
What Animals Live In The Yellow River


one Elvin, Mark , The Retreat of the Elephants: An Environmental History of China (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004), 9xviiiGoogle Scholar; Marks, Robert B. , People's republic of china: An Environmental History, 2d ed. (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017)Google Scholar.

2 Our study region consists of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, and Hebei provinces, plus the Wei River basin in Gansu, and Beijing. While southern Shaanxi and Henan are non in the Xanthous River Bowl, the few sites from these regions did not include any species that were not mutual in sites further north, except for the behemothic panda and elephant remains at Xiawanggang, discussed below.

3 On how people in early China thought about animals, and their relationship with them, see Sterckx, Roel , The Animal and the Daemon in Early China (Albany: State Academy of New York Press, 2002)Google Scholar; Guo Fu 郭郛, Li Yuese 李約瑟 (Joseph Needham), and Qingtai, Cheng 成慶泰, Zhongguo gudai dongwuxue shi 中國古代動物學史 (Beijing: Kexue, 1999)Google Scholar; Major, John S. , "Animals and Animal Metaphors in the Huainanzi," Asia Major (2008): 133–51Google Scholar; Sterckx, Roel , "Attitudes towards Wildlife and the Hunt in Pre-Buddhist China," in Wildlife in Asia: Cultural Perspectives, ed. Knight, John (London: Routledge Curzon, 2004), 1535Google Scholar.

four For a global archaeological synthesis of these bug, see Boivin, Nicole 50. et al. , "Ecological Consequences of Human Niche Construction: Examining Long-Term Anthropogenic Shaping of Global Species Distributions," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113.23 (2016): 6388–96CrossRefGoogle ScholarPubMed.

five E.1000., Chang, Kwang-chih , The Archaeology of Ancient China, 4th ed. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986), 79Google Scholar.

6 The Holocene megathermal, the warmest menstruum of the past 10,000 years (c. 9000–4000 years ago), was about one.5 degrees warmer, and atmospheric precipitation was about 200 mm higher than at present in Due north Cathay. Vegetation zones shifted northwards past around 200–300 km, so that Eleven'an's climate was similar to that of mod Nanyang, Henan. Common cold-intolerant plants and animals would have moved slightly northwards, including forests moving into areas that had been likewise barren. Only the change was far too minor to have any great effect on which mammals inhabited the Xanthous River Valley. Lu, Hou-Yuan et al. , "Phytoliths as Quantitative Indicators for the Reconstruction of Past Environmental Conditions in Communist china Two: Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction in the Loess Plateau," 4th Science Reviews 26.v–six (2007): 759–72CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Cai, Yanjun et al. , "The Variation of Summer Monsoon Precipitation in Fundamental Red china since the Final Deglaciation," Earth and Planetary Scientific discipline Letters 291.1–4 (2010): 2131CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Zou, Songbing et al. , "Holocene Natural Rhythms of Vegetation and Present Potential Ecology in the Western Chinese Loess Plateau," Quaternary International 194.ane–ii (2009): 5567CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

vii The idea of a "native species" shares the same etymological and intellectual roots equally the thought of "natural," which has a long and circuitous history: Williams, Raymond , "Ideas of Nature," in Civilization and Materialism (London: Verso, 2005), 6785Google Scholar. Here we employ "nature" and "wild" to refer to species and environments non created past or dependent on humans.

8 Crees, Jennifer J. and Turvey, Samuel T. , "What Constitutes a 'Native' Species? Insights from the Fourth Faunal Record," Biological Conservation 186 (2015): 143–48CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Turvey, Samuel T. , ed., Holocene Extinctions (Oxford: Oxford University Printing, 2009)CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

