non-import file..
- It's possible to go to Imil before Kolima in the first game. If Mia's in your party when you trigger the Kolima cutscenes, the game has extra dialogue so she'll get lines, and it's rumored (though not proven) that Tret's boss fight gets a difficulty boost to account for your larger party and higher level.
- If you set Flint to Ivan while he's briefly in your party at Vault, he will apologize and give Flint back when he leaves. This just happens to keep him from being in another class in a later cutscene when he rejoins and uses a power exclusive to his base class.
- It's been discovered that you can glitch-exploit Retreat to skip the part of the game where Mia joins the party. In doing so, you also skip the only part of the game where Mia's unique Ply power is required for puzzles. A boss later in the game provides an artifact that lets other characters use Frost, so you can solve Frost puzzles without her, keeping the game from being Unintentionally Unwinnable without her.
- Using the same glitch in another location lets you access the other Djinni in Mercury Lighthouse, so you can still get 100% completion in The Lost Age (finishing the first game with 27, transferring data to TLA, and using the spawn point in TLA for the Djinni Mia would have normally given you).
- In The Lost Age, if you give the Lash Pebble to Piers and you go to Lemuria, when Piers will leave the party you will need to Lash once to enter the house of Lunpa. However, if you can't use Lash, Lunpa will insult you and throw down a rope instead, preventing you from getting stuck. This is the only use of the "rope throwing" animation in the game.
- In The Lost Age, replying "No" to everything eventually results in Kraden throwing a tantrum and accusing Felix of thinking this is all just a game.
- When in speaking roles, Djinn tend to have increasingly-amusing responses to being continually denied, and a character in the first game will complain if you change your mind repeatedly in one cutscene and cause the conversation to loop.
- In Dark Dawn, you can use Slap Psynergy to ring the emergency gong in Tonfon, sending the city into a panic, then blame the nearby guard for the false alarm.
- In Dark Dawn, you cannot name your character any name that belongs to another player character or plot-relevant NPC (including Alex). This has not been confirmed for the other two games.
- The Inazuma Eleven series shows plenty of signs of this:
- Inazuma Eleven 3, and possibly previous games in the series, have a special shoot animation which is only played if the defending team has no available players (not even the goalkeeper) anywhere near the path from the ball/kicker to the goal. Odds are you can complete the entire game without this situation ever coming up, because the goalkeepers' AI isn't stupid.
- Inazuma Eleven GO adds two more animations that only occur in highly improbable situations, where a player with an Avatar active either (a) fails to steal the ball from or (b) gets the ball stolen from them, by a player without an active avatar without using a hissatsu technique. Both of these are nearly (but not completely) impossible to pull off.
- The Wii version also possesses animations for scoring an own goal (basically almost impossible to do by accident).
- Every player who's about to use a hissatsu technique will use an individual grant to signal their intentions. Some even have alternate ones for very specific situations, such as Hiroto using a shoot hissatsu when Endou is the opposite team's goalkeeper. Not only does every character has their own voice lines for scoring (even those who will most likely never play offense, like the keepers), but also voice lines for shooting, goalkeeping, defending AND dribbling, even if they don't possess any hissatsu in that particular skill. Too bad the same can't be said for the announcer...
- Indivisible: During the game's third act Ajna returns to Ashwat village. You are meant to go through the level again up until the area Dhar's soldiers captured her. You discover a Chakra gate and are supposed to use it to backtrack to the previous areas. But if you decide to go forward you discover you can actually walk to Tai Krung and enter the lower levels in reverse. The game acts as though you went to Tai Krung first. Ajna questions if she's going the right way once you run into Tai Krung's last roadblock before Naga Rider sneaks up on and joins her. You unlock the Maha Haruka dash, and can clear Tai Krung's objective from that point.
- Kingdom Hearts: Multiple:
- If you complete Hollow Bastion before completing Monstro, Riku only says one thing in any of the cutscenes and does not help you during the first Parasite Cage fight. Riku only speaks one line before the second Parasite Cage fight, mocking Sora for not remembering his best friend. Sora calls him a liar, saying he's not the real Riku.
- Similarly, it is possible to actually leave a few worlds before beating the bosses there - if you return, they get stronger (presumably because they've absorbed more power from the world), and any scenes with Maleficent will not play (since she's long since left for the next world on her list).
- If one goes to Wonderland, leaves, then completes Deep Jungle first, the scene that normally shows Alice wandering into Hollow Bastion will instead show Snow White.
- Kingdom Hearts II:
- The Cavern of Remembrance in Final Mix is split up into several platforming areas that require maxed out Growth abilities to proceed, with the last of these areas necessitating Glide (obtained from leveling up Final Form). If the player cheats to get Glide before beating Roxas (the trigger that allows access to Final Form) and goes to the end of the Glide room, they will find an invisible wall that prevents passage into the last part of the Cavern until Roxas is defeated.
- Final Form, which is normally unobtainable until the last world of the game, has a unique ability that changes how several spells work. Despite the fact it is normally impossible to have low level forms of various spells (such as the first level of Blizzard or Fire), these are still coded to have unique animations and altered functions if Final Form is cheated or glitched in earlier in the game.
- Kingdom Hearts III did this in a meta way. The game was set to be released on January 29, 2019, but a few copies were stolen from a shipment of games a month early, and spoilers were posted through a Content Leak. However, the leakers couldn't tell anyone what the ending was, because it wasn't on the disk; the Final Battle and ending were added in a day-one patch, so even if the game got released early, the ending couldn't be spoiled.
- The game over screen for most bosses will simply show Sora hovering lifelessly above the ground. However, if defeated by Ansem, his heart is also seen floating above him. Since he is the only Heartless among the Organization, this is consistent with other instances of Heartless enemies causing a game over.
- Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords has one part wherein you must have a female party member wear a Stripperiffic outfit to dance for a Hutt. If the PC is female, then you have to do it, but if the PC is male, the Handmaiden will do it. If you are visibly Dark Sided and female, the PC will brainwash the Hutt to let her do it anyway. It's also possible to have recruited Visas Marr by this point, so naturally, a curious player may think to try bringing her (since the game will dismiss Kreia). Visas will outright refuse. Additionally, if you've recruited Mira by doing the planet's main quest first, you can dare her into doing it.
- In Last Dream, if you enter the Absurdly Spacious Sewer under the starting town, people will make comments about the stench and/or filth until you clean up in the pond, at which point they start giving you their stock responses again.
- The Last Sovereign: Sierra Lee apparently knew, or guessed, that people would unencrypt the game to data-mine potential spoilers; as such, in place of Ivala's portrait, she put the Dramatic Chipmunk clip.
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky can change dialogue in the main story depending on whether or not you've done certain sidequests. For example, in Second Chapter, there is a sidequest where your characters spar with some members of the military at a fortress for training. When you go to the same fortress for story-related reasons, if you did that sidequest first, the characters acknowledge that you assisted with training the soldiers at the fortress. This is even done between games, because the later games can read your saves and carry over progress accordingly, so for example, if you did a sidequest for a lighthouse keeper in First Chapter, you can go back to the same lighthouse in Second Chapter and get another sidequest there, and he'll acknowledge that you helped him out before too.
- The Logomancer:
- The steps of many quests can be done out of "normal" order, such as solving a problem before finding the quest giver, but everything will work out fine and you'll just get some Easter Egg dialogue for your trouble.
- Trying to investigate the rooms in the inn without talking to the clerk and finding out which room is yours will result in an Easter Egg where Ardus points out it's rude of him to go barging into a room he doesn't know is his.
- In Lufia & The Fortress of Doom, at one point in the storyline, you learn that an unknown villain has stolen the key to the exit of the "Tower of Light", which you need to progress. It's possible to reach the Tower of Light as soon as you get the ship, long before the game requires you to and hence before the key is stolen. Should you reach the top of the Tower before the plot requires you to, the boss will not be present and the chest that the key is normally stored in will give you a Might Helm, the game's strongest headgear normally only obtainable as a Rare Random Drop.
- Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals:
- The Tanbel Abandoned Mine serves as an introduction to Tia's Hook Shot ability. One section has her explain how to grab items from across crevices; it's possible to snag the key without approaching close enough to trigger the tutorial scene, which leads to Tia commenting on how Maxim already knew how her Hook Shot works. A later scene requires Tia to grab a box you passed by earlier in order to reach a higher ledge. If you threw the box away from its initial position, Tia will tell Maxim to look, the camera will zoom in on its original place... and Maxim will comment that nothing is there. The game even acknowledges whether it was Maxim or Tia who moved the box.
- When you obtain the Legendary Sword from Soma Temple as a request from Parcelyte's president, you can choose to sell the sword. The obvious choice is Rochy since he pays the most, but there is unique dialogue for selling the sword in the Parcelyte guild shop or even in Tia's shop in Elcid.
- The first time you encounter Gades you are not supposed to win. It is possible though with a bit of grinding and full-heal items from the local Casino. If you beat him, you get his sword that has an 8-hit special move and the cutscene after the battle starts with Gades defeating your party with a lightning bolt.
- At one point, Guy uses his field move to destroy a missile in a cutscene. If you glance at the bottom screen, you can see his TP actually drop, like if you used the move in gameplay yourself.
- In MARDEK, at the very end of chapter 2, if you have Aqualung on note by having Emela cast it in Moric's battleship after defeating the final boss and not touching any Save Crystals and attempt to jump off the pier of Lake Qur, the game will give you a message: "Oh, there's no reason you need to go down there. Yes, I know you set up Aqualung all cleverly specifically for this, but I assure you, there are no temples worth exploring down there. Really." note You can only start exploring the Water Temple in Chapter 3.
- In the Monster Hunter series, players can use the BBQ Spit item to cook steaks while out in the field. But what happens if a player stands at the edge of a cliff and tries to deploy it in midair? The models for both the cooking fire and the stool the hunter sits on contain wooden scaffolding underneath. Normally this scaffolding clips into and is obscured by the ground if the BBQ Spit is deployed on a level surface, but it becomes visible if the item is used on rough terrain.
- In Mother 3, the Saltwater Gun deals high damage to mechanical enemies but has no effect on any other kind of enemy. Cheeky players who decide to use it on slugs instead will find that it does high damage to them as well.
- Neverwinter Nights 2:
- Depending on certain choices you make in game (along with relationship values with your party) a large number of your companions can betray you during the final confrontation with Black Garius. At least one will always do so, no matter what. Sneaky players would save scum the boss, learn who was going to betray them, reload and preemptively remove their gear, rendering them a lot less dangerous. If you do, then Black Garius will conjure them high powered gear as replacements and taunts the player for seeming to "expect" their betrayal.
- If your character is a Priest, your patron god can be Kelemvor, the god of death in Forgotten Realms. Kelemvor himself plays a major role in the Mask Of The Betrayer DLC. If you're playing as a Kelemvor Priest during said DLC, you get tons of unique dialogue, and we mean tons. It almost completely changes your role in the story.
- Nocturne: Rebirth has a Brave Clear system that gives a random rare item for beating the boss below a certain level. However, the developer made it so that the reward is determined long before fighting the boss, preventing players from Save Scumming their way to a better reward.
- In Odyssey: The Legend of Nemesis, you're expected to kill The Dragon in order to acquire the key that unlocks the door leading to the upper levels of the final dungeon. However, he doesn't drop the key when killed. Instead, it's found in a trunk in his bedroom, meaning that it's possible to get it without killing him. If you do so, then the Big Bad's dialogue will change to acknowledge this.
- The Outer Worlds:
- There's an early side quest in Emerald Vale where you either destroy or repair a malfunctioning robot. One possible ending is to have Parvati repair, after which she'll joke about renaming the robot Jeremy as she fixed it. Do this, and way later into the game you'll encounter that robot again... and it has indeed been renamed Jeremy. This only happens if you let Parvati fix him.
- Doing certain things or taking damage from specific sources repeatedly can cause the game to offer you a Flaw (a sort of anti-Perk) based on that in exchange for a Perk point. For example, if you catch on fire a lot the game will offer to make you even more vulnerable to fire, or if you encounter a certain creature multiple times it offers to weaken you against that creature to reflect your character being afraid of it.
- Linked to this, one Flaw you can take is Robophobia, which makes you fear robots. One of your potential companions is a robot. The Flaw applies to him as much as it does to other robot NPCs; you take a stat penalty when he's in your party, and have special dialogue options that make clear that you're terrified by him.
- Characters sometimes remark on the clothing and armor you're wearing. For example, wearing the Spacer's Choice mascot costume around Martin Callahan (who also wears that costume), gives you a unique dialogue tree discussing how you two are wearing the same outfit.
- Similar to Fallout (which was created by the same people), your Perks and stats can heavily affect your character's dialogue and the overall plot. An extremely low intelligence character talks in borderline Hulk Speak, a Sadistic Choice at the end of the game can be entirely avoided with a sufficiently high Science/Engineering skill, your selected Perks or background give you unique dialogue options, and so on.
- The game has a downright insane number of redundancies. Breaking the main quest by, for example, rendering yourself unable to get the Stellar Bay navkey from Gladys (nearly impossible to do on accident), just makes the game let you land on Monarch anyway through a back-path. You can kill practically every named NPC in the game, and there are dozens of back-up characters designed to fill in for them to keep quests intact, to the point that doing a Pacifist Run will actually make you can miss a good chunk of the cast. No character build is unviable, and nearly every quest has multiple solutions in case you botch the most obvious ones.
- Paper Mario 64:
- It would theoretically be possible to skip two fights with Jr. Troopa, if you head back to Toad Town immediately after getting either the Super Boots or Sushi, then open up the shortcuts in the sewers to Boo's Mansion and Lavalava Island respectively, then just taking those back after completing the area. This works because Jr. Troopa ambushes you on the way back from those areas...or it would anyway, if the developers hadn't thought of this and instead had him ambush you if you go back at any point after getting either the boots or Sushi. Sorry, no skipping boss fights for you.
- In chapter 4, you normally free Watt by breaking open the lantern dropped by the Big Lantern Ghost miniboss with your hammer. You can also free her by blowing up the lantern with Bombette, which earns unique dialogue where Watt calls Mario out for being careless with explosives ("You're crazy, mister! Did you have to, um, blow it up to get me out?").
- Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
- You generally won't be expected to do more than about 15 damage in one turn. However, with certain setups, you can manage to deal more than 200 damage (the HP of the Bonus Boss) in a turn. The creators realized this and, in the case of two bosses where plot important events occur in the middle of the fight (specifically, the first fight with Doopliss and the first form of the Shadow Queen), made it so that the bosses would heal a specific amount of HP if you manage to get their health to 0 before the event happens.
- When you recruit Ms. Mowz, she gives you a badge. However, if you happen to have the maximum ammount of badges you can carry, then there will be a quick cutscene where she leaves the badge in front of the badge store for you to pick up
. Note that the maximum ammount of badges you can have is 200 and there are only 85 unique badges, so in order for this to happen, the player would have to go waaaaaaaaay out of their way to grind for them.
- Persona 3: The protagonist has Calling Your Attacks voice clips for all the party members' Personas, even though he can only use them through hacking. The two navigators even have voiced dialogue reacting to the player using a cheating device.
- It's possible, though difficult on a first playthrough, to reach the second barrier in Tartarus before Fuuka is recruited. If you do this, Mitsuru's dialogue will have her complaining about how she can't see very well that high up, and worrying that her Persona isn't good enough for the job.
- Just like with the sequel, Social Link events with party members change depending on when in the story you do them, and scenes where Social Link characters show up will change depending on whom you have a Social Link with and what level your Social Links are at.
- In Persona 4, certain Social Links with party members change slightly depending on when you do them in the story. For example, each party member's Social Link has at least one scene where Nanako shows up. If you do these events after Nanako is kidnapped, the scenes will play out differently.
- Also, certain mandatory scenes in the game where Social Link characters show up change depending on both whom you have a Social Link with and what level those Social Links are at.
- In one early Social Link conversation, Yosuke will ask if the killer will be found guilty. If it's done after a certain point, he'll refer to the current suspect by name.
- In Golden, some of Marie's events will have her acknowledge the fog covering Inaba if they're done between late November and Christmas.
- In Phantasy Star III, if you buy as escapipe at the start of the game (which requires selling your starting gear) and use it when the king throws you in jail, it breaks the game's sequence, making it Unwinnable. If you talk to the king after this, he commends you on using the item, but tells you to reset.
- Pillars of Eternity:
- Unlike many RPGs, your character's race and backstory actually has an impact on the plot and how other characters interact with you. For example, a Watcher from Old Valia can get angry with people badmouthing the region or display knowledge about it when it's brought up in conversation.
- The Modular Epilogue takes a staggeringly large amount of details into account; what people you helped, what quests you did, whether you kept promises to the gods, what you said in random conversations, and so on. Most notably, if you leave the main quest in the "White March" expansion unfinished, than the Eyeless swarm your keep and kill you.
- During the climax, Thaos will try to give a Breaking Speech to your party. The game takes into account how you've handled them and their character arcs, and their responses to his speech change accordingly. For instance, Hiravias can either give a snappy comeback or be left a shaken mess depending on whether you've completed his quest or not.
- Your stats, class, and reputation frequently have a big impact on the plot; a Cipher Watcher can bypass some battles and puzzles by simply reading minds, people will be actively afraid of you if you've picked up an evil reputation, having high Lore lets you figure out some plot twists early, and so on.
- In the climax of the White March expansion, a member of the party has to stay behind and sacrifice themselves in order to stop the Eyeless... unless you cheat by wearing a diving helmet you probably got earlier, releasing the Pargrunen souls, or picking the Devil of Caroc as (she's a construct, which means that she can't drown). Do any of these and the narration lampshades that you Took A Third Option.
- In the climax of Deadfire, the final encounter is a battle against the leader of the strongest remaining faction not allied with the Watcher. The identity of the final enemy will vary depending on the choices made during the game, but one of those choices could involve the player prematurely killing whoever was supposed to face them. To compensate for this, several candidates have second-in-commands who will take their place at the end. The Vailian Trading Company are an exception, because their leader, the Canta Nicese, is only ever encountered in cutscenes before the end, so the Watcher can't kill them. The Huana would normally be led by Queen Onekaza, but if she dies, her brother Prince Aruihi disappears from the map and will take her place at Ukaizo. The Royal Deadfire Company's Hazanui Karu will be replaced by her second, Grand Secretary Atsura. The Principi pirates really take the cake, though. Their default leader is Captain Furrante, but if he's dead, possibly because the Watcher sided with his second Captain Aeldys in their power struggle, then she will go to Ukaizo instead. But if she's also been killed, then Captain Two-Eyed Pim will take her place (and Pim disappears in a cutscene shortly before Furrante and Aeldys come to blows, reducing the likelihood of his death). If the Watcher has killed Two-Eyed Pim as well, he'll be replaced...by One-Eyed Pim, Two-Eyed Pim's eyepatch-sporting identical twin.
- In Secret of Mana, there is a boss fight that is essentially a Zero-Effort Boss. However, if the player is wiped out in this fight (you do have to try to lose), the party is just kicked out of the area with Randi being revived.
- Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne: One of the first appearances of Dante in the "Maniax" rerelease has him leaping from the top of the Mantra HQ skyscraper to land on the ground in front of you, since falling damage doesn't exist in Devil May Cry, before challenging you to a battle. You yourself can make the same drop, but it will bring you and your party's HP to 1 - come back and do it after you've recruited Dante, however, and he won't take damage from the fall.
- Shin Megami Tensei IV:
- The Terminal Guardian, a recurring enemy that you encounter guarding each one of Tokyo's Terminals, as well as the Terminals in the final dungeons. His disguise depends on where you fight him, and the demon(s) he summons depends on how many times you've encountered him so far. His dialogue will always match his current disguise-demon combination, even unlikely combinations, such as encountering him for the first time in his "Intuitive Man" disguise (which he wears in the final dungeons). What's more, every single one of his lines is fully-voiced. A comprehensive dump of his dialogue can be found here
- The skill Estoma Sword normally stops all encounters on the World Map and also banishes enemies that you strike with your weapon in a dungeon if their level is lower than the player character's level. It does not work on Challenge Quest enemies, ensuring that you have to fight them even if you have the level advantage.
- The Terminal Guardian, a recurring enemy that you encounter guarding each one of Tokyo's Terminals, as well as the Terminals in the final dungeons. His disguise depends on where you fight him, and the demon(s) he summons depends on how many times you've encountered him so far. His dialogue will always match his current disguise-demon combination, even unlikely combinations, such as encountering him for the first time in his "Intuitive Man" disguise (which he wears in the final dungeons). What's more, every single one of his lines is fully-voiced. A comprehensive dump of his dialogue can be found here
- In Suikoden, you first meet Vincent when he's in an inn in one town. After he runs off, you have to pay his bill at the inn. However, if you don't have enough (200 bits) note if you wish to see this in action, try spending all your money upgrading your equipment until you have less than that , you're treated to an additional cut scene with your party washing dishes.
- In Super Mario RPG, once Mallow reaches level 6 he gains an ability called "Psychopath" that allows him to reveal the HP and a silly "quote" of any enemy he uses it on. If you begin grinding for experience the second Mallow joins you it is possible to get Psychopath far earlier than usual. Anticipating this, all the early bosses are programmed with Psychopath quotes. Even the enemies who appear before Mallow joins have Psychopath quotes, in case you find a way to hack him into the earlier levels.
- In Super Paper Mario, it's possible to skip certain Pixls if you use items right, and doing so will change the post-chapter dialogue from summarizing the events of the last stage to giving you the Pixl anyway. This message exists for Thoreau, Boomer, Slim, Carrie, and Dottie.
This Pixl heard all about your adventures while waiting in a basement in Yold Town. Thoreau the throwing Pixl is now your friend!
- Tales Series:
- Tales of the Abyss takes an Important Haircut into account for Luke in New Game+:
- Luke's unlockable costumes all have him with his newly cut short hairstyle. If the player starts a New Game+, inherits Titles, and puts Luke in one of his costumes, Guy and Tear will point out his different hairstyle in certain cutscenes, with Luke telling them that "it's an expensive wig." Tear even points out that Luke "took off his wig to cut his hair" if he's still wearing an alternate costume when the scene of Luke cutting his hair comes up.
- A New Game+ will also enable Luke to use his mystic arte before he cuts his hair — this skill only becomes available to Luke after he cuts his hair, and his cut-in depicts him with his short hair. If you use his mystic artes in a New Game+ before that, Luke will have different cut-ins with long hair.
- Tales of Graces:
- Most characters have certain moves and such that they only get later on and have quotes for in the Future arc, but have different phrases for when they're used in the game's main storyline. For example, Asbel's Super Mode and its resultant Limit Break move are only available in the game's future arc and he mentions teaming up with Lambda during said Limit Break. If the player, on New Game+, carries the titles that unlock said super mode and Limit break to the game's main arc, Asbel's phrase will be different.
- Not only does Asbel get a new Mystic Arte cut-in in the Future arc, but his skit portraits and status screen image now reflect his heterochromia.
- Richard can also carry over his stronger Mystic Artes over to the brief part of the main arc where he's playable. All of his Mystic Artes have completely different dialog in the main story than they do in the Playable Epilogue, reflecting his dramatic change in demeanor before and after being freed from Lambda's influence and whether he's been crowned King of Windor yet or not.
- If Malik uses his Eternal Serenade Mystic Arte on the main arc's final boss, he declares it the last time he'll use said move. Yet, the player can still use Eternal Serenade in the Future Arc. If this happens, Sophie will call Malik out on his lie, forcing him to lie again to get Sophie off his back.
- Tales of Xillia 2:
- If you start a New Game+ glitch, the alternate Milla has access to the Special skill and a Mystic Arte. However, while she has the same cut-in picture as the real Milla, her incantation during the mystic arte is different. Same goes for her linked mystic artes with Ludger and Jude.
- Early on, the party gets settled with a huge debt and they are restricted in their travelling. The first time this occurs, the player may think they can just walk to the next city because it's so close. Impossible, as two NPCs are spawned at the entrance to the next city, blocking the player's way. The first steps of paying off the debt and earning the right to use the train to the next city again has to be done.
- Tales of Symphonia:
- The PS3 rerelease has two different Mystic Arte cut-ins for Kratos, depending on what costume he's wearing when he performs it.
- When Genis takes the test at the Palmacosta Academy, the rest of the party takes it with him. Since you go to Palmacosta early in the game, "the rest of the party" would ordinarily be Lloyd, Colette, Raine and Kratos (and possibly Sheena), but if you do this sidequest after returning from Tethe'alla, Presea, Zelos and Regal will also take the test, and the proctor will tell you their scores.
- Tales of Zestiria
- In areas with miasma, your party is virtually crippled, and you also may encounter the last boss long before you're supposed to. If you somehow managed to win under these conditions, you unlock the game's worst ending since Maotelus will be revived without the party being strong enough to stop him.
- Normally, Edna has to be talked into fighting her brother Eizen because she has to accept that there's no way to save him, and the party needs to perform a Mercy Kill. If you do some Sequence Breaking and try to fight Eizen before talking Edna into it, she'll get angry at Sorey, and won't fight.
- Tales of Arise:
- A few of the game's sidequests require you to defeat a Bonus Boss. If you had already done so, the game will acknowledge this, provide different dialogue, and automatically list the quest as "completed" and give you the rewards right there.
- Spinoff Platform Fighter Tales of VS features items that you can pick up and use at any moment to gain an advantage...unless you're playing as Barbatos Goetia, whose hatred of items is so memetic that in this game, he's hard-coded to not be able to pick up items at all.
- Tales of the Abyss takes an Important Haircut into account for Luke in New Game+:
- TaskMaker has two examples:
- The optional tutorial level features no enemies, and the only NPCs whatsoever are shopkeepers who cannot come out from behind their counters even if provoked. Therefore, the only ways to die in the tutorial are by repeatedly running into walls or floor traps, summoning a monster (via a hidden spell that a new player might not even know about, and which has a very low success rate), or using a potion or cheat to go behind the shop counters. Should the player still find a way to drop their health to 0 in the tutorial level, the game will instead reset the health meter and display the message "Normally, you would have just DIED, dropped your pouch, and gone to hell."
- Another hidden spell immediately summons a boat if the player is facing water... except in Castle Hall, where a message of "We do not tolerate that here!" appears instead. This is because, in prior versions of the game, players were using it to access a very powerful weapon hidden within the Castle Hall fountain.
- And in the game's sequel, The Tomb of the TaskMaker:
- Some events require the player to sail a boat out of Castle Hall by buying one from the dock's owner, which will then lead to him opening the drawbridge and letting the boat through. Not even killing the owner will bypass the fee; he even tells the player "Even so, you're not getting a ship from my docks for free!" when injured. However, it is possible to bypass the fee by throwing a projectile weapon at the switch that opens the drawbridge.
- Certain doors are adjacent to walls with shapes on them (spades, polygon, heart, etc.), and cannot be opened without the appropriately shaped key. While doors can normally be phased through with an Ethereal Potion or knocked down with a Falling Wall scroll, neither will work on "shaped" doors. Instead, the game will tell the player that he or she still needs the key even when ethereal, or the Falling Wall scroll will be used up and fail to knock the door down.
- Torment: Tides of Numenera:
- There are two characters in the Bloom who are eventually revealed to be the same person from different points in his timeline. If you, for whatever reason, murder the younger one at any time, the elder one and his shop are immediately erased from existence, with a bit of narration saying you now have no idea why you just killed the young man.
- Adding to this, there's a sidequest where you help a former slave find a job, which can be completed by getting him hired by that shop. If you do that, then kill the young version as described above, the slave's quest switches from "Completed" to "Active"; you erased that guy's job from the timeline and have to do his quest all over again.
- A semi-major mechanic is the Merecasters, which allow for Mental Time Travel that lets you alter the past. There a staggeringly large number of ways to completely alter the story this way, such as dealing with a cult by changing history so that it's leader dies before he can found it. You can even undo the entire game by letting your past self get killed by the Sorrow when you watch the events leading to the start of the game.
- The game starts with your character falling from the sky, and you must take action to ensure you survive... or you can do nothing and splatter against the ground, ending the game in ten seconds. You get an achievement for doing this.
- There are two characters in the Bloom who are eventually revealed to be the same person from different points in his timeline. If you, for whatever reason, murder the younger one at any time, the elder one and his shop are immediately erased from existence, with a bit of narration saying you now have no idea why you just killed the young man.
- Trials of Mana: Multiple:
- Very early in the game, every playable character except Charlotte is stuck in a town. While there, Angela can be seen asleep in the inn if she is not the main character. Since Angela is implied to be naked in bed, she will get angry at you and call your character a pervert if you wake her up. However, if the main character is Riesz — the only other female main character that could speak to Angela at that time — Angela will only express annoyance at being woken up. This extends to the remake where a cutscene plays out if a male character approaches Angela, but she sleeps through any attempt by Riesz to converse with her.
- The third party member is usually recruited via jailbreak. However, if the player selected Charlotte as the third party member, she joins in a predetermined location much earlier. Should this happen, one of the three possible party members not chosen by the player will be in the jail cell instead of Charlotte. The foresight comes from an extra scene where this character gets left behind when the heroes flee the town; if Duran is the character left behind in this manner, he'll berate the heroes for abandoning him when they meet Duran in the Molebear Moors much later.
- There is a hierarchy for certain cutscene reactions. For instance, when facing the Altenish mages in the Stoneslip Gap, they prioritize Angela first (the runaway princess who has a price on her head), then Duran (the Valsenan loyalist the Crimson Wizard encountered); if neither are present, they declare the party to be Valsenan spies and try to kill them anyway.
- When the party stays at an inn, they all shift into their respective "sleeping" animations. In normal gameplay, the only thing the player sees of these are the characters' heads peeking out from under the sheets of the beds. However, not only are the rest of the characters' bodies there, they're wearing underwear that changes color depending on the character's class. However, this is averted in the 2020 remake, as everyone sleeps with his/her clothes on in the cutscene.