9 The only Old Earth civilizations whose long-lost ecosystems have been studied in any depth are those of Europe and the Mediterranean, due east.g. Kitchell, Kenneth F. , Animals in the Aboriginal Earth from A to Z (New York: Routledge, 2014)Google Scholar; Grove, A.T. and Rackham, Oliver , The Nature of Mediterranean Europe: An Ecological History (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001)Google Scholar; Jashemski, Wilhelmina and Meyer, Frederick , The Natural History of Pompeii (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002)Google Scholar; Bartosiewicz, László , "A Lion's Share of Attending: Archaeozoology and the Historical Record," Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae threescore.ane (2009), 275–89CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Tsahar, Ella et al. , "Distribution and Extinction of Ungulates during the Holocene of the Southern Levant," PLOS ONE iv.4 (2009), e5316CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

10 Sterckx, The Animal and the Daemon in Early on China, esp. 15–44.

11 如小狗也. 水居;食魚. Wang, Ping and Zang, Kehe , Shuowen jiezi xinding 說文解字新丁 (Beijing: Zhonghua, 2002)Google Scholar. For other otter references, come across Major, John S. et al. , trans., The Huainanzi: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Government in Early Han Prc (New York: Columbia Academy Printing, 2010), 182Google Scholar.

12 Major, "Animals and Animal Metaphors in the Huainanzi," 146.

xiii Lyman, R. Lee , Vertebrate Taphonomy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004)Google Scholar; Reed, Charles , "Osteo-Archaeology," in Science in Archaeology, by Eric Higgs and Don Brothwell (New York: Thames and Hudson, 1963), 2014–16Google Scholar.

xiv The utilize, and size, of screen mesh has a significant issue on the types of animal remains uncovered during excavations: Quitmyer, Irvy , "What Kind of Data Are in the Dorsum Dirt? An Experiment on the Influence of Screen Size on Optimal Data Recovery," Archaeofauna 13 (2004), 109–29Google Scholar; Schaffer, Brian and Sanchez, Julia , "Comparison of ⅛″-and ¼″-Mesh Recovery of Controlled Samples of Modest-to-Medium-Sized Mammals," American Antiquity 59 (1994): 525–30CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

15 Grayson, Donald K. , "The Furnishings of Sample Size on Some Derived Measures of Vertebrate Faunal Analysis," Journal of Archaeological Scientific discipline viii (1981): 7788CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Lyman, R. Lee , Quantitative Paleozoology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 196CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

16 For data, see online appendices.

17 Smith, Andrew T. and Xie, Yan , eds., A Guide to the Mammals of Mainland china (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008)Google Scholar.

eighteen Another useful work has been Hutchins, Michael et al. , eds., Grzimek'southward Animal Life Encyclopedia, 2nd ed. (Farmington Hills: Gale Group, 2003)Google Scholar.

19 This section on deer is primarily based on Geist, Valerius , Deer of the Earth: Their Evolution, Behaviour, and Ecology (Mechanicsburg: Stackpole, 1998)Google Scholar; Hutchins, Michael et al. , eds., Grzimek'south Animate being Life Encyclopedia Vol. 15: Mammals 4, 2nd ed. (Farmington Hills: Gale Group, 2003), 335–98Google Scholar.

xx E.g., Riley, John L. , The Once and Future Slap-up Lakes Country: An Ecological History (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2013), fourteenxixGoogle Scholar.

21 The wood musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) now lives simply in high mountains and Siberian musk deer (M. moschiferus) is constitute merely in the far northward of the region. The remains found in the lowlands may belong to either of these, or possibly to an extinct lowland species.

23 The head and pedicles (rounded furry horns from which small antlers grow on males) on some statuary vessels seem to depict a muntjac, while the rest of the fauna contains fantastical elements, like wings. Due east.g., Zhongguo shehuikexueyuan kaogu yanjiusuo, Zhangjiapo Xi Zhou mudi 張家坡西周墓地 (Beijing: Dabaike quanshu, 1999), 161–63Google Scholar; 高功, Gao Gong , "Long xing cheng cang, lu ming zhou ye—Shigushan Xi Zhou mudi chutu qingtongqi shangxi (er) 龍行陳倉,鹿鳴周野—石鼓山西周墓地出土青銅器賞析(二)," Shoucangjie four (2015)Google Scholar.