- Should you have enough money, you can simply agree to the outrageous price quoted by Watts and buy the Nitromyte. If you do, the king will tell you about a shortcut to the boss room via a strange statue, which does nothing if you went through the dungeon in the normal way. You still get the Mana Spirit, but you'll skip the rest of the dungeon. (In the 2020 remake, you get an achievement called "Throw Money at It" and the "Blacksmith" ability if you just buy the nitromyte, but you still have to chase after Watts, as you can't progress very far without Gnome.)
- In the original SNES release, the battle with Karl in Kevin's opening is a Hopeless Boss Fight that Kevin has to lose before transforming into a werewolf. In the 2020 remake, this could have potentially taken hours to clear, since Kevin's level carries over from previous playthroughs on New Game+. So the battle is just changed to Kevin's tutorial fight, and he now has to win.
- Riesz has a Tragic Keepsake in the form of her mother's green ribbon. Before class changes, it's the bow in Riesz's hair. After class changes, the ribbon is tied on Riesz's left wrist, showing she's still wearing it.
- Most Soul Voice lines in Xenoblade Chronicles X are completely standardized but fit together pretty well anyway. The exception is calls for support moves, where the responder has three different spoken lines depending on the move used — one for supporting the member who called out, one for targeting themselves, and a third for targeting a party member not part of the exchange.
- One of Finch's Heart-to-Hearts in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has her wanting to visit a snow-covered place. If you view this after visiting Tantal, the conversation will change.
- Another Heart-to-heart that changes depending on story progress is "Legendary Lands". If viewed before reaching Elysium, Rex, Zeke, and Morag will debate on whether or not Elysium actually exists. If viewed after reaching Elysium, they discuss if that barren wasteland was really Elysium.
- The DLC expansion Torna: The Golden Country has fireside chats where the party comment on current story events. A few unique ones cover very specific circumstances a player would have to go out of their way to see, such as making camp just after the story has given you a free stay at a local inn, or losing to story bosses and backtracking to a campsite instead of trying again. (One of which involves abandoning Torna's capital to go camping while it's under attack by Malos)
Shoot 'em Up
- The Nintendo Switch version of Cuphead has some alternate boss routes that happen when you do certain things. (These were originally scrapped plans for the bosses, which then made their way into the game anyways.)
- If you don't shoot Weepy the Onion when he shows up, he disappears, and a radish appears in his place, which will attack you alongside Psy-Carrot.
- When Djimmi the Great is scanning you during his fourth phase, he will summon a tiny Cuphead puppet if you're shrunken during the process. This puppet does not get its own phase, instead attacking alongside giant Djimmi for the next and final phase.
- In Sally Stageplay's fight, there is an angel that you can jump on in Phase 1, which causes a buttress to fall in the background. If the husband in the background is in front of the priest when this happens, he will get killed, which ends Phase 1 immediately and causes some changes in the fight. For one, the nursery in Phase 2 will become a nunnery instead, and instead of babies, it spawns nuns who throw rulers at you. Also, in Phase 3, the husband will appear once again, this time as a god in Heaven.
Simulation Games
- Cute Knight: In the Windows version, trying to save after an ending has been achieved, gets a message of:
It's a bit late for that now!
- In Evil Genius, secret service agents usually infiltrate the rooms of your underground base via doors, and given enough time, they will hack any door. If they find something incriminating or vital, they'll try to blow it up or take pictures for evidence. If you try and block off incriminating evidence, agents that get close enough will start shooting whatever is in the way, leading to explosions and fires. If you're foolish enough to build a room then brick up the entrance, agents will find (read: make on the spot) secret entrances into the sealed-off portion of your base and carry on with their despicable do-gooding while you are helpless to stop them because the entrance is bricked up. This also works in reverse — locking up an agent into a bricked-up cell only leads to him using another secret passage to get out, and he could end up smack dab in the middle of your power plant. FFFFFFF----
- Clever players have found a way around that by building what they call an Über-trap, coupled with a Freak Trigger. The former is a sophisticated room, full of wind blower traps, separate from the rest of your base that keeps agents from escaping. The whole thing can be made out of a freezer, in case they die (so their dead bodies don't increase your heat level). The Freak Trigger is a series of small rooms, where you put your Freaks, who lumber around. They're dumb enough to trigger every sensor they step on, and you can tie those sensors to traps in the Über-trap room. Thus, not only are agents unable to escape (the door is there, it's just locked and set to allow only your evil self in), but them being constantly thrown from one wind trap to another generates a ton of cash for you thanks to trap combos (you don't even need to steal on the map anymore). The reason to put sensors in a separate room is because agents tend to shoot at any sensor they find, but they usually ignore traps. As a bonus, the game has a cap on how many agents are allowed on the island at once. If you trap the max number in the Über-trap, you won't get any more agents arriving and messing up your plans.
- FreeSpace: Multiple:
- The first game came bundled with FRED (FReespace EDitor), the same development tool the designers used to create the main game's missions. They included a rather amusing response to one attempt at crashing the program. FRED has an autonaming feature: before the user gives a ship a unique name, it is given a generic name based on its class and how many ships have been placed already. It was discovered that attempting to trick FRED's autonamer by renaming a ship to the next ship name in line (for instance, naming a ship "Ulysses 2" and then placing a second Ulysses) would result in the new ship being autonamed "URA Moron 1". For those interested, renaming a ship the next ship in line and renaming a ship "URA Moron 1" results in the next ship being "URA Moron 2", and so on.
- In the first mission of Freespace 2, if you don't jump out when the mission is complete, the ships you've been escorting will actually go through the docking procedure with the ship that you're told is coming in for them to dock with. You can watch several minutes of scripted sequence and dialog that pertains to absolutely nothing important.
- When the second Sathanas juggernaut destroys the GVD Psamtik in the mission "Straight, No Chaser", the Sathanas will normally blow the Psamtik away in seconds. However, its beams aren't scripted, just flagged as allowed to fire at will. On the off-chance that they miss enough so that the Psamtik is not immediately obliterated (essentially requiring all but one beam in the first two volleys to miss), the ship's commander and allied command exchange increasingly panicked dialog as the damage starts to pile up. The commander even reports that their jump drive has been destroyed, so you won't wonder why the Psamtik doesn't just take advantage of its luck and retreat while still in one piece.
- Similarly, at one point the first Sathanas attacks the GTD Phoenicia. Usually it just gets blown up in the first volley, but if it does survive, the captain basically says "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" and jumps out. Mention of this is made in the debriefing.
- The first time you encounter the Shivans, the weapons you're equipped with are not nearly powerful enough to do more than annoy the Shivan ships. The debriefing makes note that no Shivan ships have been destroyed at all, anywhere. If you do manage to administer a Death of a Thousand Cuts to the enemy and blow up one of their ships, the debriefing is altered so that Command congratulates you on proving the new enemy is not invincible.
- Occurs very frequently throughout the series. There are numerous ships that can appear in multiple missions, but stop appearing if they are destroyed. Easy to miss since most of these are freighters and transports of no real importance. The most obvious example is the Actium and Lysander.
- Fan-made expansions often do this too: Blue Planet has one mission where you lure a destroyer into a trap by disabling some lesser capital ships. The crews of these ships figure out what you're up to and try to warn the destroyer that it's a trap. Even if you destroy their Comm subsystem to prevent this, the ship's crew will manage to jury-rig an emergency transmitter to get the warning off anyway.
- Also from Blue Planet, let's say you used cheats to win the Unwinnable by Design mission "Delenda Est". A Sathanas juggernaut called "Mr. Cuddles" will show up to kill you. If you manage to survive that (probably also by cheating), you get a special debriefing.
- Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons:
- Many games within the series have events based on your friendship with certain people. Some of the events involve characters who are in the pool of potential Love Interests; some of the events must be seen if you want to marry them, but some of them are optional. If you see these optional events after you've married them, the dialogue will often be slightly different — in addition to calling you by your nickname, they'll say somewhat more romantic things.
- In Harvest Moon DS, if your Ball item gets lost, Mayor Thomas will return it to you. Your ball can get lost if you so much as sneeze (though you can purposefully ship it or give it to people), but if you specifically throw your ball in the water? Thomas will appear angry and dripping wet, and chide you for being so irresponsible! If he wasn't a champion swimmer, your ball would be lost for good.
- When you want to propose to someone, you need to use the Blue Feather. If you show it to an eligible partner, then they'll either agree to marry you or refuse. If you show it to the other townspeople, you get responses ranging from congratulations on your upcoming engagement, to mistakenly thinking that you're trying to propose to them. This is taken even further in Island of Happiness. There are around 70 extra side villagers that can move to your island. Even though they don't have face graphics, and are all simple Palette Swaps of each other, they'll each have their own special response to the Blue Feather.
- In Story of Seasons (2014), when you upgrade your house from the basic shack to the first level, your first barn is added on at no extra cost. Shortly after, Eda—the farmer that trains you—brings you Hanako, the cow you trained with, for free. She also walks you through basic cow care. If you manage to not upgrade your place until after Eda dies in Winter Year 1, then it's Guild Master Veronica who brings you Hanako instead—having held on to her until you had your barn as Eda wanted you to have her, and asking you to care for her in Eda's memory. The flavor text after Hanako is recieved even changes slightly.
- In Kerbal Space Program, you get specific flavor text for performing experiments on different planets. A set exists for doing science while landed on Jool, despite the fact that Jool is a gas giant and has no surface to land on. Another set exists for doing science while flying at the Mun; the "flying" situation requires that the craft in question be flying within atmosphere, which the Mun does not have.
- In MechWarrior 2, several missions required you to navigate a sprawling city full of civilian buildings. The missions didn't require you to deviate much from the predisposed path, but many curious players did it anyway because all the buildings could be inspected to reveal what was inside (and destroyed with no consequences, if the urge struck you). That they were all believably labeled (offices, hospitals etc.) showed a fair amount of Thinking of Everything all by itself, but at some point — way away from the mission's objective — you'd find a building labeled "Oh, just a building" that, when inspected, showed "Don't shoot me!". If you blew that up, a nuclear explosion would happen that'd destroy the entire level and everything in it.
- In Rune Factory 3, because of Fantastic Racism Micah can't initially enter the Univir settlement when in human form, and if he has a companion with him (even one who knows about his Woolly form) they will insist on not entering since humans are not welcome. If Raven's quests have been completed (and thus she's comfortable transforming in her monster form around Micah), she and Micah are then able to enter the settlement freely.
- In Rune Factory 4, your child has unique dialogue if you take them with you the very first time you enter the game's very first dungeon, Yokmir Forest. The only possible way to see this dialogue is if you play as Frey and choose to marry Vishnal before ever progressing the plot in any way, as every single other marriage candidate in the game requires areas or characters than can only be unlocked if you progress with the plot.
- The Sims has a surprising amount of this when it comes to different expansion packs, and how they may interact with one another:
- Many of the items from the House Party expansion are things that can be found in public places and would lend themselves well to clubs and other hangouts, so when the Hot Date expansion introduced the ability to travel downtown, an alternate version of downtown was created for House Party users which extensively uses House Party's items and decor.
- One item that deserves special mention is the DJ booth. Hot Date actually went so far as to include an NPC to operate it on community lots, complete with the ability to request songs.
- The Hot Date expansion adds the ability to go on dates. If Vacation or Unleashed is also installed, dates can be taken to Vacation Island, and Unleashed's in-neighborhood community lots as well.
- The Unleashed expansion adds the ability to own dogs and cats as fully-fledged family members. If Vacation is installed, they can actually be taken on vacation with the rest of the family, and the pre-made resorts and campgrounds from Vacation were upgraded with pet-related objects to support them (and some other aesthetic objects from Unleashed), though there are some signs that suggest this was an afterthought.
- The new community lots in Unleashed can only be traveled to by the whole family, which can be annoying when you just want to shop for pet supplies. Well, if Hot Date is installed, Unleashed will actually update one of the pre-made downtown lots with a pet store so you can buy pet supplies without making it a family outing.
- Many of the items from the House Party expansion are things that can be found in public places and would lend themselves well to clubs and other hangouts, so when the Hot Date expansion introduced the ability to travel downtown, an alternate version of downtown was created for House Party users which extensively uses House Party's items and decor.
- The Sims 2:
- Don't think you can get away with screwing around with the social worker if she shows up to take your kids. Most sadistic players who played the first Sims usually boxed the kid or the worker in a room with no doors or the like in order to prevent the kid from being taken away. Trying to pull the same trick off in the sequel, and if the worker can't reach the kid after a certain amount of time, she will teleport both herself and the kid to her car.
- Each expansion in The Sims 2 included big gameplay elements that would have to be accounted for in future expansions, leading to extra features that you would never see if you only had one or two installed.
- In University, the college neighborhood has certain restrictions due to time passing differently and students being in their own separate age group with its own game mechanics, which all later expansions had to take into consideration. Students also have teenage voices, meaning the voice actors would have to record lines for all the things adults can do but teenagers cannot.
- Nightlife introduced a new aspiration, (Pleasure), which would need to have wants and fears assigned to it in all later expansions.
- Open For Business allows players to run their own business, meaning all community lot items in future expansions (such as food stands and pet shops) would need to work when controlled by the player.
- Pets cheated a bit; cats and dogs aren't permitted at university, and they can't be taken on vacation. Still, though, they can interact with objects only included in previous and future expansions.
- Free Time's hobby system assigns an appropriate hobby to almost EVERY SINGLE OBJECT IN ALL EXPANSIONS.
- Don't think you can cheat in the DS version without consequence. Setting back your DS's clock will cause the concierge to accuse you of being a time-traveling witch and aliens will swarm the town. There is no consequence for setting your DS clock forward, other than causing bugs to occur more frequently.
- Sims with an Outgoing personality sometimes pull out a hand mirror and primp as an Idle Action. If the player has Nightlife installed and the Outgoing Sim becomes a vampire, the Sim will look into the mirror, sneer at it, and hiss. (You know, because vampires don't show up in mirrors.)
- In SnowRunner, most trucks can be equipped with a snorkel that allows the truck to drive into deeper water. Surely, the developer just increased the depth in which you could drive without drowning the truck, right? Actually, the game recognizes the intake on the snorkel as such. If you drive into water and roll the truck enough to submerge the snorkel, but not enough to stall the engine, the engine will take water damage while it runs.
- Stardew Valley
- Some NPCs are placed in unreachable locations for some of the town festivals (such as the Wizard and Linus at the Spirit's Eve maze), but nevertheless have unique dialogue about the situation if the player manages to somehow reach them anyway.
- Similarly, the caged skeletons and penned animals that show up during certain festivals can be talked to if a player no-clips past the fences. (Although all of them just say "Hi.")
- The mine carts are repaired as the reward for completing the boiler room bundles (or paying 15,000 gold). These can access the quarry if the player has completed the crafts room bundles. If the player hasn't, the mine carts can go to the mines, the town, and the bus stop, but the quarry will remain locked until the player has completed all of the craft room bundles and repaired the bridge.