24 Geist, Deer of the Globe, 84–85.

25 Kroll, Paul Due west. , A Student'south Lexicon of Classical and Medieval Chinese (Leiden: Brill, 2015; Pleco edition)Google Scholar. The same is truthful of Japanese, in which this character is pronounced "sika," hence the English name.

26 Geist, Deer of the World, 90–94.

27 Hutchins et al., Grzimek'due south Animal Life Encyclopedia Vol. 15; Mammals iv, 367.

28 Schafer, Edward H. , "Cultural History of the Elaphure," Sinologia iv (1956): 250–74Google Scholar.

29 Geist, Deer of the Globe, 102.

30 Smith and Xie, Guide to the Mammals of Mainland china, 467; Ohtaishi, Noriyuki and Gao, Yaoting , "A Review of the Distribution of All Species of Deer (Tragulidae, Moschidae and Cervidae) in China," Mammalian Review twenty.ii/3 (1990): 125–44CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

31 112 of 121 sites, about 93%.

32 For a detailed discussion of sus scrofa environmental and the nature of pig domestication, see Albarella, Umberto et al. , eds, Pigs and Humans: 10,000 Years of Interaction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007)Google Scholar.

33 Yunbing, Luo 羅運兵, Zhongguo gudai zhu lei xunhua, siyang yu yishixing shiyong 中國古代豬類馴化飼養與儀式性使用 (Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 2012)Google Scholar.

34 Photographs taken in the early twentieth century reveal that some domesticated pigs nonetheless looked quite wild: Sterling Clark, Robert and de Carle Sowerby, Arthur , Shen-Kan: The Account of the Clark Expedition in North China 1908–9 (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1912), 137Google Scholar.

35 Yuan, Jing and Flad, Rowan K. , "Pig Domestication in Ancient China," Artifact 76.293 (2002): 724–32Google Scholar; Cucchi, Thomas et al. , "Early Neolithic Pig Domestication at Jiahu, Henan Province, People's republic of china: Clues from Molar Shape Analyses Using Geometric Morphometric Approaches," Journal of Archaeological Science 38.i (2011): 11–22CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Wang, Hua et al. , "Morphometric Assay of Sus Remains from Neolithic Sites in the Wei River Valley, China, with Implications for Domestication," International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 25.6 (2015): 877–89CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

36 Barton, Loukas et al. , "Agronomical Origins and the Isotopic Identity of Domestication in Northern Red china," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106.fourteen (2009): 5523–28CrossRefGoogle ScholarPubMed.

37 Wang, Hua et al. , "Pig Domestication and Husbandry Practices in the Middle Neolithic of the Wei River Valley, Northwest China: Evidence from Linear Enamel Hypoplasia," Journal of Archaeological Scientific discipline 39.12 (2012): 3662–70CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Pike-Tay, Anne et al. , "Combining Odontochronology, Tooth Wear Assessment, and Linear Enamel Hypoplasia (LEH) Recording to Appraise Pig Domestication in Neolithic Henan, China," International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26.1 (2014), 6877CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

38 Yuan and Flad, "Hog Domestication in Aboriginal China"; Yuan, Jing , "The Origins and Development of Animal Domestication in China," Journal of Chinese Archaeology 8 (2008): 17Google Scholar; Luo, Zhongguo gudai zhu lei xunhua.

39 Incidentally, another perissodactyl that may have inhabited the region is the tapir, which was found at Anyang, and seems also to exist represented in ancient bronzes. Notwithstanding, Donald Harper argues that the tapir basic excavated at Anyang engagement to the Pleistocene, that the statuary vessels practice not depict tapirs, and that there were no tapirs in Mainland china in historical times. de Chardin, Pierre Teilhard and Young, Chung Chien , On the Mammalian Remains from the Archaeological Site of Anyang (Nanking: Geological Survey of Prc, 1936)Google Scholar; Harper, Donald J. , "The Cultural History of the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Early on People's republic of china," Early China 35 (2013): 186204Google Scholar.

twoscore Linduff, Katheryn Grand. , "A Walk on the Wild Side: Belatedly Shang Appropriation of Horses in China," in Prehistoric Steppe Adaptation and the Horse, ed. Levine, Martha , Renfrew, Colin , and Boyle, Katie (Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Enquiry, 2003), 139–62Google Scholar; Flad, Rowan , Yuan, Jing , and Li, Shuicheng , "Zooarcheological Show for Animal Domestication in Northwest Mainland china," in Late 4th Climate Change and Homo Adaptation in Arid Mainland china, ed. Madsen, David , Chen, Fa-Hu , and Gao, Xing (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007), 194Google Scholar.

41 Huanran, Wen 文煥然, ed., Zhongguo lishi shiqi zhiwu yu dongwu bianqian yanjiu 中國歷史時期植物與動物變遷研究 (Chongqing: Chongqing chubanshe, 1995), 234–47Google Scholar.

42 van Vuure, Cis , Retracing the Aurochs: History, Morphology and Ecology of an Extinct Wild Ox (Sofia: Pensoft, 2005), 213–59Google Scholar.

43 Peng, Lu , Brunson, Katherine , Jing, Yuan and Zhipeng, Li , "Zooarchaeological and Genetic Evidence for the Origins of Domestic Cattle in Aboriginal China," Asian Perspectives (2017): 92120Google Scholar.

44 Aurochs bones have been identified at the Longshan site of Zhoujiazhuang in Shanxi Province dating to 2140–1745 cal BCE. Since the mtDNA haplogroups of both domestic cattle and wild aurochs were identified at that site, we know that both animals lived in the surface area at the time, and may have interbred: Brunson, Katherine et al. , "New Insights into the Origins of Oracle Bone Divination: Aboriginal DNA from Belatedly Neolithic Chinese Bovines," Periodical of Archaeological Science 74 (2016): 3544CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

45 Contempo zooarchaeological studies on water buffalo (Bubalus sp.) remains from China and South Asia have disproven the traditional view that water buffalo were starting time domesticated in Neolithic People's republic of china. The results from several recent genetic studies of modern domesticated buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) are not consequent with each other, placing the original centre of buffalo's domestication in Southern asia, Southeast Asia, or People's republic of china. Dongya Yang and colleagues analyzed Deoxyribonucleic acid from h2o buffalo remains dated to 8000–3600 cal BP from Neolithic sites in Northward Prc. The phylogenetic assay indicated that the ancient h2o buffalos were an extinct species, not the direct ancestor of modern domesticated h2o buffalo. Liu Li 劉莉, Dongya, Yang 楊東亞, and Xingcan, Chen 陳星燦, "Zhongguo jiayang shuiniu qiyuan chutan" 中國家養水牛起源初探, Kaogu xuebao 2 (2006), 141–76Google Scholar; Yang, Dongya et al. , "Wild or Domesticated: Dna Assay of Aboriginal Water Buffalo Remains from North Prc," Journal of Archaeological Science 35:10 (2008): 2778–85CrossRefGoogle ScholarPubMed.

46 Nowak, Ronald M. , Walker's Mammals of the World (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Academy Printing, 1999)Google Scholar.

47 Liu, Li and Chen, Xingcan , The Archaeology of China: From the Late Paleolithic to the Early on Bronze Historic period (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), 108–11CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Hutchins, Michael et al. , eds., Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia Vol. 16: Mammals V, 2nd ed. (Farmington Hills: Gale Grouping, 2003), 2021Google Scholar.

48 Eastward.yard., Fong, Wen , ed., The Peachy Statuary Age of China (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Fine art, 1980), 230Google Scholar.