- You can display any item on the Grange at the Stardew Valley Fair, including objective-based ones. Such as the Mayor's shorts
◊. Starting in Version 1.1, the Mayor gets offended, bans you from competing, and offers you 750 stars as hush money to take it down, and Marnie gets flustered when she realizes what that "strange purple cabbage" is.
- Version 1.3 allows you to put the shorts in the Luau potluck soup for a unique scene. Version 1.4 allows you to wear them yourself!
- An Anti-Frustration Feature allows the player to push past characters that may be in the way. Attempting to push the desert casino bouncer out of the way will result in him not budging and saying "Nice try."
- Trying to use the out-of-bounds bug to reach the casino staircase results in the bouncer catching you, throwing you out, yelling "you little punk!" and hitting you with a Mega Bomb. He does the same thing if you try using a mod to warp into the Casino before you've unlocked it.
- Using a pile of staircases to complete the 100-level quest in Skull Cavern gets you a reprimand that you were supposed to do it the hard way... but you still get the reward, for having the chutzpah to cheat. If you do the quest using fewer than 10 staircases, your benefactor is sincerely impressed and remarks that he expected you to cheat.
- Typing "/cheat" into chat gets you a message saying "Nice try."
- If the player was married to Emily prior to 1.4, she has different dialogue in the scene where she allows you access to her sewing machine. This is otherwise impossible to see since she normally gives you permission to use it long before you can marry her.
- Since Linus never goes to town outside of cutscenes and events, it's nearly impossible to get caught going into a Dumpster Dive by him. 1.3 added the Night Market, which he does have to cross town to go to. He has a different reaction to seeing you elbow-deep in a trash can.
- YouTube personality DangerouslyFunny is a goldmine of these, and either finds them himself or demonstrates them a lot. To wit:
- Update 1.5 added chatbox reprimands for naming yourself an item code.
- Making your character's favorite thing "Stardew" or "ConcernedApe" yields unique messages when you get a Stardrop (the normal message is "the taste reminds you of [Thing]").
You found a Stardrop! It's strange, but the taste reminds you of... ConcernedApe?! Well, thanks, I guess!
You found a Stardrop! You feel a profound connection to the valley itself.
- If you didn't take the bus to Calico Desert but need to take it back to Pelican Town, Pam won't be there to drive it. So you are shown in the driver's seat!
- In Wing Commander IV, if you customize your loadout with leech cannons and then leach the boss to zero, then the following cinematic FMV actually has a different prerendered CGI shot of the boss adrift incapacitated rather than being destroyed. To spend the budget to prerender a CGI shot for an obscure play approach was unexpected.
Sports Games
- Rusty's Real Deal Baseball fully expects you to progress the story by haggling down the prices of the Microtransactions for the minigames, using various in-game items that can solve the myriad of issues in Rusty's personal life. Because of this, choosing to instead pay full price for a game without using any items brings up a special series of cutscenes in which Rusty receives the relevant items anyways from Pappy van Poodle, a mentor character who is otherwise unmentioned until the epilogue and who happens upon the items himself, giving them to Rusty either as gifts or because he has no need for them. This ensures that the main story is still able to progress as intended even if the player refuses to cooperate with it.
- Backyard Sports: In any Humongous version of Backyard Baseball or Soccer, Pablo Sanchez can be put on a team that uses black as its main color. During gameplay, Pablo normally will, at random points, say "¡Vamos [team color]!". However, given that the normal, correct Spanish word for "black", "negro", is not so politically-correct if heard by an English speaker, Pablo will instead opt to say "¡Vamos Equipo!" (Go Team!)
Stealth-Based Games
- After completing a Child Liberation side mission in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate you're given a short cutscene. If there were any guards left alive after freeing the last group of children, the cutscene shows your Rooks beating them up while the kids run for safety. If you eliminated all the guards beforehand, it instead shows the Rooks calmly reassuring them and walking with them out of the factory.
- Hitman:
- Blood Money anticipated for "Til Death Do Us Part" that people might disguise themselves as a priest during a wedding
. So naturally, there's a bonus cutscene where you can tie the knot for your target.
- This mission takes place in a rural swamp estate in Mississippi. At the start of the mission you see a group of poachers shooting gators in the swamp for sport. If you join in at shooting at them, they will comment. If you later toss bodies into the same swamp, you'll see a unique animation of the bodies being devoured by gators. This is the only mission in the game where NPC's will not be alarmed by the sounds of gunshots, as long as they don't see anyone actually get hit.
- If you shoot the target during his wedding ceremony, in front of the large audience, everyone will begin looking for the shooter and you'll likely be found quickly no matter how far away you were. But if you wait until after the ceremony when all of the men draw guns and fire them into the air to celebrate and time your shot with theirs, they will react with confusion and the death will be counted as an accident.
- An early mission is similar, allowing you to sabotage a production of Tosca during rehearsals. The hinted method is to replace the prop gun with a real one, but a well-timed shot from out of sight will also count. However, the developers also foresaw the player getting reckless with this — the prop gunshot is part of the opera's soundtrack, and anyone who hears 47's gunshot will still investigate the source.
- Running near the jogger in the suburban mission "A New Life" results in him saying, "Nice stride, friend, but you'll ruin your feet in those shoes!"
- Hitman (2016) and its sequel have many of these — if 47 can disguise himself as a person of interest, he almost always has some sort of interaction that shows off relevant skills. This covers everything from playing drums to literary criticism.
- Blood Money anticipated for "Til Death Do Us Part" that people might disguise themselves as a priest during a wedding
- Sheep, Dog 'n' Wolf: In level 13, though very difficult, it is technically possible to get past the mine field without the use of the metal detector. Since the metal detector is needed for obtaining the gold coins to lure Yosemite Sam into the jail later on in the level, there is a second metal detector in the jail.
- Early in Splinter Cell: Double Agent Version 2 (The one on Gamecube and PS2), you can access an email from Enrica to Jamie cautioning him to watch his stress levels due to his heart condition and his pacemaker. If you remember this in the final mission and decide to take a shot at him with the OCP attachment, it will indeed short out his pacemaker and take him down. He is the only enemy in the game that is vulnerable to the OCP.
- In Splinter Cell: Conviction, the new, improved takedowns include slamming a hostage's head against the wall. If you do this in front of a light switch, the Player Character slams the hostage's face into it
. This turns the lights off.
- Yandere Simulator: Multiple:
- If a club leader sees you commit murder, they won't allow you in their club, and have a specific line for it. It's very unlikely that Budo Masuta or Itachi Zametora would survive to bar you from their clubs, as they are Heroes and will attempt to apprehend you directly (which can only end in their deaths or you getting a Game Over), but they both have voiced lines for the situation.
- The headmaster has a voiced reaction for you sneaking up to him while wearing the cardboard box.
- It's really unlikely that you could take a Panty Shot of Nemesis-chan without her killing you in the process, but if you do, Info-chan has lines for it.
- It's worth noting that the latter two were added in response to the Let's Players who managed to bring those situations up when they were first implemented without the special reaction.
- If you use an Action Replay to boost the experience gained in Disgaea DS, the game will adapt the characters leveled up in this fashion so that they need to more than double their total EXP gained just to go up one more level — essentially forcing you to keep using that cheat just to level up at the normal rate. Of course, by the time it figures it out (which varies from character to character), you could already have your characters' levels in the 4000s (usually, it figures it out by around 2300 or so).
- Fanmade BattleTech translation Megamek allows some of the various vanishingly small opportunities in the native wargame to occur, including a Mutual Kill (which is difficult since rarely will two sides simultaneously and completely destroy one another). When it happens though, it is able to not only recognize the fact that both sides lost, but announce that the winner is "the Chicago Cubs!!!".
- The remakes of Disgaea 2 added several DLC characters. Depending on when you acquire these extra characters, there will be bonus dialogue depending on who is available. Some examples:
- Acquiring Dark Éclair normally has her bond with Rozalin in the story scene afterwards, but if you have Overlord Priere by that time, Dark Éclair and Priere will have a conversation comparing notes.
- Ash and Marona get alternate dialogue depending on whom was summoned first. If Marona was summoned first, she proves a bit grossed out by Ash, whom was forced to confine himself to a plunger. If Ash was summoned first, he proves wary of Marona, thinking her a duplicate due to her summoning materials being Taro's game and save data.
- In Galactic Civilizations II, there is a specific endgame screen that triggers only if you deliberately supernova your last inhabited star system.
Worker Salaries: 4500 bc
Raw Materials: 125,000 bc
Propulsion System and Fuel: 5500 bc
Death Beam: 10,000 bc
Blowing up your own homeworld with a Terror Star: priceless. - In Hard West, the only available weapons in the game are firearms; there are no fistfight mechanics. What happens if you enter a tactical encounter with a character who doesn't have any weapon equipped? He receives a special gun named the "Rusty Peashooter", which is a sixshooter revolver inflicting 1 point of damage per shot.
- Pikmin: The series has a hard limit of 100 maximum Pikmin in the field. Someone will make note of common ways the limit is kept if they occur, such as grown Pikmin being stored away when there are already 100 on the field. However, there are also times when a Pikmin is automatically placed into the field, usually when an Onion releases the first seed of a type of Pikmin after discovering or extincting it, and the game will forcefully put the farthest Pikmin from that location back in its Onion if needed. Additionally, when entering a cave in the second game, Pikmin that aren't buried or with the leaders are put back in their Onions. In a few caves, it is possible to obtain more Pikmin, and those extra Pikmin will be automatically put away if they exceed the limit due to buried Pikmin on the surface.
- In Pikmin 2, the Submerged Castle can only be reached by Blue Pikmin, as the entrance to that dungeon is underwater. The main boss in that dungeon needs Purple Pikmin to be defeated. But if you try to hack the game and allow Purple Pikmin to access water, the game will flat-out tell you that only Blue Pikmin can enter the dungeon.
- In Pikmin 3, due to the more story-driven areas, there are invisible walls set up to prevent Sequence Breaking in a lot of places, though some can be avoided. Notably, one is placed on top of the blue Onion to prevent unlocking Blue Pikmin early by going out of bounds and reaching a part of the area normally inaccessible until a plot-based event late in the game.
- In Starcraft II, the Hydralisk and Roach are normally ranged attackers, but when attacking enemies in melee range, they use a different attack animation where they slash at the target with their claws. While it's largely cosmetic as the melee attack has exactly the same properties as the normal attack, it also ignores Point-Defense Drones, which only work against ranged attacks.
- In the Wings of Liberty campaign, two missions have specific objectives that are not "destroy the enemy base". If you do destroy the enemy base in these missions, you get a special announcement from Matt Horner that the enemy is in full retreat, and are given the victory immediately since it's now impossible for the enemy to stop you from achieving your goal. Later expansions actually give achievements for doing this sort of thing.
- In the tutorial of the Heart of Swarm campaign Valerian Mengsk is testing the newly dezergified Kerrigan to see if she can still control the Zerg. Your objective is to trash the lab to teach him a lesson. If instead of zerglings you try to do so with drones, Valerian will express his confusion.
- In one the cinematics of Heart of Swarm Kerrigan is seen chilling with her favorite zergling. Its appearence will vary depending on whether you have completed the Zergling Evolution Mission prior and which permanent mutation you chose for your zerglings there.
- Super Robot Wars OG:
- Super Robot Wars Z has many such instances. For example, The Big O is a ground unit which has melee attacks which do not work against aerial opponents, but if you attach a "Minovsky Drive" which allows it to fly and use these attacks, you see that they have specialized, completely unique animations for mid-air use. Another one is an Easter Egg special dialog that can be found if you reduce the penultimate boss' HP to exactly 1 point, where it goes on a rather lengthy rambling session. Lampshades the whole idea with the ground-only Iron Gear (WM)'s punch attack — if it's given some way to attack aerial foes, it won't use its boosters to jump up. Rather, it just kinda floats up, perfectly in key with its source.
- Total War
- Rome: Total War:
- Fight next to a city and you'll be able to see it almost entirely on the battle map. Fight near the ocean with a fleet nearby, and you can see the ships on the edge of the map, in the background. Fight next to one of the Wonders and you'll see it in the distance. Fight a battle in Sicily, and you'll see Mt. Etna spewing smoke on the horizon. Rome is the first game in the series that introduces the concept of buildings catching fire and collapsing into piles of rubble if they're heavily damaged by siege weapons.
- One shared with Medieval II: Total War as well - Nearly anything your Generals do can earn them a new trait or ancillary. Have a general visit or become governor to a town with an Arena? He may become a fan of the games. Leave a General between cities at the end of a turn? He might gain a trait regarding logistics. Have a General regularly fight armies of a particular faction? He may earn a trait that has him hate that particular faction and get a bonus commanding against them. Hire mercenaries often? He may get a mercenary captain in the retinue. Govern a city with a temple? He may get a priest of that temple in his retinue. This even applies to agents and naval captains.
- Before most battles, the commander of the army will give a speech. If the army is commanded by a captain (no general is present in the army) the speech will be very short, along the lines of "let's kill them, men", while an actual general will treat the player to a longer speech. The content of the speech will depend on a large variety of things, including: the faction you're playing, the faction you're facing, which side has the numerical advantage, if the general has fought, won or lost against the faction before and how large a portion of the total military strength of both factions is present. Even some traits the generals may have will affect the speech, in addition to the effects they have on the general's stats, so a Boring Speaker will stutter a lot and be uninspiring in general, while a Great Speaker's speech makes even the player excited. The most experienced generals will even analyze the composition of the forces present, such as which side has more missiles, cavalry, etc., and give the player advice on how he should approach the battle. Becomes Fridge Brilliance when the player's army is on defense and the general says something on the lines of "the enemy will make the first move, I think"; the attacking army is supposed to make the first move, but the buggy AI will occasionally fail to do so, which the in-game characters seem to acknowledge.
- Rome: Total War:
Survival Horror
- 2Dark: A lot of the little things can trigger their own responses. For instance, in the final level, there's a child guarded by two nameless, hooded members of Krach's cult. Killing just one and having the other discover the body leads to him remarking "You want to save the kids, Smith, right? Let me make that task easier for you by one." and he heads straight to kill the child unless you can thwart him in time.
- Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth: There's a moment where Jack needs to access a ladder locked on a ceiling by shooting its lock. Doing it under the ladder makes it fall on Jack and badly injure him.
- Eternal Darkness has a few examples involving spellcasting. If you have the bright idea of using the Recover spell with Ulyaoth to replenish your mana faster, you'll see that it indeed works... except it only recovers as much mana as it took to cast. Later, as Michael, you can use the Enchant Item spell on his portable flashlight to change the color of its beam to match the Ancient fueling the spell.
- FEAR 2: Project Origin:
- You start the game in a parking lot. If you shoot at a nearby car for the heck of it, your squadmate tells you to stop ("hey, it's not your car!"). A short while later, you meet with your superior, who asks why you're late; your squadmate says "Becket was busy vandalizing shit". He has different responses if you jump in the fountain ("Becket decided to take a bath in the fountain") or just take a long time doing nothing ("Becket was busy admiring the scenery").
- One firefight later in the game takes place in an elementary school's auditorium, with several wooden props set up for a play. The soldiers you fight will actively call out which prop you choose to take cover behind, with a special message if you pick the donkey: "The ass! He's behind the ass! Shoot the ass!"
- The final stalker in his second form in Haunting Ground can't be hidden from under normal circumstances. If you possess a special item that makes you invisible, however, and manage to tuck yourself away in the one corner out of his line of sight long enough to give yourself time for that invisibility to activate, he will still have unique lines recorded suggesting you're hiding from him.
- In the Old Clockworks area in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, one room features a key guarded by two Slammers...only both of them are too distracted to notice Luigi. Most players would just capture the two ghosts and then grab the key, but if you instead opt to sneak past them, grab the key, and then leave without them noticing, they'll suddenly realize the key is gone and start looking around for it.
- In Luigi's Mansion 3, during the Gooigi tutorial, there is a puddle of water on the floor near the lever to free Luigi that the player will likely overlook as background scenery until they try to move Gooigi over it, which causes him to dissolve. If you walk around the puddle to get to the switch before this happens, E. Gadd cuts in and requests that Gooigi step on the puddle, to prevent you from missing the introduction to this mechanic.
- As Boundary Break
discovered by hacking the camera to move it freely, Mr. X in Resident Evil 2 (Remake) is always somewhere in the station hunting you. Even when he's nowhere near you he still makes all the proper movements, opens doors to examine rooms, swats zombies out of his way, and even reacts appropriately when he hears a gunshot.
- Might not be actually intentional case of the trope, since it is just easier to code AI that doesn't care if it's in the player's sight or not. Doing otherwise would require you do create whole new simplified system that would require its own load of effort to debug and playtest to make sure it acts correctly.
- More Designer's Foresight, but in Resident Evil Village, the stairs in Lady Dimitrescu's lair are worn unevenly - every third step has significantly more wear than the steps above or below it. This is because Lady Dimitrescu is so tall that when she climbs the stairs, she only steps on every third step.
- If you enter the final boss battle in either Silent Hill or Silent Hill 2 without any ammunition for your ranged weapons (which are necessary to defeat the final bosses in question), or run out during the battle, the boss will start to take damage of its own accord until it dies, allowing the game to be won.
- If you find a glitch and fall outside the boundaries of the level in Slender: The Arrival you die and text from the Slender Man appears at the bottom of the screen saying "even a glitch in the game can't save you from me."
- In Subnautica, repairing the radio in your escape pod or building one in your base lets you contact a nearby spaceship for help, only for them to be destroyed the same way the Aurora was, thereby leading you into the game's main plot. However, if you put off repairing/rebuilding the radio until after curing the plague and disabling the Quarantine Enforcement Platform, the Sunbeam instead reports that they can't get through the orbital debris from the Aurora's destruction.
- It is normally impossible to complete Sweet Home with a single party member alive. However, you can complete the game if the Final Boss reduces your party down to one... and you'll get an unique ending for it.
- In Ultimate Custom Night, Scott Cawthon declared 50/20 Mode to be impossible, but programmed in an 'UNBEATABLE!' victory screen just in case. Good thing he did, because it was only a few weeks before Rhemery became the first person to beat 50/20 mode. Of course, Scott has had previous experience with people beating Harder Than Hard modes that he couldn't, starting way back with BigBug's victory over the original 20/20/20/20 mode, so no wonder he was Genre Savvy this go-around.
Third-Person Shooter
- Chapter 3 of Kid Icarus: Uprising revolves around Pit fighting a three-headed dragon and chasing its disembodied heads. The order you take out its heads determines which "role" each of the heads will play in the land portion of the chapter, and each head has unique dialogue for each "role".
- Max Payne 2:
- The first non-prologue area involves the investigation of a warehouse area. One of the private cleaners of the site insists on letting you in and showing you to the main storage area, at which point he and several of his underlings ambush you and the real violence begins. Unless, of course, you already know what's going to happen. You can simply kill him upon your first encounter.
Max: [monologuing] The perp's disguise didn't fool me. He was leading me into a trap.
- Any stage that allows you to roam around in one way or another supplies you with many little sweets, some dialogue, and some actual animations:
- In Payne's or Corcoran's apartment complexes during their respective shootouts, if you knock or try to open any other apartment doors that you aren't supposed to, people inside will call out to you things along the lines of "Get lost!", "The cops are on their way!", and "Ooooh, ooooh yeah!", thus averting the mistake other games usually commit.
- There is a man making a statement within the police station on how his wife and her lover killed themselves in his house and THEN framed him for the murder or the stripper who receives threats from her video shooter-addicted boyfriend after she threw his TV out of the window.
- There are several areas you will probably never have to go during the game, such as the traffic control centre and the recreation room in Max's precinct. In the former, you can listen to the officer in charge giving directions and confirming orders, but in the latter, you see two cops watching TV. If you get between them and the TV, they will shout at you to get out of the way and try to lean around you. If you actually turn off the TV, they will call you an asshole and turn it on again with a remote. If you try to fiddle with the air conditioner that has a large white paper with "DO NOT TOUCH" on it, it'll break and they'll call you out on it for that as well, complaining about Indian summers.
- At one point during the Escort Mission where you have to protect Vinnie trapped in a bomb-rigged Captain BaseBall Bat Boy costume, you enter Vinnie's flat, and you can shoot Vinnie's collector merchandise, and he will then call you out on shooting his "priceless collector's items".
- The first non-prologue area involves the investigation of a warehouse area. One of the private cleaners of the site insists on letting you in and showing you to the main storage area, at which point he and several of his underlings ambush you and the real violence begins. Unless, of course, you already know what's going to happen. You can simply kill him upon your first encounter.
- In Max Payne 3, Max can carry one large rifle or shotgun and two smaller weapons. Max will realistically carry his longarm in his off hand due to the lack of a sling, even during cutscenes. And if Max needs to go Guns Akimbo, he has to drop the long gun. The game even edits cutscenes to take account of whether or not Max entered the scene carrying a rifle and has to put it down or have it taken.
- Spec Ops: The Line has unique voice lines when you use squad commands, depending on where the enemies are. Order a flashbang on a bunch of enemies hiding in a bus, and Walker will say "Empty that bus!" In a shootout in a museum with a T-Rex skeleton, he'll say "Take out that guy by the T-Rex!". Adams and Lugo will also shout out enemy locations in the same way.
- Splatoon:
- In the Ancho-V Games stage, ther are platforms with propellers on them; shooting the propellers will move those platforms and ink will rebound off of the propellers in the process. The damage that the propelled ink causes is negligible, but can finish off an enemy who is really, really low on health. The game will then declare that you've been "splatted by ink from a propeller!" (Or "Splatted by propeller ink!" in Splatoon 2.)
- In Splatoon 2, if you try to enter Octo Canyon as an Octoling upon completing the Octo Expansion campaign, you will automatically change into an Inkling upon arrival (since Agent 4 is supposed to be an Inkling). You change back to an Octoling when you return to Inkopolis Square.
- Transformers: Fall of Cybertron:
- While playing as Starscream, the player can find a crown and have him wear it for the rest of the level as an Easter Egg. During a cutscene towards the end of the level, Starscream gets thrown into a wall and knocked out by Grimlock before player control switches to Grimlock; if Starscream is still wearing the crown at this point, it gets knocked off by Grimlock's throw and accidentally crushed when Grimlock walks past.
- Shortly after Grimlock gets loose, the various Decepticon guards will attack you... but the unarmed scientists and workers actually working at the facility will run away, duck for cover, or simply freeze up out of fear. Some of the guards will also choose to flee instead of fighting, as they know how much more dangerous you are.
- Early in the game Optimus passes by Grimlock's quarters, where Warpath was just searching for him. If you go inside (which you have no reason to do and wouldn't probably think of, given there's an attack going on) and look at the morbid stuff he has in there (weapon racks, a locker filled with heads, etc.), than Optimus will make some weary comments about Grimlock's violent nature. You can also turn on the TV in the room and sit down to watch it; doing so gets you a nasty comment from Ironhide over your radio chewing you out for not getting to the battlefield when you're needed.
- When Megatron confronts Starscream, a button prompt tells the player to press the fire button to "shut Starscream up". If you hold off on firing instead, a surprised Starscream proceeds to go into a lengthy rant about how he's the better leader of the Decepticons while waiting for you to shoot him. Similarly, if you linger a bit instead of walking away immediately after beating Kickback, he'll make fun of you for sticking around.
- When you confront Shockwave as Grimlock, if you listen in on Shockwave and Megatron's conversation instead of attacking right away like the game expects, the two continue their fully scripted conversation and exchange some private information the player won't otherwise hear because the two think they're alone.
Turn-Based Strategy
- Advance Wars
- All the games (except for Days of Ruin) starts the campaign with a training mission with predeployed units and a simple "defeat all enemy units" strategy. These are virtually impossible to lose without specifically trying, though there is helpful dialogue if you somehow manage to do so. If you keep moving your units around until they're all out of fuel (there's no properties to resupply you), the instructing CO will chew out the newer one for intentionally wasting resources just to see what would happen.
- From the second game:
Nell: Andy! What in the world? Your units are out of fuel!!!
Andy: I, um...I though I saw something, and...
Nell: Don't lie to me, young man! You were playing around, wasting time and fuel! I am VERY disappointed! Open up the Map menu and select Options, please! Now choose Yield, and we can try this over from the beginning.
Andy: OK... I won't mess up again.
- From the second game:
- Nearly all of the "Survive for X turns" missions have unique dialogue if you actually manage to win early by rout or capture.
- All the games (except for Days of Ruin) starts the campaign with a training mission with predeployed units and a simple "defeat all enemy units" strategy. These are virtually impossible to lose without specifically trying, though there is helpful dialogue if you somehow manage to do so. If you keep moving your units around until they're all out of fuel (there's no properties to resupply you), the instructing CO will chew out the newer one for intentionally wasting resources just to see what would happen.
- The Battle For Wesnoth:
- The first scenario of Descent into Darkness has Malin Keshar raising the dead to defend his hometown from an orcish attack, and then being exiled for practicing necromancy. However, if you won the battle without raising any, he instead leaves the town on his own.
- XCOM 2 has a rare example of light discipline: in murkier maps, your soldiers will keep the flashlights on their weapons off while concealed. When revealed, they turn them on.
Visual Novels
- For a series that often gets accused of the opposite, Ace Attorney actually offers quite a bit of this, particularly in the latter games.
- The first case of the first game requires no pressing to finish, and the aspect of pressing is only brought up during the second case. However the "Press" option is still present in the controls and pressing it will have Phoenix questioning the witnesses as per normal.
- Some of the later games include special Non Standard Game Over sequences for when you fail a trial at a point where the defendant being found Guilty wouldn't make sense. For example, the client getting off the hook but the real killer getting away.
- For example, in Spirit of Justice, during the divination seance of Inga's final memories. You have a testimony from a witness, that was previously used to prove that the person the victim was talking to on the phone was in the bazaar, from the sounds that can be heard over the phone corresponding to events the witness claimed occurred in the bazaar. You then have to use that same testimony to point out that the assumed time the memories are occurring is wrong, as the witness claims the events occurred at around 2PM, while the TOD is put as 3PM. To do this the player must pinpoint a specific spot in the memories that correspond to the events from the testimony, the two main ones being the supposed "gunshot" and the laughter heard over the phone. If the player attempts to use the laughter they will get unique dialogue where it's pointed out that laughter is a common occurrence in a place like a bazaar. They also will not occur the usual penalty, due to being on the right track with their logic, before being returned to the seance.
- And a minor example from the third game: In the section where you play as Edgeworth and talk to Iris for the first time, you'd typically ask the questions in order as laid out for you. Doing so triggers a Psyche-Lock, cluing Edgeworth in that Iris is hiding something. The next dialogue option has him directly ask Iris if she's the murderer, and Edgeworth figures out she's telling the truth because the psyche-locks are absent. However, if you ask her about being the murderer FIRST (without finding out about the psyche-locks) Edgeworth's internal monologue reveals he, rightfully at the time, has no way to actually know if she's lying or not.
- Doki Doki Literature Club! has several of these in it:
- Sayori's suicide scene has a fake Ren'Py crash screen. If you check the game files after it appears, you can discover an actual traceback.txt file, which under usual circumstances is used to determine the cause of the crash. The end of this file features a hidden message from Monika.
- After Monika deletes everyone before Act 3 starts, she will call you by your character's name, and then your OS profile's name. If you're currently streaming, however, she will only call you by your character's name and then admonish you for bringing an audience a little later, giving you a measure of privacy.
- If you start a brand new game after deleting Monika's character file, the game starts with Sayori suddenly going insane and the game crashing, followed by her character file being deleted. If you open the game up again afterward (or delete Sayori's character file yourself), it just shows the image of her suicide in grayscale. The normal ending explains why this happens: Sayori, now president of the Literature Club, gains the knowledge about everything Monika did and knew. If Monika is deleted before you even start, Sayori gains knowledge that everything is just a visual novel. As Sayori becomes aware that she's in a game, it drives her insane.
- If you try to reinsert Monika's character file into the game after she "resurrects" the other three, a message pops up from her telling you to stop playing with her heart, before the game erases it and continues as intended.
- If you manage to load save files
from a different "Act" than the one you're currently in (the video shows someone trying to view a scene from Act 2 while in Act 1), Monika will chastise the player for "cheating" and then send you back to the menu.
- Ghost Trick offers several branching areas where you're allowed to travel over the phone lines to check out areas that aren't even crucial to your immediate task, but if you choose to, you're often given information that will come into play soon thereafter.
- An early example involves Emma and her daughter Amelie, Lynne's neighbors who seem only tangentially related to the story. Later on, Amelie is kidnapped by the foreigners and held hostage as ransom against the justice minister... or so they claim. If you've been checking in on them during the night, and if you travel to see them during the ransom phone call in question, you see that it's all a bluff using a recorded message spliced together from the arguments Amelie has been having with Emma during the evening.
- One of the areas in the game is normally unlocked by watching a phone call while undoing someone's death. If you manage to miss it Lynne will give you the phone number a bit later.
- In Virtue's Last Reward, in order to unlock the door in an escape section, you need to get a key from within a safe, by unlocking said safe with a password. All your passwords you find are stored in the file screen, and after you've completed an escape section, you can replay it by selecting it on the flow chart. If you replay one of them, you'll be able to automatically open the safe by entering the password, thus bypassing the puzzles. If you do so, then there'll be unique conversations when you go to leave the room, particularly if there is something within the room and it's puzzles relating to the plot. The same thing obviously happens if you happen to guess the password and input it without having found it. One particular example is in the lounge, where doing this will result in Phi stopping you from going through the door, and shouting a quick lecture on lunar eclipses at you, much to the confusion of protagonist Sigma.
- XBlaze is set as a prequel to the rest of BlazBlue franchise, with X Blaze Lost: Memories showing two major characters at a very young age. The central one of the two contracts amnesia at the start of the story, allowing you to input a name for her. Try to input the name she is better known as, 'Nine', and the game will tell you 'The time has not come for that yet...'. It also vetoes names like Konoe, Phantom and various members of Nine's family.