49 悉率左右,以燕天子.既張我弓, 既挾我矢, 發彼小豝, 殪此大兕. "Ji ri" 吉日, Mao ode # 180. We have changed Karlgren's translation of si 兕 from "rhinoceros" to "buffalo" in accordance with Lefeuvre, Jean A. , "Rhinoceros and Wild Buffaloes North of the Yellow River at the Cease of the Shang Dynasty: Some Remarks on the Graph and the Character 兕," Monumenta Serica 39 (1990): 131–57CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Bishop, Carl W. , "Rhino and Wild Ox in Ancient China," The China Periodical 18.6 (1933): 322–30Google Scholar; Karlgren, Bernhard , The Book of Odes (Stockholm: Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 1950), 124Google Scholar.

50 如野牛而青. Hanyu da zidian 漢語大字典 (Wuhan: Hubei ci shu; Sichuan ci shu, 1986), 270.

51 Two other species of gazelle inhabit similar ecologies, and may have lived in the Guanzhong bowl: Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa, 25–45 kg) and Przewalski's gazelle (Procapra przewalskii, 17–32 kg).

52 Hutchins et al., Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia Vol. xv, 249–57.

53 Orlando, Ludovic et al. , "Ancient Deoxyribonucleic acid Analysis Reveals Woolly Rhino Evolutionary Relationships," Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 28.3 (2003): 485–99CrossRefGoogle ScholarPubMed; Hutchins et al., Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia Vol. 16, 249.

54 Bones identified as rhino or Sumatran rhinoceros were identified at Early and Middle Neolithic Dadiwan (Gansu), Centre Neolithic Guantaoyuan and Zijing (Shaanxi), Center Neolithic Xiawanggang (Henan), Bronze Age Erlitou (Henan), and Bronze Historic period Anyang (Henan).

55 Eastward.g., Bojun, Yang 楊伯峻, Chunqiu Zuo zhuan zhu 春秋左傳注 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1990), 192Google Scholar, 654 (Zhuang xiii, Xuan 3).

56 For a more often than not reliable, if dated, account of the history of elephants in China, encounter Wen, Zhongguo lishi shiqi zhiwu yu dongwu, 185–219.

57 Gansu sheng wenwu kaogu yanjiusuo, Qin'an Dadiwan: xinshiqi shidai yizhi fajue baogao 秦安大地灣: 新石器時代遺址發掘報告 (Beijing: Wenwu, 2006), 873. The northernmost site with articulate prove of wild elephants is Centre Neolithic period Xiawanggang, Henan, which is on the traditional edge betwixt North and South People's republic of china.

58 At that place is some evidence for tamed elephants in the Shang-Zhou period: bowuguan, Hubei Sheng , Li yue Zhongguo: Hubei Sheng bowuguan guancang Shang Zhou qingtongqi tezhan 禮樂中國: 湖北省博物館館藏商周青銅器特展 (Wuhan: Hubei renmin chubanshe, 2014), 132Google Scholar; Fiskesjö, Magnus , "Rising From Blood-Stained Fields: Majestic Hunting and State Germination in Shang China," Message of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 73 (2001): 8698Google Scholar; Knoblock, John and Riegel, Jeffrey , The Annals of Lü Buwei: A Consummate Translation and Study (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000), 5.151Google Scholar.

59 Turvey, Samuel T. et al. , "Holocene Survival of Belatedly Pleistocene Megafauna in Prc: A Critical Review of the Evidence," Quaternary Science Reviews 76 (2013): 160CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Wen, Zhongguo lishi shiqi zhiwu yu dongwu, 210; Elvin, The Retreat of the Elephants, x. Although Wen and Elvin did non know the dates of the elephant tooth, the presence of wooly rhinoceros bones should have fabricated clear that the Holocene engagement in the original publication was unreliable. It should be noted that this does not undermine Elvin's description of elephants disappearing as agronomical civilization spread south.

threescore 人希見生象也,而得死象之骨,案其圖以想其生也,故諸人之所以意想者皆謂之象也. Xianqian, Wang 王先謙, Han Feizi jijie 韓非子集解 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1998), 20.148Google Scholar.