- The sequel of Virtue's Last Reward, Zero Time Dilemma:
- The player can type a number of answers for different choices, including the nonsensical. For example, after finding Mira dead in one timeline Eric asks Q who killed her. Among the options are Q, Eric and... Gab.
- If the player knows Zero's identity, there are a few places where extra dialogue can be found. When typing in who killed Junpei, putting in Delta causes the game to say "HE IS NOT HERE". Typing it in during the Mexican Standoff leads to an Easter Egg ending where Q turns around and apologizes before shooting him, leading to surprised reactions from Eric and Mira.
- Throughout the game you can see who's dead in the pause menu. If you check during the ending D-END 2 you'll see that Phi and Q are marked as DEAD throughout... until Diana and Sigma's children are born and their status is changed to ALIVE. Time travel is involved.
- There are often multiple ways that answers can be typed in when prompted. For example, to progress when Eric is demanding to know who killed Mira you can type in "NO IDEA", "I DONT KNOW" or simply not answer, all of which are valid. Not only that, but during the Force Quit: D scenes the player can type in either "BLUE BIRD" or "MUSIC BOX" for the second item.
- If the player solves a puzzle through guess work, because they're replaying an already completed room, or solves it before acquiring all information the game expects you need to know, the characters will say something about how they accidentally stumbled onto the answer, or how the answer just popped into their head. They also often say something akin to "I feel like we skipped a few steps...", or muse over how it feels like the answer was something they just somehow knew, particularly tying it into most of the characters having a connection to the morphogenetic field.
Wide-Open Sandbox
- AI Dungeon 2 averts this trope. While it may seem like a human programmed a lot of objects and characters into the game, the entire experience is actually created on-the-fly by the game's Artificial Intelligence.
- Bully
- English class requires you to play a mini-game where you must unscramble letters to form as many words as you can. One level includes the letters F, G, H, I, S, T. If you spell 'shit' using those four letters, it doesn't count, and the teacher just gives an amused response. The PAL version updated English class so players get the same "funny but it doesn't count" response for 'git'.
- When protagonist Jimmy Hopkins dresses up as the Mascot, he can't interact with people normally, which includes kissing girls. However, if he goes into a couple specific cutscenes in which he gets kissed in the mascot outfit, the girls kiss the mascot headpiece on its' nose.
- Endless Sky:
- The [T]alk command, normally used for bribing the opponents or requesting help from allied ships, gives astonishingly appropriate answers when used on odd targets:
- Attempting to talk to a wormhole gives "Like most wormholes, this one does not appear to be very talkative."
- Choosing to talk to a drone will inform you that you got no response.
- Similarly, asking a Space Fighter for refueling or repairs informs you that they do not carry any spare fuel note needed for hyperspace jumps, while fighters rely on their carrier for jumping or repair equipment.
- Requesting repairs from another broken ship has them respond that they are still waiting for theirs.
- And asking for help when you don't need any also informs you on that.
- The [L]and command also appears to be context-sensitive. When flying over the wrong celestial body, it will inform you that "This planet is too hot/too cold to land on.", "This planet is uninhabited." if neither too hot nor too cold, "You cannot land on a gas giant.", and of course that "You cannot land on a star!". It also recognizes moons from planets.
- The [T]alk command, normally used for bribing the opponents or requesting help from allied ships, gives astonishingly appropriate answers when used on odd targets:
- In Goat Simulator, you get an achievement for crashing the game, after you reload it of course.
- Horizon Zero Dawn:
- There's a few early sidequests and their dialogue changes whether or not Aloy is still an outcast or has proven herself.
- Similarly, people in Meridian will have different dialog during their quests if you've already saved Avad from the assassination attempt or rescued Prince Itamen and Dowager Queen Nasadi from the Shadow Carja.
- If you neutralized the outlying Eclipse camps before reporting to Sona and Varl during the "Revenge of the Nora" mission, Varl will mention it and express his amazement at Aloy's capabilities. Sona is less impressed, though.
- Similarly, if you've already cleared out at least two Corruption Zones before talking to Marea at Mother's Crown during the "A Seeker at the Gates" mission, she'll also be impressed with Aloy going One-Woman Army on something the entire Nora military couldn't fight.
- There are plenty of fetch quests for machine parts, an animal skins, etc. In almost every instance, if you've already have it in your inventory, Aloy will just give it to them.
- If you have The Frozen Wilds DLC, certain dialogues in the main story missions will change depending on whether or not you completed the DLC missions, and vice-versa.
- The inFAMOUS franchise has a few:
- In the first game, there's one final temptation for a heroic Cole to cross the Moral Event Horizon by detonating the ray sphere again. If you do this and you've garnered a good reputation, the civilians that attack you on the street will scream about how Cole betrayed them instead of the generic comments about his monstrosity, and the heroic posters you would have chosen to be plastered up will have all been crossed out, marked up, or had stickers with broken hearts put on them. It also works the other way around. If you chose not to despite having Evil Karma the people will start to question you and your Evil Posters will have a question mark over them.
- Cole suffers from justified Super Drowning Skills because water causes him to short out. Even tiny puddles cause enough of a surge to One-Hit Kill most enemies up to and including minibosses, which can be used in certain situations to completely bypass tricky fights.
- In inFAMOUS: Second Son, Delsin usually flashes an exhilarated grin as he's performing an Orbital Drop. When using it in the first battle against Augustine, right after she kills Reggie, the expression is one of pure, undiluted rage.
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor: When an Orc Captain stops to taunt you, he might reference your last encounter or the current situation. Try engaging the Captain while riding a caragor, while a wild caragor is running rampant, or after being seen riding a caragor, hopping off and engaging on foot. The taunt will be different in each case.
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War
- The Nemesis System from Shadow of Mordor has been greatly expanded and is more active as almost any action you take can and will be referenced by Orc and Olog captains. Anything can trigger a captain ambush with a wide variety of voice lines for each situation note Such as poisoning or blowing up grog barrels, fighting other orcs grunts or captains, getting a very high hit streak, dismembering or shaming a captain, being humiliated by a captain, killing a captain's rival, raising the alarm, gaining intel about a captain from a worm or intel board, picking up items, observing a nemesis confrontation between two or more captains, killing a captain's rival and trying to escape a fight at low health, grabbing and stabbing another orc, attacking another warchief's bodyguard after already having killed a bodyguard of his, which will cause the warchief himself to leave the fortress and ambush Talion, etc.)
Caragor Riding Captain: [Ambushing you when you try to summon a Caragor] I've got that Caragor you wanted. Now die!
Poisoner Captain: [Ambushing you after you poisoned a grog barrel] That's not how you do it! Amateur. That's four times the dose you need! Ever heard of supersaturation?
Captain: [Ambushing you in the middle of a hectic fortress fight] When I followed the alarm I thought I'd find trouble. Instead I found you.
Captain: [Ambushing you after killing his rival and, on the same turn, trying to flee a fight] My rival's been killed. The Tark's about to be killed. Well this is quite a day isn't it?- Depending on your interactions with them, Captains might come Back from the Dead for vengeance, or simply to kill you a third time. They develop fears, vulnerabilities, immunities, mental ticks and varying injuries; All in which you can either exploit, use your advantage, realize too late, accidentally trigger and get killed by, or puke while looking at... respectively.
- Any Orc or Olog grunt that kills you will be promoted to a Captain, and will remember their humble origins as a grunt. An Orc slave that kills you will remain bitter since their slave brand will prevent them from being taken seriously despite being a captain.
- Talion will call the orcs by (first) name during Death Threat missions. Some orcs do this as well, but due to the massive amount of randomly generated names, dialogue apart from the name is more limited.
- After an orc captain dies, the grunt orcs around him will comment about his death while fleeing. In fact, there is death dialogue for every single orc name in the game. Ditto when a Captain is Brainwashed; orcs will call out their name as they call him a traitor.
- Worms just run the moment they see you, knowing you are gonna magic into their mind for intel.
- Idril, Baranor, and Eltariel react in shock if you dominate orcs during your missions with them.
- Wearing the Eltariel skin in the main game and changing armors and cloaks alters the skin's color scheme as well.
- The handprint Talion leaves on his opponents during branding eventually vanishes. It may seem like a glitch, but checking which of your allies have it seems to indicate that those you had to shame before branding will always have the resulting scar, and those you recruited without Mind Rape eventually lose them.
- If you plant an orc spy in an enemy fortress, their clothes revert from the blue used by allies to the red ones Sauron's army uses.
- The game has a special way of dealing with conflicting animations. When you are in a position where you should be able to pull off a stealth kill or execution, but you're stuck in an action that prevents this, your wraith buddy Celebrimbor will appear and do it for you with no cost on your Focus or Might meters.
- The Nemesis System from Shadow of Mordor has been greatly expanded and is more active as almost any action you take can and will be referenced by Orc and Olog captains. Anything can trigger a captain ambush with a wide variety of voice lines for each situation note Such as poisoning or blowing up grog barrels, fighting other orcs grunts or captains, getting a very high hit streak, dismembering or shaming a captain, being humiliated by a captain, killing a captain's rival, raising the alarm, gaining intel about a captain from a worm or intel board, picking up items, observing a nemesis confrontation between two or more captains, killing a captain's rival and trying to escape a fight at low health, grabbing and stabbing another orc, attacking another warchief's bodyguard after already having killed a bodyguard of his, which will cause the warchief himself to leave the fortress and ambush Talion, etc.)
- Foxes in Minecraft can pick up items, holding them in their mouths. They mainly do this with food, eventually eating it to regain health, but can also carry other things. If they get their teeth on a piece of gear, any offensive enchantments on it will increase their attack power. And if they somehow snag a Totem of Undying — which you'd have to drop intentionally in front of the fox, since you can't die while holding it — they can use it to come back to life if they die, even though the totem normally only works on human players.
- Saints Row: The Third has vehicle customization options for all of the ground vehicles...including the ones that are supposedly not able to be customized. (You can only customize vehicles which "can't" be customized through exploiting a glitch.)
- Terraria: The Princess is unique in that she has a Happiness line for every NPC in the game, including a copy of herself. It is impossible to have two of the same NPC around at once in normal gameplay, but if it is somehow done with the Princess, she will comment that her clone is "a little unsettling to be around, but terribly cute!"
Other games
- Last Word: Whitty can try to leave the estate, at the end of the game, before fighting the boss, when she's free to go because you have the Last Word and thus gain its immunity to being subject to commands, and Whitty, becomes her own NPC Roadblock, stopping because she feels she should stay, instead of being stopped by The Mouth as with immunity, it can do nothing to stop you.
Non-video game examples:
Anime and Manga
- A filler episode in the Davy Back Fight arc of One Piece has the Straw Hats playing Pirate Dodgeball against the Foxy Pirates. Pirate Dodgeball also has a massive rulebook with Obvious Rule Patches for seemingly everything (including accidentally swallowing the ball.)
- The iOS app Siri is an "intelligent personal assistant" that can look up information via voice commands. It also has smart-ass responses to a number of questions, requests, or commands, like "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" ("That depends on if we are talking about an African woodchuck or a European woodchuck."), "What are you wearing?" ("Aluminosilicate glass and stainless steel. Nice, huh?"), "Talk dirty to me" ("The floor needs vacuuming."), "OK Google" note the command issued to activate voice recognition in Google Now ("I think you got the wrong assistant."), and "OK Glass" note same as previous but for Google Glass ("Stop trying to strap me to your forehead, (name). It won't work.")
- As was discussed once on What the Fuck Is Wrong with You?: Co-hostess Tara's sister once unleashed a barrage of insults on Siri, who replied "You kiss your mother with that mouth?".
- If you tell it something suggesting you may be suicidal, Siri will suggest the most appropriate suicide hotline for you to call and offer to call the number for you.
- A possibly-faked viral image suggests that if you accidentally call her "Cortana" (the name of Windows's assistant program), Siri has a passive-aggressive tantrum about your other OS. (Her actual response is "That is like comparing apples and... not apples.")
- Siri has in fact caused Apple trouble when the dev team has occasionally failed to think of something, and this was take as a deliberate slight.
- Bezier Games has an app for use with their One Night series. As of this writing, this series consists of five different games (Werewolf, Daybreak, Vampire, Alien, and Super Villains) and a few bonus packs which are all designed to be used together. However, this is zigzagged at best:
- One of the roles featured in Werewolf is the Doppelganger who assumes the role of whoever's card her player looks at. They had to account for the night actions of roles from the subsequent installments, so up until Vampire, the announcer added the various roles with night actions to the original list. But starting with Alien, the announcer simply says to perform the other role's night action at that point.
- If non-villagers are added from multiple games, the announcer says to prepare for an epic battle even if there's only one of each non-villager. At first, the announcer said to prepare for an epic battle between villagers, werewolves, and vampires, but didn't include aliens when that game was introduced. As of Super Villains, the announcer simply says to prepare for an epic battle.
- One aversion is that if only one werewolf, vampire, or alien is selected, the app still asks those roles to look for others. On the other hand, Super Villains has an enemy (Henchman number 7) who doesn't have any abilities. If he is the only non-villager from that game, the app tells him to wake up and go back to sleep.
- The total number of roles across the five games and bonus packs is eighty-six as of 2019. While it's highly unlikely that someone would have that many friends to play such a big session, it is possible to select them all. If so...
Narrator: Really? You've selected all the roles? I have better things to do and I'm sure you do too.
- The Game is basically a big Batman Gambit designed to get Nicholas to break into the CRS building, shoot his brother, and jump to his death out of remorse only to land in an airbag in the middle of his surprise birthday party. It turns out they planned for if he didn't perform that last action.
Jim: You know, thank God you jumped, because if you didn't, I was supposed to throw you off.
- Good Omens:
[The ship's captain's] questing finger moved slowly down the page, and stopped. Good old International Codes. They'd been devised eighty years before, but the men in those days had really thought hard about the kind of perils that might possibly encountered on the deep. He picked up his pen and wrote down: 'XXXV QVVX'. Translated, it meant: 'Have found Lost Continent of Atlantis. High Priest has just won quoits contest.'
- Harry Potter:
- According to Quidditch Through the Ages, there exists an official rulebook filled with a list of over 700 actions players are not allowed to take in a game of Quidditch, up to and including unauthorized use of badgers. The body in charge of this book prevents the public from seeing it to prevent players from getting any ideas. (The list is mostly redundant, since the ban on using wands during play renders 90% of the fouls on the list impossible to commit.)
- In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the Marauder's Map insults Snape when he tries to use it. It turns out that these were not a generic response to unauthorized access, but personalized insults specifically placed in case Snape ever tried to access the map.
- In The Stormlight Archive, King Taravangian experiences days where he is either kind but stupid, or intelligent but amoral in varying levels each day. In order to judge whether or not it is safe for him to make policy decisions, he created a series of tests for himself on his most intelligent day which would inform his aides of how intelligent he was that day, and they would limit his powers accordingly. More than once, he has tried to cheat the system by deliberately failing certain questions, but on that most intelligent day, he included mechanisms to catch when he was doing so and shut his attempts down.
- Matthew Sobol in Daemon, being a literal genius, made his daemon able to respond to most situations. Failing that, it instead subtly railroaded people into taking decisions that benefitted it. At the end of Freedom it's revealed that the exploit the not-so-Omniscient Council of Vagueness were going to use to take control of it was put in there on purpose, and only worked when they were testing it. Once they tried to properly activate it, it traced the attempted attack back to its origin and used it to wipe out their finances, leaving them destitute and powerless.
"Thanks for invoking this event, and remember, if you're not playing the game, it's playing you."
Live-Action TV
- The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon doesn't drive, preferring to let other chauffeur him around. When the others demand he get a drivers license, they set up an elaborate simulator to practice for his actual drivers test. Howard used resources from a vehicle simulator he developed for the military to provide the closest real-world analog. Despite Sheldon's experience with video games, he cannot drive safely at all. Amusingly, the program is far more accurate than it needed to be, allowing Sheldon to drive through a local mall...
- Season 20 of Big Brother US had a "Punishment" called Hamazon - which required the houseguest in question to eat every piece of food on a plate that was "delivered", which of course was ham. However, on one occasion, a Muslim contestant (Faysal) chose that punishment, so he was given a vegetarian substitute instead of ham.
- On two occasions in both US and Canada (which use similar rules), a Non-Gameplay Elimination happened during the jury phase (in which evicted players form the jury, who vote for the winner). Because of what happened, the player who left would not be eligible to cast a jury vote - thus opening the possibility of a tied vote. In order to avoid this, the vote was given to the viewers - and when the viewers went to cast their vote (Which was done online), the player was given three choices - one for every potential final two out of the three players remaining in the game.
- Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne from the Community episode "Digital Estate Planning" features a few examples:
- The player's avatar is based on a picture the game takes of the player. The AI can recognize when the player is the boss' illegitimate son, who's not supposed to be playing. It also turns out that they prepared for if he wins the game, and he's forced to sign a document denying any relation to the boss before he can claim the prize.
- The AI can recognize when the players are working together instead of competing with each other, with the latter being how the game is supposed to be played.
- However, the fact that the game is supposed to be played competitively leads to an aversion. It's discovered after Britta and Pierce have a heart-to-heart and she strikes and kills him.
Britta: I guess there's no "hug" button.
- The developers apparently prepared for the chance that a player would accidentally kill a shopkeeper... and decide to kill the rest of his family, loot his shop, and burn it down to cover all that up.
- Since the point of the game is to get to the ending as quickly as possible, it's interesting that the developers allowed for the possibility of romancing an NPC to the point of starting a family and getting their kids to mine materials for the game's crafting system. And that can be done to the point of creating robots, attack helicopters, and atomic bombs.
- ER was always shot on film, and in widescreen. The first seven seasons were aired in 4:3 pan-and-scan; it began airing first-run in widescreen HD with the eighth season. The moment DVD became widely available, Warner Bros. created the DVDs using the original widescreen film. These masters are very high quality. However, as of yet, they have not been restored in any way. So the film masters of the early seasons can be dirty at times, and sometimes will show equipment on the edges that were intended not to air, but were left in because of the original intent to air in a standard aspect ratio.
- The goal of the game show Legends of the Hidden Temple was to make it through the temple, but temple guards would attack you (and the path would almost always lead you through them) and take a Pendant of Life. However, it's possible to make it to this part of the game without having two full pendants of life. If the team made it this far, the last half would be placed in the temple, usually in a place they were required to go rather early so they have a fighting chance.
- Monster House had an episode where two teams of past contestants competed to fix up a frat house. To mark which one was winning, host Steve Watson posted a flag bearing that team's color, red or blue. At one point, the two teams decided to join forces and try to complete the build together. Even though this wasn't offered as an option, Steve brought a purple flag for the occasion.
- Most of the Whammy animations on Press Your Luck involve the Whammy stealing money from the player. The 2019 revival added special Whammy animations that play on the off chance that the player doesn't have any money in the bank (such as getting a Whammy first thing in the game or getting two in a row).
"I've come to take all your cash! ...What? You don't have any money? [beat] Well, this is awkward." [walks away sheepishly]
- Averted in a life-saving way in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Our Man Bashir". In the episode, a Teleporter Accident leads to many of the crew's bodies being saved as holograms into the superspy thriller program that Dr. Bashir is playing. Not only does he have to keep them all alive within the story, if the story ends they will all die. With seconds to go on the countdown, Bashir has reached the final moments of the game's plot and can't stall any longer — so he has his character pull a sudden Face–Heel Turn and activate the Big Bad's Earth-Shattering Kaboom machine himself. Since the developer obviously didn't imagine a player doing that, the program hangs and everyone is saved.
- A few seasons of Survivor have had an even number of jurors — this resulted in the possibility of there being a tied vote at the end. Sure enough, if this happens (which it did once), the second runner up would cast the tiebreaking vote.
- On the vast majority of pinball machines, if nothing seems to have happened on the playfield for a while and no flipper has been touched, the game reasons that the ball is stuck and starts randomly firing off all of the kickers and features on the table to attempt to unstick it. Some games also have quotes or special displays at this point (Fun House, for example, would say "Where did you go now?").
- The pinball game Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure features a sinkhole chute that is guarded by three targets. Normally the sinkhole is accessible only when the targets are struck and dropped out of play, revealing access. Because pinball games are physical, it is possible to slip by without striking the targets. The character Short Round will cry out, "you cheat, Dr. Jones!" and awards bonus points. There is also a bonus section where you are supposed to hit various targets to fight against a swordsman displayed on the screen. However, if you remember that the ball launcher is designed like a gun trigger, you can indeed follow in Dr. Jones' footsteps and just shoot him. note Though you get far less points for doing this.
- The same could be done on The Shadow pinball machine, where you could make a pinball shot to defeat attacking Mongols, or just shoot them. This added a tactical dimension, as shooting the Mongol awarded far fewer points, but certain features were not accessible during the Mongol Attack, meaning that skipping it could avoid you being frozen out of the feature you actually wanted.
- Williams Pinball machines were famous for their ability to detect when a physical part of the machine had failed and compensate for it by modifying the rules of the game. So if a sensor hadn't triggered for a while, the game would substitute another sensor along the same rail or shot. This was an incredibly useful feature for arcade owners, and the source of some annoyance that machines from other manufacturers didn't do this (this wasn't their fault, though - Williams patented it.)
- The Addams Family
- If a ball enters the Vault while the Bookcase barrier is still supposed to be blocking it, the game proceeds as if the vault had been opened. Gomez even compliments you about this:
Gomez: Dirty pool, old man. I LIKE it!
- The game lets you lock balls in one of three shots. One of them is the swamp. You reach the swamp if you launch a ball too weakly. The game takes notice if you lock the ball from the launch lane.
Gomez: Good thinking!
- If a ball enters the Vault while the Bookcase barrier is still supposed to be blocking it, the game proceeds as if the vault had been opened. Gomez even compliments you about this:
- Funhouse:
- Rudy's mouth is normally only a valid shot when it is either shut or locked open as he sleeps, but incidentally shooting the ball into his mouth while he's speaking causes him to swallow it and spit it out, scoring a "Rudy Gulp" bonus. In the similar table Red & Ted's Road Show, which featured two talking heads named Red and Ted, shooting the ball into Red's mouth while she's speaking will make her spit it out, asking Ted why he likes the taste of pinballs.
- Additionally, the table's standard multiball mode requires locking two balls, then shooting a ball into Rudy's mouth while he's asleep. However, there's also a "Quick Multiball" award that, when activated with both balls locked, will start the standard multiball mode without having to shoot the ball into Rudy's mouth. If the multiball round starts via Quick Multiball, each hit to Rudy's mouth awards a million points—this in addition to the normal multi-million-point trap door shot. (This table averts Loophole Abuse, however. If both multiball modes are active, but two balls drain before a trap door shot is made, the bonus for hitting Rudy's mouth doesn't apply for the second-chance multiball.)
Rudy: What was THAT?!
- In White Water, if the player shoots the ball weakly around the orbit, causing it to roll backwards through the No Way Out lock mechanism and back onto the lower playfield, Willie shouts "You found the secret passage!" and a bonus is awarded.
- Scared Stiff has a similar shot which, if made, automatically progresses the player through one of the Tales of Horror.
- On Star Trek: The Next Generation, if you drained a ball or timed out during a Mission Mode without scoring points, you would get a minimum point bonus while hearing Data say, "Had you propelled the ball along the proper trajectory, you would have been rewarded." If you hit the flipper buttons while Data speaks, an annoyed Picard will cut him off:
Picard: Thank you, Mr. Data.
- Cirqus Voltaire:
- If the ball falls into the Highwire lock from a weak ramp shot without being lit, you are awarded a "Sneaky Lock" bonus (with an animation of a pinball tip-toeing across the display), and that ball is locked.
- When the ball is stuck to the magnet on the Ringmaster's hat, he will then swing his head around and drop the ball. This means the ball will take a random path back down. Since some of these paths will drain your ball, the ball saver will briefly activate after the Ringmaster lets go of the ball in case it happens.
- And in a case of Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs, it is possible for the ball, upon being let go by the Ringmaster, to fall into the Highwire lock. This will also award the "Sneaky Lock" bonus and will allow you to bypass having to hit the nearby targets to activate further locks.
- Theatre of Magic has a hole under the trunk to lock balls in the center of a loop. Normally, diverters to the holes are down until lock is lit, but it's still possible to shoot the loop lightly so that the ball stops mid-loop and falls in the hole. Doing this will trigger a special animation where a magician falls down the stairs into the Haunted Basement: "Oooohhh Noooooo! Ow oof aak oof ack! This ball is full of wonders!" and allow you to lock balls without spelling "Magic". In a double case of developers' foresight, doing this a second time in the same game will only award some points.
- A Death Save is a pinball maneuver where, after the ball falls down an outlane, the player whacks the machine in order to bounce the ball back into play from below the flippers. Some games, including most Data East tables and Rick and Morty, detect this move and give points for it.
- A highly frowned-upon technique in pinball is called a "Bang Back", where a player strikes the machine's front or underside to force a ball back into play as it's going down the drain. Allegedly, some early pinball companies would discourage this by placing downward-facing nails or spikes on the underside of the cabinet under the drain to injure anyone trying to cheat this way.
- The "Three-Switch Rule", a standard on pinball machines from post-World War II and onward, will let you keep playing without penalty if the ball has tripped 3 or fewer switches before you lose it. note Switches are small electronic devices that detect where the ball has been and is the main way a pinball machine keeps track of the ball's location. Machines released from The '90s and onward have started creating exceptions to these rules if the testers have discovered ways to gain free points, modes, or even multiballs by exploiting this rule. Companies like Stern and Jersey Jack Pinball encourage their testers to look for them so they can create these exceptions.
- Jurassic Park (Stern) normally requires you to capture a Spinosaurus to start King of the Island Multiball. If you also catch a T. rex beforehand, a different intro animation plays.
- Rick and Morty: During "Roy – A Life Well Lived", the flavor text accompanying each choice made takes previous choices into consideration. For example, starting with a negative choice before making a positive shot leads to Roy being an Enfant Terrible before channeling his need for attention into a career as he gets older.
Operating Systems
- The Windows CE emulator in Virtual PC was clearly programmed by someone who understands bored techie tendencies. Attempting to set up a recursive emulation results in an error with the text "You just had to try, didn't you?" This may be considered erroneous behavior, since it means the emulator doesn't perfectly recreate the environment, but on the other hand, dicking around with recursion is pretty erroneous to begin with.
- The Unix cal command prints calendars. If you type cal 9 1752 you get the calendar for September 1752. The 14th follows the 2nd because England converted from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar at that time.
- In Chessboxing there are rules for how to handle a match runs out of times before either fighter wins. As in boxing, the fighter ahead on points in the boxing match wins. This trope comes in, however, in a situation that The Other Wiki says has never happened: if the points in the boxing match are tied and the chess match ends in a draw, the person playing black wins.
- In many sports there are (sometimes extremely detailed) rules for what happens when a player is injured, feigns injury, bleeds or is otherwise incapacitated. The fact that these rules exist might get you thinking about the game. Particularly detailed rules exist in Rugby and American Football, but the rules on bleeding soccer players are also a bit too detailed for comfort.
- Hockey has some extremely detailed rules about extraordinarily unlikely scenarios, most of which have never come to pass, (and an unusual number of them surround goalies). Most hockey fans - even dedicated ones - are unaware these rules even exist. For instance:
- Goalies are not allowed to play the puck anywhere past centre ice (to prevent goalies from joining the rush as an extra attacker).
- If a goalie is pulled for an extra attacker during overtime and the goalie's team loses, that team forfeits the "loser point" in the standings they would otherwise have earned for making it to overtime (the only exception to this is if the goalie was pulled due to a delayed penalty call against the other team). This was apparently put into play to discourage teams from going offence-heavy in overtime to take advantage of the smaller number of players on the ice. What truly pushes this into "bizarre" territory is that any team that pulls its goalie in overtime also triggers a second obscure rule that states that the goalie cannot then return to the ice, even if one of the active players swaps out, until the next stoppage in play (a goalie returning to the ice from the bench on the fly is an extremely rare play on its own, nevermind doing so in the further unlikely event that a team in overtime has pulled said goalie).
- In the event that a goalie gets injured, each team keeps a backup goalie dressed so that they can swap in. But what happens if that goalie also gets injured? The league has detailed rules on who gets to sub in, including exactly how long an emergency "third goalie" has to warm up (two minutes if they aren't already dressed, no time if they are dressed or if they are being asked to defend a penalty shot).
- While players get injured or tossed out of the game all the time, what happens if the refs are incapacitated or otherwise unable to do their jobs? Given that refs aren't typically involved in the rough parts of the game, this is a pretty unlikely event, but the league has a list of steps to take if the refs are unavailable. First the league tries to find replacements, and if that fails the teams are asked to agree on a neutral third party to ref. If that doesn't work either, then each team must put forward one player to act as referee (meaning, yes, the players may actually be asked to ref their own team). Surprisingly, this particular rule actually DID come into effect once in the NHL (during a game in 1983 between the New Jersey Devils and the Hartford Whalers, the refs and linesmen were delayed by weather and didn't make it in time for the first period).
- Current National Football League rules allow points to be scored by either team during an extra point or two point conversion attempt. In addition to the defending team being awarded two points for the equivalent of a defensive touchdown, this includes provisions for a team to be awarded a single point for a play resulting in a safety. However, while it is rare but not unheard of for an offensive team to be awarded a one point safety, the sequence of events required for the defense to do so - either a tackle for a loss of at least 85 yards note 98 yards on a two point conversion atttempt or a double turnover, with the second turnover being recovered by the offense in their own end zone note again, up to 98 yards away from the start of the play - are so unusual that they have never happened in an NFL game.
- While this has also never happened, in the event that a team were to forfeit a game, the team that did not forfeit will be considered to have won with a score of 2-0. This is because the two-point safety is the only type of point in the entire NFL that is not attributed to a single player.
Tabletop Games
- The number of unusual and obviously dangerous substances that the Dungeons & Dragons writers stat out the effects of touching, eating, drinking, or doing something borderline suicidal with approaches the infinite.