61 Li, Baoguo , Pan, Ruliang , and Oxnard, Charles E. , "Extinction of Snub-Nosed Monkeys in Communist china During the By 400 Years," International Periodical of Primatology 23.6 (2002): 1227–44CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

62 Their remains have been identified at Early on Neolithic Cishan (Hebei), Middle Neolithic Dadiwan and Xishanping (Gansu), Beishouling (Shaanxi), and Huangpo, Xiawanggang, and Xipo (Henan), and late Shang period Huixian Beicun (Shaanxi) and Anyang (Henan).

63 Yongzu, Zhang et al. , "Extinction of Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) in Xinglung, N Mainland china," International Journal of Primatology 10.iv (1989):375–81CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

64 Bielenstein, Hans , "The Demography in China during the Menses 2–742 Advertisement," Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 26 (1947), 125–63Google Scholar.

65 Larger animals take been disproportionately extinguished globally over the Holocene: Turvey, Samuel T. and Fritz, Susanne A. , "The Ghosts of Mammals Past: Biological and Geographical Patterns of Global Mammalian Extinction across the Holocene," Philosophical Transactions of the Regal Club of London B: Biological Sciences 366.1577 (2011): 2564–76CrossRefGoogle ScholarPubMed. This seems to reverberate the fact that information technology is easier for smaller animals to conform to environmental change.

66 The term shu 鼠 was used in early texts to refer to various small-scale rodents.

67 Smith and Xie, Guide to the Mammals of Cathay, 358–63.

68 Menzies, Nicholas , Science and Civilization in China six.3: Forestry, ed. Needham, Joseph (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996)Google Scholar.

69 These include Swinhoe'due south striped squirrel (Tamiops swinhoei), Pallas'south squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus), Eurasian cerise squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) and Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans).

seventy The Daurian pika (Ochotona dauurica) inhabits the dry out region to the northwest of the study region, but has too been establish in the Qinling, where the most mutual species is the Qinling pika (O. syrinx). The taxonomy of these species is still being revised: Lissovsky, Andrey A. , "Taxonomic Revision of Pikas Ochotona (Lagomorpha, Mammalia) at the Species Level," Mammalia 78.2 (2014): 199216CrossRefGoogle Scholar. The identification of pikas at the Neolithic site of Banpo (in 11'an) is probably a fault.

71 E.k., Smith, Andrew T. and Foggin, J. Marc , "The Plateau Pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is a Keystone Species for Biodiversity on the Tibetan Plateau," Fauna Conservation two (1999), 235–40CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

72 Smith and Xie, Guide to the Mammals of Cathay, 298.

73 Asian gray shrew (Crocidura attenuata), Asian lesser white-toothed shrew (Crocidura shantungensis), Chinese mole shrew (Anourosorex squamipes) and De Winton'southward shrew (Chodsigoa hypsibia).

74 Large mole (Mogera robusta) and brusque-faced mole (Scaptochirus moschatus).

75 Yellow throated (Martes flavigula) and perchance beech (M. foina) martens.

76 Steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanii) probably inhabited the region, and ermine (G. erminea) and mountain weasel (M. altaica) were probably found on its northern edges.

77 Major et al., Huainanzi, 582; Ning, He 何寧, ed., Huainanzi jishi 淮南子集釋 (Beijing: Zhonghua, 1998), 15.1046Google Scholar.

78 Legge, James , The Chinese Classics 2: The Works of Mencius (Taibei: SMC Publishing, 1991), 300Google Scholar; Gabriel, Otto et al. , Fish Catching Methods of the World, fourth ed. (Oxford: Blackwell, 2005), 33CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

79 Such equally the big Indian civet (Viverra zibetha) and pocket-sized Indian civet (Viverricula indica).

80 Vigne, Jean-Denis et al. , "Earliest 'Domestic' Cats in China Identified as Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)," PLOS I 11.1 (2016): e0147295CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

81 Almost notably the Asian golden cat (Catapuma temminicki): Smith and Xie, Guide to the Mammals of Cathay, 392.

82 About half-dozen% of sites from this catamenia contained leopard remains and xvi% had tiger remains.

83 Jacobson, Andrew P. et al. , "Leopard (Panthera pardus) Status, Distribution, and the Enquiry Efforts across its Range," PeerJ 4 (2016): e1974CrossRefGoogle ScholarPubMed.