- The notoriously lecherous rulebook for F.A.T.A.L. required complicated dice rolls and provided very detailed results tables for all sorts of encounters. It's most notorious for having rules that governed every orifice a horny male could possibly insert himself into, with females whose ages ranged from 99+ down to... infant.
- The point of the conditional modifiers in Hoyle's Rules of Dragon Poker. If it could conceivably happen, there's probably a rule change for it. Notable examples include the end of the world, UFO encounters, and the Detroit Lions winning the Super Bowl.
- Old World of Darkness / Chronicles of Darkness:
- In the Old World of Darkness, a rulebook gave the stats for using a chainsaw as a weapon. Not so unusual, except it also included the moral and psychological repercussions of using a chainsaw on another flesh-and-blood person.
- In 2010, White Wolf released an April Fool's pamphlet of "optional game hacks", including rules for riding animals into battle. Not traditional mounted animals like horses, but animals that could also attack, like grizzly bears, pterodactyls, and unicorns. As with the chainsaw above, it also included stats for using a double-ended dildo as a weapon.
- In the previous incarnation of Vampire: The Masquerade, some Disciplines (like Dominate) were notoriously prone to failure or easy to ignore. To hammer home that the Spiritual Successor Vampire: The Requiem is more ruthless and harder to cheese, the developers state that the need for eye contact is symbolic rather than literal, and if a character were to try to ignore this rule by wearing sunglasses, said Ventrue player is free to laugh at the n00b's incompetence.
- V20 backports these rules to Vampire: The Masquerade, and further notes that even removing your eyes doesn't render you immune to eye contact — it just makes it much easier to avoid it.
- The dev team was kind enough to supply the likely effects massive pressure differences would have on vampires. In space.
- The 'Armory' books list (among numerous other Improvised Weapons), the effects when using a belt sander or post-hole digger as weapons.
- Psionics: The Next Stage in Human Evolution:
- Are you trying to melt a metal door? There's a table of melting points in the book.
- There are rules for scoring drugs, including additional difficulty modifiers based on what the player is trying to get.
- The book also provides role playing cues for players who have taken drugs, including the ones that don't exist in real life.
- There are strict addiction thresholds and rules for the effects of overdosing and addiction.
- Did you run someone over with a car? The damage done is included in the book. Were you standing too close to a car that exploded? That damage is also in the book. Did you just hit someone with a car that you telekinetically threw? That damage is also in the book.
- GURPS is famous for it's extremely detailed ruleset. Nearly any situation has rules for how to do it. Want to target a body part? You have specific penalties to hit each one of them, including eyes, skull, vital organs and genitals, each one having different damage multipliers and special rules. Fighting enemies in a moving vehicle? GURPS has full rules for chase scenarios. Need to demolish a building? GURPS has rules to calculate the damage of any amount of dozens of explosive substances. Want to play a psychic intelligent blueberry muffin. You can.
- Leap Frog's Alphabet Pal is a caterpillar that teaches kids the alphabet. One of the settings is to have her say the sounds of each letter. In early versions, pressing 'F' followed quickly by 'C' or 'K' would cause it to say "fuck". Leapfrog realized this and released a later version, in which trying to do this results in it giggling and saying "That tickles!" before saying the sound.
- Transformers toys:
- Omega Supreme's toy in Transformers Energon has three parts: A giant battleship, a huge train, and a small robot which forms the head. When in combined mode, Omega Supreme's body (Made of the crane and the battleship) has a head of sorts that can be raised when the actual head unit isn't attached. Why is this? So the big guy still has a head if the head robot were to get lost.
- The same with Armada Sideways. Either of his small "mini-con" partners turn into his head, one for his Autobot form and one for his Decepticon form. However, he has a pop-up head just in case you lose both the mini-cons.
Web Animation
- There is a Strong Bad Email in which Strong Bad buys a new comfortable chair to check his emails with, but the chair itself is huge and covers up most of the computer screen. Strong Bad proceeds to respond two of the biggest mysteries of the series by taking off his wrestling mask and showing a picture of his parents on the computer screen, but both are obscured by the chair. If one attempts to use a flash decompiler to remove the chair, Strong Bad's head will be missing and the picture will have the message "nice try dodongo!" on it.
- 8-Bit Theater had an in-universe example with Black Mage attempting to copy a spell that Sarda used to rewrite reality according to his will, deducing it to be a "Rewrite Reality According to My Will" spell. It turns out to be a "Rewrite Reality According to Sarda's Will" spell instead.
- In fact, Sarda casts all his spells this way, at least when he's around Black Mage. When BM copies an incredibly painful spell that Sarda has just used on him, he discovers that it's not a "make target vomit out his intestines" spell, it's a "make Black Mage vomit out his intestines" spell.
- As Black Mage puts it: when Sarda casts a spell that hurts you, and you learn that spell, you learn to cast a spell that hurts you.
- In Homestuck, Sburb has an insane number of ways that players can get their game back on track if things off the rails. Wayward Vagabond exists solely to help the players defeat the final boss if they screw up and aren't able to take him on. Act 6 reveals that a player who enters a game completely alone (something that renders Sburb completely dead and Unwinnable) still has a backdoor to a form of victory. It's also able to account for the players prototyping their sprites with anything. Including other sprites.
- The Order of the Stick: If you try to look for future strips ahead of when they are actually posted (by typing in the page URL of what would presumably be the next comic after the previous one), you're greeted by Belkar, who tells the viewer that the author does not post strips in advance.
- xkcd had an interesting April Fools' Day in 2010, which can be found here
. It has responses to several unlikely things:
- Type in a certain four letter word. The response? I have a headache.
- Try entering 'Help', 'Sleep', 'Kill' or 'Destroy!!!'.
- Or 'Next to Last'.
- Followed by 'Enable time travel'.
- 'Cheat', and of course, 'Quit'.
- When you type 'look' you have exits of "West" and "South". Going "West" repeatedly will report interesting statements about each room you visit. It's the lyrics to the chorus of "Go West" by Pet Shop Boys. note originally by Village People, but VP said "will do" in the chorus, not "gonna do"). Hilarious. Going south will result in being eaten by a grue, unless you thought to type "light lamp" first.
- And if you type 'go east' after going 'west' once, you get: "You are at a computer using unixkcd." The same thing happens if you type 'look'.
- Entering 'xyzzy' will respond "Nothing happens", rather than a generic "must be roto".
- Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right...
- Many real Unix commands are programmed in, such as "sudo." The site suggests using a few, including "cat", which just responds, "You're a kitty!" This comes from the one XKCD comic that named Cuteness Proximity.
- Try "sudo rm -rf /". Similarly, ":(){ :|:& };:".
- "find" also works; the game asks you what you want to find, and suggests "kitten." If you search for the aforementioned kitten, the console searches for the bizarre "game" Robot Finds Kitten.
- "make love" results in the predictable "I put on my robe and wizard hat." This itself is a reference to the TOPS-10 operating system, which used the "make" command for the creation of a file. When "make love" was inputted, the OS would respond with "not war?" before creating the file.
- Try "Make me a sandwich" and "sudo make me a sandwich".
- "reboot" and "sudo reboot"
- "go down"
- "goto 10"
- Try "Hello Joshua"
- Try Vim or Emacs.
- The response to trying to use nano is also quite amusing.
- Try "xkcd", and then "unixkcd" multiple times.
- "date" will return March 32nd
Web Original
- Akinator knows pretty much every single person or character that anyone in the world even slightly cares about. It's not the developers, per se, but the contributions of millions of players that make up its nearly bottomless knowledge. He also catches onto your attempts to con him — try to click "No" every time and the answer will be "A PESSIMISTIC FELLOW", and his description "Someone who kept clicking on No to see what happens". He also frequently catches on to random answers by guessing "A guy who gambles on everything." He also knows a lot of non-characters, including "Yourself", "Your mum", "The Internet", "Xbox-360 controller" and "underwear". If the non-character hasn't already been added, he'll guess "Something I don't know because it's not a character". He also quickly guesses if you're trying to make him guess himself. Someone also tried to trick him... but he properly guessed "The palm trees in the background".
- This website
can check if any website is down for everyone, or if it's just down for you. If you entered the website's own URL to see if it was down, it would report, "If you can see this page and still think we're down, it's just you." This custom message was later removed.
- The Gaston Trilogy has an in-universe example. Lefou's Quest IV has no fewer than five unique ways to die on the first level alone, one of which is both ridiculously elaborate and relatively obscure, and the game over screen also references which way you died last. It's also possible to do a ton of actions that seem counterintuitive such as using someone else's belt as a weapon on the boss or stab him with nothing, which all have unique responses, and damaging the boss in his eye results in him getting an eyepatch.
- Twitter had a 140 character limit (Now changed to 280). If you try and make a tweet with more characters and click at the nick of time, it will read "Your tweet was over 140 characters. You'll have to be more clever".
- Is X a Prime Number?
tells the viewer to stop wasting bandwidth whenever they look up an even number. Although "https://aprimenumber.com/index.php?prime=0
" just leads to the main site, it does have a unique message for zero, which can be found at "https://aprimenumber.com/index.php?prime=00
". Negative numbers would formerly redirect you to the creator's main website, as will any string with an underscore in it. Finally, entering letters produces the message "I need a real number, yo." It also has snarky comments for prime numbers under 10, as well as the numbers 13, 42, 69, and 666.
- Pokécheck is a website that, among other uses, can check the legitimacy of any Pokémon uploaded to it. It takes everything into account when checking to see whether or not a Pokémon was likely edited or created using an external device, across three whole generations of games and events. (as Gen VI hasn't been implemented yet as of 5/5/14) Obscure spin-offs and limited-distribution events? Taken into account. Differences between Gen III to V data-structures like garbage bits in nicknames that are preserved in the transition between generations? Well documented. The fact that XD's Shadow Pokémon and certain Gen 5 legendaries cannot be shiny? Factored in perfectly. Unusual stat totals? It's got that covered. An obscure glitch that only affects five species? Of course. And if a Pokémon has a Trainer/Secret ID of 00666 or some equally unlikely number, it displays the message "Suspicious trainer IDs." The only way past it is to hack a Pokémon that is identical to one that could have been generated by a core series/Gamecube Pokémon title. Which is the intention.
- This Very Wiki has custom messages for trying to edit somebody else's thread post note It reads "Yeah, that's not going to work. At least we now know that [your troper handle] likes to try to edit other people's posts. That's good to know." or add a post to a locked thread note It reads "Locked, dude. This discussion is locked. A state in which additional posts are discouraged.". There's no edit button on others' posts and there's no add post button to locked threads, so this is quite hard to come across unless somebody accidentally posts the URL to edit their own post or add a post to a formerly-open thread, or types out the URL themself for some reason.
- The Amazon Echo, a speaker/microphone array that acts as the interface for Amazon's cloud-based personal assistant, has a long, long list of "Easter Egg" phrases to which it will respond with a joke answer, and as a cloud-based platform, more are being added every day.
- Cortana (the assistant for Windows 10 and Windows Phone, not the Halo character) has a long list of Easter Egg phrases she'll respond to. For instance, try "How is Master Chief?", "Tell me a joke", "Who's your daddy?", "What's your favourite colour?", etc.
- Despite these joke/Easter-Egg responses, its obvious that the goal for such personal assistants is to handle, if not everything, a bewildering array of requests. Ask Cortana about a restaurant, for instance and rather than just doing a web-search, it will display its menu and hours in a "restaurant" template created just for such questions.
- Try asking Cortana about Siri, and she'll say "I think it's cool that she's out there trying to make people's lives a little easier."
- IBM RnD, according to Prof Moriarty speaking on the Sixty Symbols YouTube channel. "You read [one of their research papers] and questions arise. Then you go back and see 'oh, right, they've done that as well'. And then you think 'well maybe this', but every single question is covered."
- Detroit's Comerica Park, home of the Tigers, has a statue garden of their legendary players in the deep center field stands. One of them is memorialized with his glove up and open. The artist took the time to fill the interior of the glove with small nails, so that on the one-in-a-million chance that a home run is hit into the glove, the statue will "catch" it.
- When using some email processors, if you write the words "Attached is/are..." without giving an attachment, and then hit "Send," the program will point this out, then ask you if you want to attach anything. Same thing goes if you try to send an email with a blank subject line, since most email processors filter blank-line messages as spam.
- The free music program Spotify plays commercials between songs. If you mute your speakers during these, the commercial pauses until you unmute the sound.
- Several websites are now able to detect if the user has adblocking software installed. Some merely add a message intended to guilt-trip you into turning it off, while others are more intrusive. Some take it to absolutely ridiculous levels; Blip.tv, for example, rapidly gained infamy for making you stare at a static message for 90 seconds that helpfully informed you that their ads were much shorter.
- Similarly, certain websites limit how many articles you can read in a month before you have to pay and login to read them. Many of these are smart enough to detect if the user is in Private mode on their browser (which doesn't save cookies, which these sites use to track the number of times you access them), and immediately bar access even if you otherwise have free articles remaining.
- Google Maps:
- Driving directions are given for journeys on different continents, including at necessary places "Sail across [insert body of water]". At one point, this would even instruct you to swim hundreds of miles if you chose to restrict your method of travel to walking while your destination was across the ocean.
- Often times the navigate feature will choose the fastest route, not necessarily the shortest route, as the shorter route may take longer due to factors such as lower speed limits, more stoplights, etc. However, it also takes traffic into account as well. It's also scarily accurate with the estimated time to arrival, adjusting the ETA accordingly with your average speed.
- An update tells you which lane you need to be in if encountering a fork or intersection and the secondary routes along the way with a change in ETA if you decide to take that route.
- It was once reported
that asking an older version of it for walking directions from The Shire to Mordor would result in it replying "Use caution — One does not simply Walk into Mordor."
- As it turns out, someone had the foresight to add tamper-proof measures to photobooths — they'll take your picture if they detect someone trying to, for example, steal money from the machine as this thief found out
- Laws are often awfully specific, especially if they forbid something. That has a very simple reason: Almost all legal systems work under the assumption that anything which is not explicitly forbidden by law is allowed and no law may ever apply retroactively. So whoever writes the laws has to anticipate a lot. Some laws are therefore rather general, but some are awfully specific, like the German law on nuclear explosions
- In Disney Theme Parks, there are attractions that use animatronics in their pre-shows or during keystone moments of their attractions. Animatronics break. Because of this, many of these rides have B-Modes in place so that immersion/story flow can continue without issue.
- The Catholic Church in 1564 ratified De Defectibus, a document that includes contingency plans for all sorts of things that could go wrong during mass. Among them are what to do if a rat runs off with the consecrated host, if a spider falls into the chalice, if either becomes poisoned, if the priest becomes ill, faints, or dies in the middle of mass, if enemy soldiers storm the church, and if a flood or other natural disaster occurs. This is because Catholics consider the Mass, especially the Liturgy of the Eucharist, as Serious Business, and there are certain defects that can invalidate the celebration and consecration.
Epic 7 Garden Foresight Can't Take Eastern Exit?
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DevelopersForesight
Posted by: ahrenssaisent.blogspot.com
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