84 Smith and Xie, A Guide to the Mammals of Cathay, 402.

85 Dan, Yu 于丹, "Tang xian Nanfangshui yizhi chutu dongwu yicun jianding baogao" 唐縣南放水遺址出土動物遺存監定報告," in Tang xian Nanfangshui 唐縣南放水, ed. beidiao, Nanshui zhongxian qianxian gongcheng jianshe guanliju and Hubei sheng wenwuju (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 2011), 197231Google Scholar.

86 Smith and Xie, Guide to the Mammals of China, 416–21.

87 Dhole accept been institute at Early Neolithic Dadiwan (Gansu), Middle Neolithic Gongjiawan, Jiangzhai, and Wuzhuangguoliang (Shaanxi), Late Neolithic Kangjia and Longgangcun (Shaanxi), and Shang/Zhou period Zhenjiangying (Beijing)

88 Schafer, Edward H. , "Brief Note: The Chinese Dhole," Asia Major iv.1 (1991): one6Google Scholar.

89 Thalmann, O. et al. , "Complete Mitochondrial Genomes of Ancient Canids Propose a European Origin of Domestic Dogs," Science 342.6160 (2013): 871–74CrossRefGoogle ScholarPubMed; Larson, G. and Bradley, D.M. , "How Much Is That in Dog Years? The Advent of Canine Population Genomics," PLoS Genetics ten.1 (2014): e1004093CrossRefGoogle ScholarPubMed.

90 Zeder, Melinda A. , "Pathways to Brute Domestication," in Biodiversity in Agriculture: Domestication, Evolution, and Sustainability, ed. Gepts, Paul et al. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), 227–59CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Coppinger, Raymond and Coppinger, Laura , Dogs: A Startling New Understanding of Canine Origin, Beliefs & Evolution (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2001)Google Scholar.

91 As in North America, where they once lived as far s as Mexico.

92 On pandas in Chinese civilisation, run into Harper, "The Cultural History of the Giant Panda."

93 Trautmann, Thomas R. , Elephants and Kings: An Ecology History (Chicago: University of Chicago Printing, 2015)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Brian Lander, "Ecology Change and the Ascent of the Qin Empire: A Political Ecology of Ancient North China" (PhD diss., Columbia University, 2015).

94 荊有雲夢,犀兕麋鹿滿之,江漢之魚鼈鼂鼉為天下富;宋所為(謂)無雉兔狐狸者也. Johnston, Ian , The Mozi: A Complete Translation (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010), 727Google Scholar; Encounter also Qian, Sima 司馬遷, Shi ji 史記 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1959), 129.3266Google Scholar; Watson, Burton , Records of the G Historian: Han Dynasty Vol. two (Hong Kong: Renditions-Columbia Academy Printing, 1993), 444Google Scholar.

95 Ho, Ping-ti , Studies on the Population of China, 1368–1953. (Cambridge: Harvard Academy Press, 1959), 183–92CrossRefGoogle Scholar.

96 南海則有羽翮, 齒革, 曾青, 丹干焉, 然而中國得而財之…虎豹為猛矣然君子剥而用之. Xianqian, Wang 王先謙, Xunzi jijie 荀子集解 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1988), 9.161Google Scholar; Knoblock, John , Xunzi: A Translation and Written report of the Consummate Works (Stanford: Stanford University Printing, 1988)Google Scholar, vol. 2, 142.

97 Wen, Zhongguo lishi shiqi zhiwu yu dongwu.

98 Cervus hortulorum in many excavation reports.


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